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10738153 No.10738153 [Reply] [Original]

I've read the book. Why can't I find an idea to become Millionaire?

>> No.10738214

thats the hardest part

>> No.10738340

It's too hard. I'm an iqlet how am I expected to make it. Crypto/lottery is my only salvation

>> No.10738601

Excellent book. Built my passive income business after reading it along with 4HWW. Basically my bibles. I'm 30 and have never held a job. I highly recommend reading "Anything You Want". Very short an concise book.

>> No.10738606

Thanks, I’m reading mj’s Second book currently

>> No.10738624

What is 4HWW? Thanks for the recommendation my man.

>> No.10738635

4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris.

>> No.10738700

How is it? Read the first one an was thinking of buying

>> No.10738711

Now you need to write your own book. That's how you become a millionaire

>> No.10738733
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>t. books are a scam

>> No.10738739

Um, not sure yet to be honest. Same kind of humour. Not really far in.

>> No.10738746

Literally the opposite of what I said

>> No.10738747

This book is pretty shit.

>> No.10738752

They're easily piratable. You won't get rich that way

>> No.10738772

Built my whole business around it, so you might be too wage cucked to be able to internalize the info in it desu. I literally don't work at all and live entirely off passive income, feels good man. Anyway, for the smarter people itt it's definitely worth reading, then Anything You Want and then finally MJ Demarco's book.

>> No.10738828

He jerks off his life just like you do. Fitting match. Nobody cares. MJ, at least gives perspectives from both lifestyles and various justifications for his actions. 4 hour work week is click bait for office drones that read it and dream. Congrats if you are successful, doesn’t justify 4HWW being dog shit

>> No.10738845

Literally never going to make it. Cheers faggot.

>> No.10738852

I will still read it just in case anyway.

>> No.10738882

I'll give you a couple of my million dollar ideas from my notebook. For free, because I already had a better one that is working out, lol. Anyway, first one isn't that great, but an app like Block folio that interfaces with exchange APIs and each holding you have has a "Lock price" button that will sell to tether for you. Then the button will say "Rebuy". There's shit like slippage if your position is large that you would have to worry about, but hey, it's an idea. One I would use if it already existed even. Anyway, I'll throw a few more later that are better if this thread is still up. Feel free to shit on the idea I already presented, I actually thought of it from you anons talking about "locking in" Bitcoin price on your Ledger, lol

>> No.10738936

These are my favorites as well. I will read your recommendation. Got any more?

>> No.10738982

>let's centralize all of our exchange API keys into one mobile app. Seems like a solid way to steal crypto

>> No.10739006

>has money, thinks he’s better and smarter than everyone
Work on your confidence idiot. Read some other books

>> No.10739026

Not really. I’m an extreme minimalist and am really selective about what I read/recommend to others as it’s easy for people to get overwhelmed. But if I had to recommend any others I would recommend The Power of Habit and Dale Carnegie’s How to Stop Worrying, arguably his best book imo.

>> No.10739033

How to be a 3% man, is great for relationships/dating. Author is cringey but message is clear.

>> No.10739103

is that a book on game? not interested just want assets and freedom from wagecucking.

>> No.10739136

power of habit is a fascinating read

>> No.10739158

Well there's your problem. His name sounds like he is a failed dj in a club who survives on the 30 or so losers that go there regularly.

>> No.10739170

Just a friendly reminder /biz/
You could always be this guy >>10739158

>> No.10739190

Joke's on you. I base my happyness on being the retard. Now who leads the good life, anon?

>> No.10739208

Lots of bitter souls ITT. Don't worry frens just focus your energy on making it.

>> No.10739405

>if vidya and Netflix is the good life
All the power to you fren.

>> No.10739604
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Great post here, fren.

>> No.10739670

Just look at up and coming internet companies in China/India and copy their ideas.

Facebook messenger is a copy of WeChat, Baidu is a copy of Google, JD/Tmall is a copy of Amazon, Tabao is a copy of eBay, Lyft is a copy of Uber, etc..

Just literally find another country with a successful app/service/website and copy their features/platforms. Find good lawyers, and make sure everything is done legally. You can become a billionaire even. It's all about execution these days, but you can still become a millionaire with poor execution. All you have to do in convince VCs & other investors that you will succeed.

>> No.10739690

Imagine being this much of a wage cuck slave.

>> No.10739779

must be very a satisfying life for you to come post about it friday night on a tanganese insect collector forum

>> No.10739910

He said he build his whole business around it. Not that he made it

>> No.10739946


Curious how you were able to build up passive income without ever having actual income. Plz explain

>> No.10740078

I’ve been online building websites and passive income since I was about 15/16, so it kind of snow balled.

Enjoy your weekend. Kek.

>> No.10740211


Why not have a career on top of collecting passive income though?

>> No.10740227

there's nothing insightful about 4 hour workweek. the entire book is essentially "outsource your job to pajeets, make money being a sociopathic middleman". anyone with an iq over 110 know this is a possible path, they just don't take it because they're not sociopaths. it's highly ironical you address "smarter" people as you have to be a dumb fuck to find advice in this. it's a guide handholding you to become a parasite

>> No.10740251

Do you want to make it or stay poor

>> No.10740263

"Passive income business"
>Mining bitcoin

>> No.10740293

Sure thing Cletus.

Apps and ecommerce.

Why would I want to do this?

>> No.10740340

what do you use to make apps?

>> No.10740345

i made it several times over bringing real value to people by cutting parasites out of the chain of production. latest biz was squeezing out faggots repackaging an english accounting solution to local businesses, with a better product and actual care for the client
"making it" through making the world worse is for suckers, there's endless opportunities to build upon what exists; and rather than you chasing the next con, it's your clients who end up bringing you new deals
from what i know about it this is what the book in OP is about, so maybe read that instead

>> No.10740355


Well, before I became relatively wealthy myself I was learning a skilled trade. I now no longer need to work, but I can't really imagine not using all my free time productively. Instead of sitting home jerking off I'm generating more income and building another skill set that in the future i can leverage into even more income. Am I not doing it right?

>> No.10740364

I hire developers. Have 4 working for me currently.

>> No.10740373

What makes you think I’m doing nothing in my free time? Top kek. I lift, learn new things, cook, write, etc. and am always thinking of new ways to build my business.

>> No.10740383

where can you find them? average rates?

>> No.10740393


>I lift, learn new things, cook, write, etc

So basically sitting around jerking off lol

>> No.10740411

18, just quit my job at family business. Hoping to learn html so I can start making websites and generating income. Want to start working out and doing some self improvement type stuff, so baby steps. Dont want to be a neet lard, but also dont want to spend 8 hours a day at a job I hate. Have 10k in the bank to work with. Any tips for a beginner on a common life path?

>> No.10740450

I got an idea that could potentially be worth a lot

>> No.10740519

Holy shit, I was thinking about this just earlier! Was thinking that we need some sort of app or exchange button that let's you liquidate all your holdings right into USDT. Great idea, mate. I'm sure a lot of people have thought about this, too. I think you could easily set up a bot to do that or something. Maybe it even already exists.

>> No.10740554

how u make mony tho

>> No.10740702

Literally any freelance site. Only hire Russians and Ukranians. No Indians or Asians.

Read the books I mentioned, come up with some ideas you want to test and get started.

>> No.10740740

How do you make sure they don't steal your idea? Do you have them code separate segments?

>> No.10740756

No. I just don’t care if they do. I’m 50 apps deep and it has never happened. One guy threatened to steal a completed app once after I left him bad feedback, I told him to go for it, he didn’t do shit. People are lazy as fuck even when they already have it sitting in their laps. Kek.

>> No.10740779

Read that book too. My nigga Coach Corey Wayne

>> No.10740788

read Dostoevsky, OP

>> No.10740803

Not with that attitude. Actually books are a means of building credibility for your get rich quick scheme franchises. Real Estate workshops. Self Help seminars and shit.

>> No.10740809

Awesome. I have an idea written down on paper. Trying to make a game that is intricate in player interaction. I have a family relative that is a beginner artist, but her art is really unique. Do you think 10% profits up to a maximum of 100k is fair? Or too much? This is somebody who works minimum wage jobs.

Also I dont want some russians stealing my shit, Do you think I should code it in parts? Like have one guy develop map design, another character.. etc to protect myself?

>> No.10740833

1. Don’t make games; too expensive and too competitive.
2. Money and blood don’t mix. Find yourself in serious shit.
3. No one wants to steal your shit. Get an NDA if you want I guess, pointless though desu.

>> No.10740853
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Isn't it ironic MJ rips on Robert Kiyosaki for this, yet MJ wrote Millionaire Fastlane while not even owning a 7 figure home. Of course, MJ now has the million dollar home which he bought a few
years after his book was out.
>He jerks off his life just like you do.
His fake life that he's changed numbers to over the years.

>> No.10740877

I agree with your number 1. However I see a huge potential to capitalize on, that its at least worth to try. Theres basically two type's of games dominating the market one is minimalist stupid indie shit, two is big companies absolutely killing games with microsales.

Anyways that's just for one idea, I have other potential app ideas that arent games. Just wondering how you did yours. Thanks man.

>> No.10740893

>No one wants to steal your shit.
That's what "get rich quick" authors put in their books so they can steal your idea.

>> No.10740962

Thank you, just knowing that there are creative people out there who aren't zombies really inspires me. See you on the other side brother.

>> No.10741147

I have an idea, but it involves mechanical engineering, it's not very complex. But I know this idea is possible and it's something truly new.

Can I approach an angel investor with an initial pitch even tough I haven't a prototype? I'm a industrial design student I only have design so far, should probably study mech engineering on weekends.

>> No.10741184


Ideas are easy. Just keep a log of them and think about it during the day. The hard part is in actually executing that idea—getting it out there and doing all the boring shit to get it off the ground and keep it running. Literally anything can be largely automated and sold via existing channels on the internet. Don’t focus on coming up with an idea for the next Google or Amazon. It’s too much pressure. Just focus on an idea for a niche you know about that has some potential. Lots of very profitable businesses (including DeMarcos) are built on boring ideas.

>> No.10741235

>Don’t make games; too expensive and too competitive.

Everything is competitive.

>> No.10741694

"Think and grow rich" teaches you about the "creativness" part. Like where ideas come from etc. Of course you can argue like a brainlet "but its not proven bla bla bla" well yea nothing in our minds is proven, but there are many examples of how inventors got ideas etc. It certainly helped me not only getting ideas, but THINKING bigger about the ideas. At first it might seem like it's not a good idea, but when you try to think bigger, it might actually turn out to be a really good one.

Atm I'm learning about actually setting up the startup, investors etc.

>> No.10741721

I recently had a once in a lifetime idea for a product and business that could take me out of the rat race. Im working with a few companies to prototype my product and then take to manufacture but its all going to come down to execution.

I've seen dog shit tier products that have made millions because of excellent execution.

Anybody recommend any books on the whole 'execution' part of business?

>> No.10741775

>Anybody recommend any books on the whole 'execution' part of business?
If only...

>> No.10742243
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learn how to day trade instead of "le ebin hodl meme"

just made 6 percent come at me bruh

>> No.10742394

How much do you usually pay your coders? I got a bit of money saved up from my wageslave job, but I'm afraid of wasting more than I already have on bullshit.

>> No.10742407

if you have to resort to day trading, you've already lost. get in early or don't bother at all. being a late adopter hunting for scraps is a miserable existence.

>> No.10742414

Write self help book promising millions to the gullible readers.
They won't get rich, but at least you will

>> No.10743078
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Here's a few more from the notebook...

>> No.10743127
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I think someone already did this one, but it could be improved

>> No.10743140

IR to battle, dude....
bluetooth / wifi + a blockchain which tracks every single action ever done

>> No.10743148
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You have to be a Computer scientist or at least electrical engineer for this one

>> No.10743167

>Why can't I find an idea to become Millionaire?
You can't. You have to wage cuck for 5 years, save as much as possible, invest as much as possible then once you're done you can retire in some third world country banging for years.

>> No.10743217

ITT digital nomad wannabes whose only way to create wealth is to sell the dream to more digital nomad wannabes

It’s shysters all the way down the pyramid

>> No.10743237

Wow you're so special, everyone and their aunt has a million dollar idea...

>> No.10743402
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holy shit hahahhaha

fucking COPE dude.. just cause youre a pussy doesnt mean other people aren't

i can make money going up down and SIDEWAYS hahahaha that means i bank all of the volatility

imagine having your attitude when you could buy a bitcoin for 1k and then sell it for 20k LOL... haha sore loser 4 sure


and it's a fucking game dude.. games are fun

inb4 reddit spacing




>> No.10743594


By the project. Go get an estimate.

>> No.10743718

Actually a good value-add, great idea!

>> No.10743727

this shit exists

>> No.10743760


wtf. can u approach an angel investor? what does that even mean?

like youre going to the golf courses and asking old men wearing expensive watches to fund ur bullshit?

>> No.10743767

>discover idea
>go to angel investor who demands 90% of your IP and kicks you out of company after 3 years of gruelling work

Such a meme

>> No.10743819

Can you give a rough breakdown of these app economics? How much per project roughly, how much for marketing it, how do you monetize? Do you do any of these processes yourself?

>> No.10743828

>Going to see a business angel in the first place
It's like asking to get fucked by the %1

>> No.10743842

>Passive income
works until google apps etc decide to change algorithm and fuck up your ranked apps

i make passive income from 10+ million youtube videos and i pray everyday te algorithm doesn't stop recommending them forever

>> No.10743860

Or just an electrical hobbyist... Being an Engineer/ Scientist is certainly not necessary to replicate these basic electronic item ideas.

>> No.10743881

Apps I make are between $1k-$6k each, if they do well they pay for themselves in a quarter or two and continue on with zero marketing. All organic.

>> No.10743911


Platform risk. Happened to me too back when SEO actually worked and destroyed my project.

>> No.10743921

Not exactly. There's a bunch of closed-source shit that doesn't interconnect, you're locked into whatever ecosystem you start with. There's OpenHab on RPi, but it's a pain in the dick to set up, and I still haven't got a few of the things running that it says it can do. No normie is doing that. I want to make it friendly, but also make a community that could help provide support and maybe share files if they can get some device working.
Yeah, most of the hard part is coding, that's the only reason I said that. The electronics are decently simple

>> No.10743926

Also this is why I'm doing only dapp dev from now on.

>> No.10743937

>buys the dip
>drops 25 more %
How do you deal with that? That where some coins last week

>> No.10743962

I’m not an Android cuck, I learned not to work with Google back around the first google panda update.

>> No.10743986


>> No.10743987

t. 4 figure robinhood account

>> No.10744026

What kind of apps if you mind me asking?
Also are they paid or do you make the money from advertising? Android or iOS?


>> No.10744031

>10 million youtube videos
Yeah lets see some proof of that extremely strange LARP.

>> No.10744173
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I didn't like Unscripted as much as TMFL because I felt it was too informal for my taste, though it has some very useful tips at the end on how to increase and preserve your wealth once you've made it.
Still worth more than any book that sells you the compound interest meme and most other mainstram advice as the path to riches.

>> No.10744266

imagine being this much of a LARPer on a vietnamese soup recipe sharing imageboard

>> No.10744327

drop a burner email or something. I use to work as an integrator for lutron and some commercial systems. Now I do programming involving mixed protocols. Maybe we can build something. Dont have exp with residential systems aside from hue which i think will win the market.

>> No.10744719

Yeah of course, when I need inspiration I read about the Juicero story.
Only difference is my idea isn't retarded, it's a big tweak from an already proven machine.

>> No.10745011

iOS b2b.

Imagine the idea of success being so foreign to you it’s completely impossible to believe. Top kek. Can’t imagine.

>> No.10745464

No I mean, 10 million+ view yt videos, not 10 million uploaded videos lmao


anything but bitcoin in crypto is a meme

there are higher chances that my ranked yt videos continue giving me good revenue monthly for the rest of my life than any of these shitcoins getting any traction

>> No.10745642

Bumping for the 3 or 4 smart anons in this thread.

>> No.10745708


>Where are all the 65 year old retired multi millionaires?

Most people don't even try to invest and spend their lives buying things on credit and making minimum payments until they can buy the next big thing on credit. Normal adult life:

>Take out a loan to pay for college so you can get a job to pay for the loan
>Take out another loan for a car so you can drive to work and pay for the loan
>Pay both off slowly
>Spend $10,000 on a wedding because that's what you're supposed to do
>Take out a loan to buy a house
>Put a pool in the backyard using a home equity loan because all your neighbors have a pool
>Buy an SUV on credit because you need a huge vehicle to transport your 60-pound child
>Buy a boat for some reason
>Eat at restaurants 3 times a week throughout all of this
>Turn 65
>Where is all my money? Wall Street is a scam ;_;

>> No.10745778

how much does it cost to hire some ukranian to code your app, desu? approx

>> No.10745797

$1-$6k. If you want to make a game you will likely spend 2-3x that at minimum to make a half decent game that would have any shot at success and it will likely still fail even with aggressive marketing.

>> No.10745866

ok so building the app can be 1-5k approx. what's your advertising budget?

>> No.10745950


>> No.10746482

Last bump.

>> No.10746535


>> No.10746702

The book has some good parts. Some stuff can be used since I'm a student. I didn't really like the context-less thinking of the author. Other than that though, worth a read.

>> No.10747039

>"Think and grow rich" teaches you about the "creativness" part. Like where ideas come from etc.

Very good suggestion. As a followup I want to recommend Napoleon Hill's "The Law of Success".

It's helped me out a lot in regards to being more enthusiastic, being focused on providing value, and being more in control of myself

>> No.10747134

People have been running businesses for ages. How are those two books adding value rather than reiterating what everyone knows (even if they don't act upon it)?

>> No.10747150

>le eternal reddit skepticism

>> No.10747192


>> No.10747376
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>> No.10747516


I only have the OpenHab setup with a few different devices. Also, this is my ideas that Idk if are the best, lol. I think it would work, might need one more guy though. I'm an electrical engineer, did PLCs for a while, now I'm repairing laser cutters in the field for decent money. I can get the ones and zeroes cranking on shit in RL. But we might need a front-end/GUI/webdev

>> No.10748284

it's not following through is much harder

>> No.10748954

You can write self help books, tell people to clean their rooms and sell personality tests.

>> No.10749111
File: 269 KB, 608x504, 1521721485258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok faggots million dollars idea here. And its free, just 4U

Decentralized, blockchain based, private, untraceable revenge porn app. Its indexed by name, city, country, age. You can upload and search the images by name, city, nickname, etc.

It should use a storage system like SIAcoin. But it obviously must be UNTRACEABLE and PRIVATE, just like obsidian apps. Once you upload it its there forever in the blockchain.

The government, the toths can do nothing but cry about it.

Regarding monetization you could create a token and use incentives to upload, host or distribute it. I doubt anyone would want ads in this service, so ad patronage is out of the question. Same with direct donations. Too dangerous.

We live in the era of blockchain and FUCK YOUR SHIT. What Im talking about here is 100% possible, and will 100% make you rich because it would be an instant success. Go get your yacht tiger

>> No.10749851

And how exactly would this gain traction? With all the legal risks involved

>> No.10751014

Really? how a place with all the leaked porn in the universe indexed by name and city would get traction?

It would literally be in the news for months. No man would resist to check if his wife, the slutty neighbour, his childhood crush is there. I mean, its literally impossible not to check the fucking list with every female you know irl.

>> No.10751723

I’m very interested in your idea.
Could you enlighten me a little more?