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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10739384 No.10739384 [Reply] [Original]

Ambrosos wants to represent external data (food) on the blockchain.

Walton wants to represent external data (RFID tags) on the blockchain.

Ripple wants to represent external data (financial transactions) on the blockchain.

These use cases are ENTIRELY contained within ChainLink.

ChainLink is the skeleton key that makes all these projects obsolete. It gives every company the building blocks to use oracles that represent ANY data, not just single use cases like food/RFID/financial transactions, however they want.

>> No.10739402
File: 229 KB, 968x1302, 54F3ED3F-91C7-4F71-A2DE-174851FDD963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted about this a while back. I think there may be a tiny bit of coexistence, but skeleton key sounds accurate.

>> No.10739404

You got it champ!

>> No.10739409

yeah we know dog trumps got his eye on link at this very point in time

$2500 EOY

>> No.10739427

the left wants gun control and 3rd world trash immigrating to America because they want to eliminate conservatives, farmers, miners, and manufacturers.

The very people who built this country with their hands.

If it wasn't for them you wouldn't have a civilization where you could trade your shitcoins on some gook platform. Because there wouldn't be things like electricity.

>> No.10739448

Picks and shovels my friends
Picks and shovels

>> No.10739451

That's why Chainlink needs to succeed. The scales of power need to be tipped in the other direction by creating a new elite of biz neets. If Chainlink dies, the white race dies too

>> No.10739504

>Attempting to solve a fundamental problem within the blockchain
space will reap great rewards for the company with the solution
and we believe SmartContract’s ChainLink has a strong chance of
succeeding. With an experienced team and an already established
partnership with a global provider, we take the view that ChainLink has the ability to significantly drive the adoption of blockchain
technology to off-chain businesses in the outside world. We recommend LINK as a Strong Buy for both long/short term investors.

>> No.10739517

Sergey Nazarov, Co-founder
and CEO, smartcontract.com says,
“Now is a good
time to get your existing infrastructure ready to interact
with smart contract based securities. The scenario a
large organization doesn’t want to be in is having to
quickly modernize its entire fi nancial infrastructure in
order to keep up with the rapid adoption of a smart
bond, or smart contract derivative as a preferred
security by a large part of their clients"

>> No.10739565

Nice bedtime story, not sure who is feeling better, me or Anon in other thread that smoked pot for the first time today.

>> No.10739651

Where is this from?
$2500 EOY

>> No.10739669


>> No.10740088
File: 16 KB, 923x713, 1533699008449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NWO commencing

>> No.10740160

>If Chainlink dies, the white race dies too
How? Weallthy people have less kids.

>> No.10740190

>If Chainlink dies, the white race dies too