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File: 288 KB, 1080x985, Screenshot_20180817-084422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10730766 No.10730766 [Reply] [Original]


Enjoy your compound losses. I just got fucked out of what little money in crypto I had left.

2400$ to 44$ in like a week or two. Fucking garbage I'm going to kms

>> No.10730776

youd didnt get fucked out of your money

your just a retard

enjoy watching on the sideline lmao

>> No.10730781
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lol if you don't know how to trade then you're just gambling with BTC. sorry for your loss but its no ones fault but your own.

>> No.10730800

All short term trading is gambling

Repeated studies show hodl isn’t a meme it’s reality

>> No.10730802

do you think this is a gold mine where you dont need to do anything???

wtf if you know nothing like me
follow the few indivudal that knows what they are doing. just take minmal profit and dont gamble


>> No.10730804
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i knew alot of dumb money was entering bitmex lately. but this is fucking hilarious

>> No.10730808

Funny I went from like 60k in January to 2400 last week now I'm at 4600
Thanks nano

>> No.10730842
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Honestly I'm a good trader I just got fucking tilted after I lost half my account because I set a limit stop and not a market stop so I fucking lost half my money right away. I'm so fucking sad dudes. So many shitty things are happening in my life and the one optimistic thing was crypto and now I have nothing.

>> No.10730853
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okay that adds some more context, I must say that fucking sucks, cause I almost did the same thing myself

>> No.10730862

>Honestly I'm a good trader
no one who enters a trade with more than 3-5% of his capital is a good trader, you're just a gambler

>> No.10730863
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>Honestly I'm a good trader
>2400$ to 44$ in like a week or two

>> No.10730864


>> No.10730871

a good trader doesnt get tilted so you are not a good trader. end of discussion

>> No.10730897
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>he sets stops
>doesn't know which way the market will go
you are not Chad and never will be. Never going to make it

>> No.10730922

T. Also not chad

>> No.10731119

Sorry dude, but some one needs to give us money (the profitable traders) and it just so happens to be you, because you're an autist thats gambling with his entire stack per trade :)

>> No.10731147
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you're just a bad trader
you can't have everyone winning on the market

>> No.10731270
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>Honestly I'm a good trader

>> No.10731323
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Guess I was just a brainlet all along. Feels fucking bad bros. Im just a very emotional trader and I risk more than I can afford to lose. The best trades I have ever had were when I didnt need to make the money. But im desperately trying to not be poor so the literal opposite happened and now im fucking ruined. I should just take a break and come back when Im not an emotional fucking mess.

>> No.10731342

What's your poison? 50x?

>> No.10731399

hey man, trading is all about controlling ones emotions. if you have to make it, then you probably won't make it. some of the best trader have had that problem. maybe come back to trading when your life improved a bit and you don't feel like you desperately need to make it. I wish you all the best!

>> No.10731412

yeah, just stop trading and walk away when you're getting too emotional. trading is all about not getting emotional no matter what happens and just sticking to your strategy.

>> No.10731430

thats called gambling my man.. ive been there.. one of my first moves on bitmex was $3000 at 100x, LOL. (i lost it within 15minutes)

>> No.10731432

if you really want to make money here, learn to trade, learn the fundamentals before you go, try trading on testnet.bitmex
most people don't like reading and learning, that is why it is so easy to take away money from their hands

>> No.10731446
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>i'm a good trader
>lose everything

>> No.10731453

Use post only you stupid fuck.

>> No.10731459

how does it feel to lose $3000 in a single mouse click

>> No.10731462

imagine investing in the greatest bull market the world has ever seen.. the greatest transfer of wealth to NEETs.. returns beyond your wildest imagination. All you had to do was buy and hold the coins. Instead, this retard managed to somehow LOSE ALL HIS MONEY

>> No.10731538

Did you get liquidated everytime? Why did you decide to sell at losses if not?

>> No.10731557

What studies

>> No.10732113


no.. a limit stop isnt why you got fucked. you used too high fucking leverage and too much capital. you dont know what your are doing

>> No.10732208

Nah. I only did like max 25x and that was on smaller positions.

Thank you for being positive and sympathetic. I appreciate you.

I figured I knew how to trade because I have been here for a year. But bitmex showed me my risk management is fucking awful and I'm a bad trader.

I panic sold the first 50% loss on my account. I actually had a profitable long I set a limit stop to take profit at 20% roe if it dumped. But it dumped past my stop and I panic sold for 50% loss cause I didn't want to liq my whole account.

It's true. But I guess I'm trying to get too much in too short of a time frame so I'm fucking losing everything :(

>> No.10732296


if your stop being missed means you lost that much money... it means ur leverage was way too fucking high and you used too much capital.

you should be able to get liquidated and not blow that much

>> No.10732316

You're right. I was trading my whole account. But I should have been trading 1-5% at a time so worst case scenario I just lose a small amount of my whole account. But like I said I wasn't practicing good risk management.

>> No.10732329

Be honest you where a bear right?

>> No.10732349

No. I shorted pumps and longed the dumps. But sometimes I shorted or longed consolidation and I got rekt cause it went the oppsosite way.

>> No.10732401

You should know how to count waves/subwaves (google: elliot wave theory).
Without that dont even think about going on bitmex.

>> No.10732439

Serves you right, degenerate gambling faggot.

>> No.10732451

The study ur mum did on this nuts.

>> No.10732469

>making the same mistake consistantly for 17 times
>autistic screeching

>> No.10732623

Stop. Using. Leverage.
>it’s only 25x
ONLY 25x like that’s a moderate amount? It is fucking huge, especially in this volatile market, it makes little sense for a trader to do this. Literally just the exchanges wanting you to get liquidated so they can profit. You don’t need anywhere near that outside of forex. You are using it because you’re impatient.
I read a lot of threads like this and they all have the common theme of using leverage without understanding how it affects the risk of the portfolio, and without understanding why it is exchanges offer such huge leverage. It isn’t because they want you to make money.

>> No.10732668


like ppl dont even understand how huge 10x leverage is lol. thats big boy gains.

stick to 2-5x please

>> No.10732805

How does everyone stay disciplined trading? Every time I make some gains I immediately think I'll go bigger next time and more often than not I'll take a loss.

>> No.10733092

kek i don't understand the logic behind that but it's very much appreciated

>> No.10733437

last few times he bought the dip he didn't sell because once he makes a profit he thinks it's going to the moon
not realising he's been conditioned to believe he has to dump the next time he's inquiring how to stay disciplined
he will sell next time when he makes a profit and bitcoin will moon shortly after

>> No.10733476

>implying people don't keep 21 btc in cold storage apart from their trading stack for the inevitable btc moon

>> No.10733539

50-100x is stupid, you'll just keep getting liquidated from market noise

only put in what you're willing to lose at the right time, wait for it to go up, close, rinse and repeat

>> No.10733551

well you were doing good but then you just fucked up lol

>> No.10733663

well if it's any comfort, 0.33 btc wasn't much to begin with.

>> No.10733761
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lmao nice trading OP you're a natural

>> No.10733776


>> No.10733853
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>only 25x

>> No.10733860
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Ikr. That's why I'll be back and I'll not be so shit. Honestly think that getting rekt on bitmex teaches you more than a lot of the fluff knowledge out there. Teaches you a lot about yourself, your personality, how greedy you are etc. Next time I throw a few thousand on bitmex it's gonna be low leverage and small positions.

Yeah. But this is what I had left from 40k ATH back in January.

>> No.10733881

Learn risk management anon...

>> No.10733967

I have to now that I lost my whole stack ); but DESU this doesn't even feel bad anymore. I lost like 95% on 1st blood, skycoin, minereum, numeraire, and plenty of other shit scam coins. It's all part of the learning process

>> No.10733972
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>Honestly I'm a good trader
>got chopped up for all his money
No you just rode a bullrun up in which mouthbreathers, charlatans, and dart board equipped monkeys could have and did get rich and thought you were hot shit as a result. Considering when the going actually got tough you lost >>10733860 94% of your fucking stack presumably riding shitcoins into oblivion then the rest leveraged gambling basically, no, you are not a good trader.
Get some more capital, get back in the game, and try not to lose it all this time.
Threads like this make me feel good about only being down 50% from my ath.

>> No.10733999

I know I'm not a good trader. I was just delusional but going to 0 made me rethink everything. I'm gonna have to wagecuck now or something...

>> No.10734220
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At the cope-ah/ copa-cabana

>> No.10734247
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checked tripdubs of cucktruth