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10722752 No.10722752 [Reply] [Original]

>dating 7/10 roastie
>be lying on the bed the other night
>phone constantly beeping with messages from a fb group mates dedicated to crypto talk
>roastie takes interest on what's going on
>I tell her about bitcoin and crypto in general
>she seems interested and asks further
>I spend 30 minutes explaining what a blockchain is how and how bitcoin works
>she just nodded her head at the end and said "eh, I don't understand any of that kind of stuff. I am used to go to the ATM and get my $, idc about anything else."

I died a little inside

>> No.10722794

They dont have to understand it they will just fomo in at 10k

>> No.10722825

Yeah ? try to explain her how ATMs work then, and also how value transfer is settled between banks, and how central banks can create money by the press of a button ? What is behind this ? Who has the keys ? Is it hackable ? If all the money is numeric, how is the accounting done ? Which algorithm is behind this whole entangled mess ?

>> No.10722844
File: 21 KB, 600x600, back pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blockchain and crypto won't reach the mainstream in its current form.

It needs to be dumbed down and used in user-friendly interfaces for useful dApps before normies like your bitch ass girlfriend will be using it on the reg.

>> No.10722860

If OP could explain all of this properly he wouldn't be involved with a girl like that in the first place

>> No.10722861

>expecting roasties to understand something that none of their friends are interested in

>> No.10722876
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when crypto inevitably moons once again, you better prepare yourself. the roastie WILL want her part of the gains. that's why you keep this shit private.

>> No.10722882

I want to get my dick sucked, fren, that's all

>> No.10722894

How do we stop sexists like you from keeping strong, independent women out of crypto?
The future is female.

>> No.10722911

You don't explain to her the technical aspects, you explain only from a high-level view.
>It's internet money

>> No.10722938

do y’all just sit in your bed at home, eating tendies and thinking up these shitty Larps? It seems depressing

>> No.10722942
File: 237 KB, 1196x1819, 71DmDSc17yL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why the internet will never be mainstream.

>> No.10722951

No judgement from us, Anon. We all want you to get your dick sucked.

>> No.10722956

It's literally the best scam in the world. Printing money and loaning to banks who loan it out for easy gains. Everything is wrapped with some bs words like "quantatative easing" and what not.

>> No.10723008
File: 107 KB, 468x543, 1534435455450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... you be saying... <smacks lips> you be saying that crypto will never be mainstream because you are dating an idiot?

>> No.10723034


>> No.10723051

when you gtg kamzo you gtg kamzo

>> No.10723061

This is why you unironically need Chainlink

>> No.10723069

>not interested in innovation or anything that threatens the status quo
Great point, Anon. I just sold everything.

>> No.10723106
File: 9 KB, 401x367, brah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn she fine

>> No.10723735

most women dont understand how the stock market works either bucko

>> No.10724879

>she just nodded her head at the end and said "eh, I don't understand any of that kind of stuff. I am used to go to the ATM and get my $, idc about anything else."
She was just being honest with you and giving her perspective. Why did you die inside?

>> No.10724967

nobody really understands crypto or what it will be used for but there are a few people who can spew off enough buzz words to impress more normal people enough to get them to buy in.

>> No.10724971
File: 978 KB, 2448x3264, yr2ai4tkb6b11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u think girls wanna hear that shit? all they want to hear is how much are you worth

>> No.10725694



>> No.10725721

Less than 2% of the worlds population knows how this shit works. Why do you think they don't teach it in school. If everyone in the world had the time to sot down and read about it, there would be riots. Kek.

>> No.10725725

>roastie says she doesnt care
>you die inside and tell your bffs on an anime forum

>roastie gets curious
>researches crypto
>ends up picking coins that 100x
>becomes wealthier than you will ever be
>uses the money to buy better makeup, get tans, better clothes
>goes on holidays with her girlfriends, puts herself in places to meet wealthier / more handsome men
>leaves you after her new boyfriend beats you up because she said you emotionally neglected her one afternoon

beats the alternative desu

>> No.10725859

instead of explaining what a fucking blockchain is just ask if they wanna know what a bitcoin does
then you pain yourself green, put two fake bull horns on your head and start running naked around the town yelling at the top of your lungs BULL RUN
it's what I do and everyone knows what it means