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10736991 No.10736991 [Reply] [Original]

What did you think during late December and early January? I remember New Years Eve in particular.

>comfy party at friend's apartment
>around 19pm
>just casually drinking and kinda preparing for the night, getting in the mood
>2 buddies cook a dinner
>i'm on the sofa on the phone, browsing biz and checking blockfolio
>out of nowhere, literally every 5 minutes +10% gains on REQ
>feeling like I will make it before EOY, thinking all the EOY memes were true
>doesn't slow down, I focus on fun and fireworks for the rest of the night though
>wake up, 3x portfolio

During these 1-2 months I felt like I had a golden intuition, like I could "feel" good/promising projects and could avoid vaporwave shit and scams. I really thought I might be a Warren Buffet kinda guy. Kek, I learned so much about myself this time. I lost quite some money but I think it was worth it, I now know how irrational you can get. This is probably how teen popstars feel, no wonder they go crazy on drugs at the age of 14.

>> No.10737004

same feelings here bro

>> No.10737005

>this isn't natural
>it's going to crash
>i've seen this before
>i'll wait for the first dip and sell on the rebound
Sold january 5th

>> No.10737007

Same here, I still remember the NY party when I was tripping on ecstasy, then pull out blockfolio, see that I am up $2k in a couple of hours, go total diveroli mode. Those were the times

>> No.10737021

Same exact feeling. Saw my bags shoot up into the sky and fell asleep feeling blessed.

>> No.10737024

I felt like I had acquired the Midas touch. Just walking around my property with my pa and showing off my folio had him completely gobsmacked.

He still believes we’ll make it, and so do I.

>> No.10737025

How old are you? Cause I'm 20 and I didn't know anything about macro finance and stuff. So to me it felt like a miracle and I saw no reason for it slowing down. In hignsight I think if a bubble of this magnitude occurs, where my holdings do a 90 degree upturn, I think I will be better prepared.

>> No.10737032

30yo boomer here

>> No.10737036

lmao you s a g e d me
the next bubble is ours...

>> No.10737038

the best way to learn is to get hurt, very similar story here OP. lost money but learnt a lot

>> No.10737043

nice, I am already acquiring boomer wisdom, will have to grow as a zoomer

>> No.10737064

good luck bro

>> No.10737071

I am glad it happened with what others would call pocket money in my early twenties. I don't know what I would've done if I actually had money... I might've lost it all.
Also, I really thought the guys who said "diversify", "don't invest money you can't afford to lose", etc... I was so keen on pumping money into it all the time... Right now I am really happy with my average actually, couldve been way worse (I came in at 13k btc). I only held shitcoins and am now roughly at -35% but I'm linkpilled so comfy.

>> No.10737111
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>thinking 7K is something amazing
Well you're close but so far away.

>> No.10737124

>I'm linkpilled

Still so much to learn.

>> No.10737125

from 10k to 200k in 1 month?

>> No.10737126


will crash but will it be 100k to 20k, 40 - 15

then if i miss the buy i.....i am fuked.

so withfrew a bit a 7K and a bit at 17K.

the rest i left.

>> No.10737148


>> No.10737160

checked and also, when was that? did you gamble on a 100x short or something?
yeah, learning not to sell before 1k eoyy ayyooo

>> No.10737165

Smartest shit I read on /biz/

>> No.10737166


>> No.10737170

P3D and Fomo3D. I told /biz/ about it.

>> No.10737196


>> No.10737301

> same here
> thinking wtf is this I'm going to make it on memecoins
> then deluding myself about BTC futures
> everything pointed to a dump, trying to foolishly convince myself juice will let us win for some unknown reason
> watching charts on futures open
> bleeding full month from every orifice before selling 75% of portfolio
> the rest drops 95%

those 2 months of dopamine surge and feeling of making were worth it though

>> No.10737489
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Between Christmas and new year's eve I was staying up all night contemplating whether I should apply the changes I thought up to my portfolio, only to wake up with deep regret every morning for losing out on easy profit from undertaking seemingly obvious actions due to my indecision.

Yes, I was full-time pink wojaking in the midst of the golden bullrun for missing out on that extra 20% gain by not converting my XRP to XLM on the evening when all information pointed at the fact I should do it, or for not selling all my cripple when I knew the price was ridiculous, unsustainable and probably based on assumptions I knew were false. I had somehow become emotionally incapable of executing any new trades after my mother (I was still in high school) had threatened me to sell the previous dip and the profit I missed because of that was rapidly growing into the thousands.

Having money didn't even make me feel much better. I only felt great rushes of hapiness when making profit, unless I was underperforming another option I had considered.

I hodled everything all the way down and I'm still far in the green, but I realised I will never find happiness in money made by any form of wagecucking. It is true profit, one that outperforms my active involvement, that I long for. And so, a megajew was born.

>> No.10737561

kek, well said. not obsessed as you but that post also applies in its essence.

>> No.10737739

I felt like a fucking god. I had bought in the first time in 2013 and right after it fucking tanked and then finally in 2017 I was going to get another chance. Finally it was my turn. Finally I was going to make it.

I sold some at New Years Eve because I knew that the good times wont last forever. Unfortunately I managed to fuck it up once again by 1)falling for the tax is theft meme. 2)falling for the tether fud

Ultimately I rekt myself and lost over 25% of my portfolio trying to minimize tax burden on trading, and I also lost 8 months of my life trying to set it up. The worst thing is I didn't even succeed and will still need to pay the taxes.

In conclusion I only netted less than 50% of what I earned. Thank god it still puts me in the top 1% for my age group in my shithole socialist cuck country

Thanks for reading my diary

>> No.10737797

If I ever get that feeling again like it’s too good to be true. I’m selling on the way up.

>> No.10737802

checked. How about you cash that out before you get rekt like OP

>> No.10737825

I was about to dump my GF and fly to Thailand... but then I didn't sell. Now I'm in debt and working at mcdonalds

>> No.10737864

Word of caution. If btc really makes another leg upwards a lot of people scared by this last crash will sell maybe too early this time. We tell ourselves we have now learnt our lesson but there is always another lesson to be learned....might be a different one next time. The pain might be selling and watching everyhting do a moon shoot without you.

>> No.10737894

>Reminiscing about the past

Capitulation stage achieved.

>> No.10737905

Be me.

>From 5k to 100k since October to January chasing pumps and dumps, 16 hours day
> Now 10k
> All my time wasted since January checking my money in blockfolio and chasing bad pumps.

Now is the time to loss my last 10k with a 50x short in Bitmex.

>> No.10737925

goodbye friend

>> No.10737954

still together with your gf?
still good for you!
This is what I am thinking too... well, probably just watching the markets and cost averaging in or out depending on bull or bear

>> No.10738041


Probably I will invest in GPU and servers to mine x0BTC and NIMIQ, I have almost free power.

>> No.10738047

I started with 50€ in August last year. Made it to 7k€ in December, and now I am at fucking 800€...

It felt great to see all these gains and green bars.... and I shouldve cashed out at least a couple thousand, but I never thought it would come to this...

W-will I ever reach 7k again? I hope, I can only hold now and wait for it to go up again. Of course I am holding REQ and LINK, also ZIL and AMB.

>> No.10738141

sorry to hear that anon
really sucks after putting in so much time

Yeah you are right. The whole thing just fucked with my head

>> No.10738167

Went from $10k to like $300k, now at like $15k, its mixed, still up 50% but knowing I could have more is frustrating

>> No.10738661

it was scary I was ok with 7k btc I didn't need 20k, made it hard to predict the top

>> No.10738806

Last year went from 10k to 330k. Now at like 17k. Felt like a financial genius god. Brimming with confidence. I mistakingly showed people my blockfolio. Never do that. My parents told me to sell but I ignored them because I thought I could get to a million.

Still have my stack. Been brutal watching it drop 95%. You learn some things man, I’ll tell you that.

>> No.10738825

It made me humble and learned me a shit ton on the emotional aspects of investing.

>> No.10738826

I woke up on Nov 30, had a bad feeling about my gravely I'll mother in the nursing home. Checked the charts, saw that bitcoin was starting to go vertical signifying the manic topping phase of a bubble market. Didn't want to deal with so much stress so sold my bitcoin for a handsome profit. Went to the nursing home to witness my mum die right before my eyes. Its not like in the movies guys.

>> No.10739355

pretty much identical here, $8k up to about $270k and now at $13k

sucks, I was so tempted to sell everything when my portfolio hit $250k, I distinctly remember thinking that even after paying taxes I would have enough to put a decent downpayment on a house and upgrade my education. Literally would have changed my life.

Instead i'm still renting, wagecucking, and have the $13k tied up in shitcoins, probably never get a chance like that again.

>> No.10739379


Yea lol, plenty people thinking they're suddenly crypto/investment experts(youtube suddenly full of these after the bullrun, cringy af) when really all they did was get lucky. It's literally like someone who won the lottery suddenly started giving advice on how to get rich lol.

>> No.10739381
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>> No.10739635

Dont lost hope just buy BTC, LTC or BCH and wait next bull run (maybe en 2020 in the next BTC halvening).

>> No.10739637

I was speccing out a gt3. Seems like I fell into the same euphoria trap that many others did. It was awesome though.

>> No.10739675

Thanks man.
When does this empty feeling go away, its been nearly a year now. I'm not the same person anymore, I have lost some enthusiasm for life. When can I get back to normal, anyone have experience losing a close family member? Does it get better?

>> No.10739676

This...thing is i have seen a lot of people saying this including myself. It makes me think the market is going to not be as wild, it will make it harder to climb if ppl arent being greedy little piggies. But in the end aren't we all greedy piglets? By the time things are going up again i will be so engorged in the gainz and not sell. Last bullrun i found myself buying $500 worth of bullshit like virtual items for a gsme not released yet for the blockchain. Complete autisim. Pumping 3k into dbc and watching it hit 40k.

>> No.10739684

Life is life dude. It has to get better

>> No.10739767

Thanks, that's what I'm hoping, the memories will fade and I move on from this. Lots of other people have dealt with loss and they seem normal. I just have to stop being a huge faggot.

>> No.10740403

pretty much how i felt
...in august 2017
i wish i could shave off 20 iq points so i hit that right spot of being right above normie sentiment like you guys, being overly rational hurts you with crypto