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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10726872 No.10726872 [Reply] [Original]

Okay time to make proper use of this shitty board:

LF Cocaine plug in AUS - Melbourne, post your wickr, paying good.

>> No.10726882

just buy some RCs, you can get an analog of just about anything these days legally

>> No.10726890

Thanks just bought 100k!

>> No.10726899

>just put unknown chinese brain-altering chemicals into your body

>> No.10726906

Why aren't you out solving the African Gang problem?

>> No.10726916

How much a gram go for in rooland

>> No.10726922

1 Eth

>> No.10726926

nah tried before and were shit

>> No.10726940

$350-400 AU for the better stuff, around $290 US

I don't live in a poor suburb

>> No.10726973

Yea like the cocaine cut with who knows what, hes trying to buy is any better.

>> No.10726977

aus coke prices are fucked why do you retards even bother lmao
know a lad who made a fucking KILLING buying off darknet at normal prices and selling in inflationland

>> No.10727014

That's insane. I used to get a clean 8-ball (3.5 grams) for $150 in the US. Just buy your shit from the dark net.

>> No.10727026

god damn it feels good to see threads like this on /biz again. I'm just another cryptofag like the rest of them so dont think im saying this from a holier POV

>> No.10727040

there are things called testing kits you mongoloid, and you can buy them from shops everywhere

because I am not poor, and good for him, if I took up the risk of importing to an island country I'd want to make a killing too

>> No.10727043

that must've been some shit that was cut with some god damn baking soda! In STL MO i could get a gram of some super pure shit, im talkin pure yellow cake coke for $100/gram

>> No.10727064
File: 83 KB, 3338x1464, 6888000545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid in highschool I knew went into making the shit. Man stop ruining my city OP.

>> No.10727066

Yeah it's not something I have the time for too often anyway, just getting some for a weekend out with old friends. You can find better than what domestic vendors sell if you find the right person, and buying off international vendors isn't worth the risk.

>> No.10727095

Wow. I heard blow was expensive in aussieland but that is just retarded. Why would you even bother? A good gram costs me $80 in NYC and even that is barely worth it. As another anon mentioned you should order from the dark web. I bought a fuckton of ketamine one time at a great price and had no issues. It's a risk but you'll pay 1/10 what you're paying now.

>> No.10727107

ketamine makes me sleep

>> No.10727115

Smoke ice like every other Aussie.

>> No.10727139

Nope not stepped on at all. It was mostly caked with bits of powder. I would go to a friend of a friend's total shithole house in West Atlanta Bankhead to get it.

>> No.10727154

Like it even matters what the tests come up with, youre still going snort that shitty cut dogshit that you bought for $400.

>> No.10727157

I don't use often at all and usually just buy for when I go out every 2 months with old friends. Domestic vendors sell bunk shit half the time anyway. I literally need it this weekend lmao, I don't play this in advance.

I will when BTC breaks below 5700.

>> No.10727174

I told you I'm not poor. If it's cut with anything too bad I just won't use it because I'm not an addict. People cut with substances like inositol and caffeine, not always trash. Stop being angry.

>> No.10728026

>$350-400 AU for the better stuff, around $290 US

the fuck? good coke usually runs $70-80 per gram here in the US and i thought even that is expensive as hell

>> No.10728041

>Just put unknown Columbian solvents into your body

>> No.10728063

Australia has analog laws, both substances are treated the same

>> No.10728082

Being a fortress island has it's downsides.

>> No.10728110

synthetics are for niggas

>> No.10728149
File: 29 KB, 570x479, 887586BE-BED2-45FA-864A-60D59990E479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes! Didn’t know I was sharing a board with literal niggers.

>> No.10728163

>friendless virgin NEET detected

>> No.10728197

half this board is dropping acid and taking adderall you moron lmfao

>> No.10728234

you dirty spics are doomed anyways. fuck that. what is that pic supposed to mean?

>> No.10728242

wtb coke

>> No.10728260

$200-$250 for the better stuff in sydney, you are getting ripped bro

you are on the same continent as south america tho
australia is an island in the middle of nowhere with tight border security

>> No.10728293

says the no life degenerate literal cock sucking cum guzzling subhuman garbage.

>> No.10728331

No where. Good coke is impossible to find.

Md on the other hand...

>> No.10728367


US is right next to Colombia dumbo, AUS is literally on the other side of the planet. Couldn't be further away and still be on this planet

>> No.10728415

i got your coke right here

*unzips dick

>> No.10728451

I have access to the bunk shit, but it’s honestly too terrible to recommend to an obvious patrician

>> No.10728468

Best bet is online
Don't let Border Security fool you, if you're ordering under commercial amounts you'll be fine

>> No.10728475

>he cant find coke in Melbourne
Are you underage?

>> No.10728482

All the americunts shocked at the price of blow in aus, do you not realise how far away from the source we are?

>> No.10728499

keep being angry and an inferior trader lol we'll be having fun and stacking paper just fine without u

>> No.10728526

I've been getting off the same person for almost 2 years and he's uncontactable now. I wouldn't be here for any other reason lmao.

>> No.10728533

Wait fucking sell it to me sonny LMAO

>> No.10728534

retard what did you expect, 60% of this board is india

>> No.10728713

Yep /biz is mostly junkie bears shorting 0.001 BTC a day just to get a fix these days