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10732848 No.10732848 [Reply] [Original]

How does Buffet determines the real value of a company? He doesn't have any more info about it than what's publicly available.

>> No.10732933

He watches earnings reports very carefully.

>> No.10733099

That shack would be 50k where I live at most

>> No.10733121

20-30 years of slavery to own this tiny wooden structure on some land

>> No.10733131

There's just too many people man. And they all want a wodden structure and some land

>> No.10733133

Yes, a world famous billionaire who had a life long career in finance and who personally knows every important banker, CEO and fund manager has access only to the information that you can find on the Internet.

>> No.10733143


>> No.10733169

Common sense that comes so naturally to him, that I don't think he sees it for the supernatural gift that it is.

>> No.10733698

>tfw 3d printed houses are only 5 years away from decimating housing market and wooden boomer boxes will be worth about as much as a used shitty toyota as demand plummets
>inb4 nuh uh because muh fee feez


>> No.10733742

Its literally easier and cheapr to buy material and a construction book and hire afriend to build your own better house in the woods

>> No.10733768

You don't see theback of the house. 922square feet is about 300m2. That's a fucking villa you dumb niggers.
399K is a fucking bargain. But it's probably all wood, but still

>> No.10733769

if you want to live in the middle of nowhere yeah...

but a lot of wealthy people want to live near urban centers, not away.

>> No.10733812

not bad, but i'd have to see what the zoning laws are like there and what kind of building i can put on it. 399k for almost 5000sqft of land isn't bad.

>> No.10734125

Hrmm. I bought one like that rent to own 0% interest for 10k. It apraised at $5,500 but this was the second house from same lady. She cool as fuck and easy to work with.

Put 5k in it. New carpet, paint, fixtures and shit.

Rented for more than payments since day 1. Just got appraised at 19k.

Why people dont real estate i will never know.

95% of the time value goes up as you make inflation your bitch and you can actually fix it up and force appreciation. Rent it out for well over wtf the payment is.

I mean, FFS. Even if i make $0 profit and break dead even, when i get to 30 houses that is like buying a home and paying off a 30 year mortgage in a year.

Its a hell of a headache but its fun to dream about the future.

Laying under a rental in 10 degree weather in 6 inches of water sucks. But daydreaming about my property manager hiring some fagot to do it whioe i shitpost from the beach makes it worth it

>> No.10734142

Well, theres also the MLS and the fact that he doesnt even know he has that house for sell.

He has minions for the small shit.

Hell hes got a bowling alley and 3 houses for sale here. The bro handling it all never even met buffet and has like 18 layers of bosses over him

>> No.10734167

Jokes on you fagot. I got sweat equity and the land thats under them. I'll buldoze the mutherfuckers and build lego rentals.


Adapt or die bros

>> No.10734185

Are you fucking stupid? 300m2 = 3000 sqft. This house is 90m2.

>> No.10734201

It's Compton. Whatever you put down will belong to a gang and they'll do drive bys to bother whatever humans got here. You'll also be robbed of your copper wiring and have people piss on your steps to mark them.

>> No.10734310

Fucking brainlet

>> No.10734452

Are you high?

>> No.10734464

no, a majority of homes in the us are unoccupied

>> No.10734548

No faggot its common sense.

Look up just how much shit berkshire has...

>> No.10734574

And people think we aren't in a housing bubble. Boomers need to die off so these prices can become more realistic. You could buy this same house for 10K less than 30 years ago. Now look.

>> No.10734642

How old are they now?

>> No.10734770

a lot of those wealthy people dont have much choice but to live in urban areas

>> No.10734788

kek no

>> No.10734801

That's funny: I just want to kill the weak & stupid ones, then confiscate all of their properties.

>> No.10734864


it's actually 85.6566029 m2. Wow you Americans are so stupid. I can't even find a insult that's worthy for you.

>> No.10734961

It’s the way you talk and how you’re arguing against people who replied to OP as if they replied to you

>> No.10734982

Do burgers seriously live in all wood houses?

>> No.10734995

you mean the land would be 50k where you live.

>> No.10735021

> some land
> welfare neomarxist mutt hellhole

>> No.10735176

Hurrr durrrrrr america!
Says thecocksucker shitposting from his 3rd world shithole.

3rd worlders are so jelly cannot even goes 3 seconds without thinking of america.



>> No.10735206

Mostly yeah. Shit's fucking expensive. My house os wood and structurally sound at 120 years old with upkeep.

Did get a hot water leak while gone for 3 days.

Entire house broke in half and floors steam warped all over everywhere.

Insurance doesnt cover water damage.

>pay insurance for 20 years
>house breaks in half
>not covered.

Welp, fuck me i guess. Good thing the shithole was cheap. Storage shed it is...

>> No.10735248

>Storage shed it is...
Fell for the boomer wooden box meme an is now literally living in a cuck shed. Take notes kiddos. Boomer advice is like taking advice from a nig.

>> No.10735413
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>Storage shed it is...
going from being a slumlord to living in a LITERAL cuckshed must be rough

this reddit nigger has to go back

>> No.10736297

Read the essays on Warren Buffett, it is detailed there his approach and to watch out for certain accounting tricks in valuations, remember: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

>> No.10736323
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>> No.10736371
File: 935 KB, 1080x1601, cheesed spongebob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i punched a wall after losing a ton in january while renting an airbnb in califaggia and it fucking caved in a huge hole because it was ONLY FUCKING PLYWOOD despite this being a ""luxury villa""
Explain yourselves, Americans. I had to pay the full $1800 security deposit because of this stupid shit.

>> No.10736379

Why? That was kind of a problem here in Australia for a while. Gook billionaires would build and buy as many houses as possible, leave them vacant to make it seem there was a housing shortage, driving the value if their property up so they could sell it to some dumb ass. Is this why?

>> No.10736395


>> No.10736401

you got ripped off, repairing drywall is cheap as fuck. hell you can do it yourself for less then 200bucks by just watching a youtube video.

>> No.10736406

Try not to be such a disgusting foreign animal

>> No.10736411

Cheap to build anon. Quantity over quality

>> No.10736461

You dumb faggot i got a house and 4 acres i close on next week. That shitty wooden box was 20k and i lived there 7 years with no leaks or bugs or anything. Its just old and shitty.

>it was an old duplex.
>it has 4 entrances
>it has a big backyard

There is always profit from a negative if you arent a cuck.

>wall it off.
>4 large storage units for friends and family.
>give family discount.
>trench to the back yard
>run all connections to back yard
>Make a driveway and litteral cuckshed / hunting cabin / airbnb.
>crackhouse turned storage shed pays for all or most of the cuckshed payments.
>rent out cuckshed whenever possible.
>120 year old shitbox and some ingenuity i now make anywhere from 300-800 a month depending on the season and amenities we descide to provide.

Theres even room for a 4 unit actual storage building without it looking fucked up and cramped. Own the house next door. Just cut that back yard in half.

>fell for the wood box meme.

Anon the median income here is 35k. I make 40k. I'm not about to go buy or buyld a fucking $350,000 house amd be cucked into 30 years of bad debt whem i can continue working overtime and doing little shit like this until i can make real investments.

We dont build out of wood because its fucking fun faggot its all the working class can afford

>> No.10736468


Slumlord how?

>> No.10736484

Maybe you shouldnt be an autist and punch fucking walls dipshit.

Whats to explain. The working class can afford 10 times their annual salary for a rock house and some of us are smart enough to not purchase a crippling liability

>> No.10736493


>> No.10736519
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> rock house
bricks, aerated concrete ...plenty of options

>> No.10736543

i hadn't punched a wall since i was 15, but you try watching your net worth go down 33% because you fomo'd and tried to hold and got IMMEDIATELY zucced without raging

>> No.10736557
File: 347 KB, 645x1333, 34580395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He doesn't have any more info about it than what's publicly available.

>> No.10736896

tfw agreeing with vapid kneepad cunt. He employs people to collect knowlege power.

>> No.10737163

>Chinese firm
Stopped reading there

>> No.10737226


Of course he does. Rich people hang out together in clubs, golf courses, all kinds of (((connections))) exist. Thinking that they play fair and make sure plebs have access to all the same information needed to make good decisions is just incredibly naive.