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10718111 No.10718111 [Reply] [Original]

>"Why would you want a blue-collar job when you can to college and get office job that pays less?"

>> No.10718126

blue collar jobs are more repetitive, more injuries , etc... but you are right

>> No.10718148

LAZY KIDS. Back in my day I worked a summer job for the WHOLE summer and bought myself a brand new firebird. That's what hard work gets ya

Literally told this by a boomer

>> No.10718292

Because blue collar jobs start at $15 an hour and they want 3-5+ years of experience in my area. Blue collar work is only worth doing if youre self employed. Then you start getting into making 50-200$+/hr depending on your trade and level of expertise.

>> No.10718360
File: 101 KB, 1920x1080, ep_chart_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me where this meme comes from?

Lets do a comparison

approximately double for degree requiring jobs looking at the facts (pic related). Worth considering that you miss out on 4 years pay in college

Depends on job, but a lot of people look down on manual jobs (not saying I agree with it)

Office jobs are just hands down easier.

Minimal negative health effects for office jobs, manual varies from moderate to severe negative effects

Will vary massively person to person, but I think it's safe to say office is the one less people dread going to

Seriously what is the advantage of blue-collar jobs?

>> No.10718382

Blue collar jobs trade your bodily health for money.

White collar jobs trade your mental health for money.

It's your choice cucks

>> No.10718413

Working the trades is seen as beneath university grads. So it would be a stepback for your child to do this.

>> No.10718443

>worked 3 months to buy a fucking broomstick

>> No.10718458
File: 157 KB, 400x300, 1528215183-heverpls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking gas the boomers

>> No.10718488

Ch0n posters like to romanticize trades for some reason I worked one of a few months and it fucking sucked. You are constantly getting dirty and wearing out your clothes and people view you as the same tier or maybe a step above a waiter.

>> No.10718499

At least you have a job.

>> No.10718503

Mummy please come back.

>> No.10718517

I would rather be a NEET than do something whihc damages my body

>> No.10718530

i grew up in 1 of the wealthiest towns in america (east coast) and ill tell u right now not a single person in town was a blue collar worker. the only place you saw blue collar workers were around the poor areas of town where the ABC house was. and that was designed by the town intentionally because the town was almost entirely white and asian so they created the ABC house for tax benefits and filled it with the whitest black kids from the ghettos they could find.

the starting pay may be lower but the long term scaling is much higher for white collar jobs.... i made the $45k out of college... 4 years later i make $115K post bonuses and another 25k a year from my side hustle

plus when your hand gets hurt you're fucked for life.... your brain doesnt just randomly get hurt from using it too much

in rich towns blue collar jobs are literally considered jobs for peasants and the dumb.

>> No.10718915

A 1979 firebird is worth 40K now. Even depreciating assets were a viable investments for fucking boomers.

>> No.10718983

>blue collar job.
just lol
I got a degree from a shitty state college and am making 85k 3 years out of school. fuck working in the cold weather shivering my ass off in the rain or blowing my back out carrying shit all day. fucking pleb mentality. wagecucking is just a meme. use your brain to escape and retire early.

>> No.10719147

Depends on the trade. Depends on the worker. I do a low tier summer job and some people treat me like I'm the owner or some kind of lawn expert. Other times they're just angry and entitled.

>> No.10719245

I fell for the blue collar meme and left for an office job that pays less. Why? Blue collar work is shitty as fuck. You get injured constantly, which is seen as just part of the job, everything is a fucking pain right in the ass, you end up dirty and screwing around in nasty places, it breaks your back and makes you achy, plus you have everyone and their mother trying to sue you for the pleasure. What a smoking hot deal it is. Not to mention the people you meet in the industry are basically useless, rednecks and hillbillies who literally didn’t 8th grade, and all of their kids are coming up to work for you.
Stay the fuck out of manual labor and get a comfy job.

>> No.10720289

>who literally didn’t 8th grade
anon, did you did 8th grade?

>> No.10720309

Trades are a fucking meme except maybe for plumbing
It's hard, exhausting, labour and it's not worth your health