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File: 260 KB, 2181x1440, vitalik_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10712732 No.10712732 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he having a meltdown on twitter?
Is he about to leave ETH?

>> No.10712736

he sold 100k+ eth at the bottom a few days ago

>> No.10712743

Sauce or gtfo

>> No.10712750

im an insider for OMG. vitalik smokes METH and fucks underaged traps.

>> No.10712751
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He's such a twink

>> No.10712755

will re-watch "The Big Short" 20x after all this

>> No.10712759

Ethereum is failing. Finally.

>> No.10712785

welcome to ethernet 2.0 faggot, see you in 2049

>> No.10712794

>Why is he having a meltdown on twitter?
Sorry i don't have a subscription to the propaganda machine, what's he saying?

>> No.10712801

he's going back to the real ethereum. $ETC

>> No.10712806
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I would maybe try to read and understand what he typed but I feel like the effort/reward ratio for that knowledge is not good enough

>> No.10712810

Why the fuck he posted that crap in 75 tweets instead of posting a picture of a .txt

>> No.10712814

He is currently on tweet #77 and I don't know what the fuck he is on about, someone else needs to decipher it and give us the tl;dr.

>> No.10712817

>autism intensifies

>> No.10712819

>Sorry i don't have a subscription to the propaganda machine
low iq take. twitter has it's problems but everyone should have one to get information straight from the source. twitter is how 90% of crypto news drops.

>> No.10712830


Who's the chick?

>> No.10712836

> 75. What's left now? On the FFG side, formal proofs, refinements to the specification, and ongoing progress on implementation (already started by >=3 teams!), with an eye to safe and speedy deployment. On the CBC side, much of the same. Onward and upward!

What the fuck? OK I'm going to read from the start, at a quick glance over some tweets, I think he's backtracking stuff about Casper trying to sell it as something else.

>> No.10712839

Glad this shitcoin is failing. All icos should move to xlm

>> No.10712842

if only he could end this stream with attaching a pepe

>> No.10712848

>Misinformation is information

>> No.10712853
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>> No.10712868

thank god, this utter turd of a coin will finally die. eth is hot garbage.

>> No.10712933

look in his eyes, anons, he is a saint

>> No.10712936

>70+ tweets
Wtf is this autism?

>> No.10712985

Doesn't surprise me one bit. Probably browses 4chan when he's free.

>> No.10713000

Realize the significance after ETH pumps 5,000%

>> No.10713012

Basically Casper is still goig through philosophical phase where they have simply narrowed their design choices but not solved anything yet. it is unsure to what extent a trust-less non POW system can be built

this is why 2020 is the earliest we can see any iteration

>> No.10713013

Why are you all freaking out? He's explaining what he's currently working on for Proof of Stake.

>> No.10713024

Elon Musk fucked him in the ass and gave him his syphilis.

>> No.10713029


This is basically if Satoshi ranted about coming up with a fair and reliable consensus protocol on Myspace in 2006.

>> No.10713030


>> No.10713062
File: 375 KB, 658x748, Vitalik Buterin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't anybody fucking link to the thing we're talking about? the "you google it" mindset people have these days is killing me


>> No.10713083

>76. Also child porn is embedded in the Ethereum blockchain as of ten blocks ago.

WTF Vitalik

>> No.10713093

jfc that is a mesmerizing level of autism

>> No.10713095

>77. 77777 Buy Chainlink
Holy shit the absolute madman actually did it

>> No.10713109

He's setting the house in order. Bullish.
It's.also bullish for cardano since it reminds people that cardano already has a PoS algorithm.

>> No.10713130

now marines, time to think about a brighter future for every single entity

>> No.10713156

dafuk is dis
biggest autistic rambling I've ever seen

>> No.10713160

Why did he waste so much time on proof of stake.
It's not even important.

>> No.10713229

sure it is anon. Bitcoin is racist and killing the enviornment. We need (((proof of stake))) so that I can earn interest on my inflationary digital shekel

>> No.10713247
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1432724756686s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how i feel about basically every 4chan post that's longer than 1 paragraph

>> No.10713293

What are we talking here? David Knott?

>> No.10713297

his mom gf

>> No.10713318

There's autism and then there's this.

>> No.10713322

David Koresh died for your sins, zogbot.

>> No.10713327

He's just writing about Ethereums Casper research and publishing it in the most autistic way possible.

>> No.10713336

> take
Ok faggot

>> No.10713661
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Same. Especially if there isnt a picture. It's an image board not reddit.

>> No.10713698
File: 46 KB, 384x435, novelty cup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad im not the only one bothered over how many people there are posting without an image on an imageboard

>> No.10713718

>Why is he having a meltdown on twitter?

ETH is about to die, that's why.

>> No.10713722

I got 3rd degree burns from this "hot take"

>> No.10713731

Being this retarded

>> No.10714666


i feel like my tiny brain is about to explode just from trying to read any of this alien gibberish

>> No.10714955

stop trying to be contrarian faggots and just make an account. It's undeniable that most crypto news publicly drops via twitter. That extra 5-10 minutes before the rest of the retards on the internet get spoon fed the same information can be very profitable.

>> No.10714981

Pareto principle also applies to information, but feel free to keep wallowing in the chaff like the useful retard you are

>> No.10714984

So much fud lately about eth kinda funny, was getting over the link shill retards.

>> No.10714988

These passages were quite timely and concise, Satan.

Satan hates the disinflationary decentralized an-archony governance machine Vitalik codes.

>> No.10714995

It wasnt even that complicated. Do you even code?

>> No.10715037

nigga take that thesaurus out of your ass and make easy money off exchange listing tweets like the rest of us.

>> No.10715054

Ok let me explain it to you on easier terms, there are specific channels that confirm news and listings before the info goes mainstream, where do you think these same twitter retards get their news from?

>> No.10715061

I’m a lead distributed systems engineer. I got to page 30 before thinking this shit is half philosophy and it basically becomes business logic that has to be constantly checked against the current state in order to calculate the correct next state. With so much business logic no wonder they can’t scale etherium. Also he talks about needing some trust in the protocol; if you need any trust in the system there is no point to using blockchain.

>> No.10715088

I legitimately don't understand what fake deep shit you're trying to say. I don't care if insiders have information before I do, I can't help that. All I know is that when coinbase tweeted today that ethereum classic would be added, the price jumped 20% immediately and I made money.

>> No.10715090
File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plays it off like he is explaining his meme project
Meanwhile he is shilling it with the force of 1000 autists, to the point no one understands
People feel comfy and buy in giving it one last pump
>he dumps

>> No.10715114
File: 17 KB, 198x311, The_gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shit is half philosophy
That's the problem with Vitalik

He's not coming at this from a business/finance angle at all

He's all about honor and trust and pseudo sprirtual bullshit

>> No.10715115

Brainlets will never be able cope with the Byzantine Generals' Problem, ideologically. Pajeet likely commands a superior intuition here.

>> No.10715184

why is this with the amount of brainlets here?
nothing he wrote is particularly hard to understand.

>> No.10715222

based 105er

>> No.10715238

Wow so biz is occupied by a bunch of literal retards

How is anything he wrote difficult to understand

>> No.10715269

Basically he said the last four years have been trying to perfect PoS. It's complicated. They hope to have it out soon.

They put a lot of thought into it. The questions is whether it works and if it was worth it.

>> No.10715285

isn't it amazing how all these "ethereum is failing" posts have popped up? man it almost coincides with some the LINK garbage. Huh... Man i wonder if that's related? DROOOLLL

>> No.10715337

Rofl so they can dump and Jed can dump and the rains of Africa will come again

Click clock Spick spock

>> No.10715346

Found the nigger

>> No.10715357

I mean dude look at his twitter. Some serious autismo happening

>> No.10715358

>invests in cryptos without even understanding simplified crypto texts

>> No.10715382

You idiots. Casper is gonna be out after they make FORMAL PROOFS to verify this shit. Name another project with updates that scientists and engineers can actually appreciate. That’s what matters for a platform. Cryptography is about mathematical guarantees.

>> No.10715413



>> No.10715588

He’s just talking about the recent history of Casper research (FFG and CBC). Am I the only biztard left that was here before 2018? Jesus

>> No.10715611

You’re right, EOS is a scam. But Casper is not dPOS and it’s not a scam

>> No.10715612


Yes. all the others cashed out and are rich or are homeless.

>> No.10715646

I can not explain it in any other way

A 74 (SEVENTY FUCKING FOUR) tweet storm that lasted 3 hours (STRAIGHT) can only be defined by pure, unfiltered autism

>> No.10716030

Proof of stake means we can have block times of 1-4 seconds because we don’t have to worry about miner uncles and shit. We can do this because the next person to make a block is randomly chosen and it’s no longer a race to solve the mining problem and propagate the solution in the network like on BTC and ETH currently.

The proof of stake they are developing in ETH currently will also make 51% attacks no longer feasible for anyone. They are building the safeguards in against them, Bitcoin doesn’t even have that, we just have to “trust” no one will spend enough on mining power to take control of the network.

POS also incentivises a lot of decentralisation, if geth or parity has a bug and you use their software you get fucked along with everyone else using parity and geth. It also incentivises running full nodes as you need one to stake. It also brings in the added feature of finality, which I think means not even a 51% attack can revert the history before that point, which happens about once an hour. Also it’s good for environmentalists

PoS is fucking cool.

>> No.10716040

You need to trust that BTC won’t get attacked with a 51% attack. You need to trust less than that with ETHs current PoS specs

>> No.10716074

He knows that there are some very promising platfroms on the way (not the fucking jokes of projects that sit in the top 20 atm) and state sharding isn't achievable in at least 2 years, ETH losing its dominance isn't out of the question..

>> No.10716110

OMG He's streaming the badger dance again.

>> No.10716409

Lol where

>> No.10716630

>comparing dPoS to Capser PoS
just sell low buddy, you're too retarded for this market, shitty pajeet

>> No.10716654


dpos is god-tier. the only crypto that should be allowed to do pow is btc.

>> No.10716750

>formal proofs already done

>> No.10716770

>no smart contracts

>> No.10716772
File: 259 KB, 1280x1080, 1533307202022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the chick

>> No.10716799

Oh hai kike

>> No.10716827

Besides the meth, he's like me.

>> No.10716839

Thats vitalik

>> No.10716907

I really don't like this guys that's why I have some questions

Is he a virgin?
What's his net worth?

>> No.10716989

His net worth has dropped like $200 million since January. He is just a walking shell at this point.

>> No.10716992

it's called a tweetstorm you fucking 30yo boomer

>> No.10717058
File: 2.89 MB, 280x280, 1515506251484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vitalik is unironically laying the groundwork for walking away from ETH.

when he walks, eth will crash below a dollar and all the bagholders will start suing. these tweets and other public statements help prove he fulfilled his "corporate officer" obligations and isn't liable for eth's crash

i doubt he thought of this himself his dad probably hired him a lawyer

>> No.10717150

Let me just tell you friends - I actually study cryptography and what you have just typed here is a load of absolute gibberish, oversimplified stupidity. The mining problem? Think about what you just wrote. Safeguards "in against them" for 51% attacks in PoS vs PoW? Fix one non-existant problem in the consensum mechanism for 100 others to appear. PoS incentivises decentralisation? Maybe in your dreams.. or do you mean DPoS? Because it's not the same thing.
Good for environmentalists? Okay, if that is your best argument in defence of PoS, you haven't been paying attention to anything. First go and read why Vitalik's first project Slasher was cancelled, then think and maybe you'll figure your why Casper is going the same route. Looks like Vitalik has hit a brick wall with Ethereum and will keep banging his head on it until he gets different results - which isn't going to happen. Meanwhile Cardano has already superior ideas and implementations in the works - for anyone interested go see the reddit thread that spawned his twitter rants. He tried to tell Hoskinson about how he had already done everything with Ethereum that Hosk was going to do with Cardano, but actually ended up proving by himself that Cardano has way better ideas and an actually coherent team that doesn't philospohize about the same stuff for years and actually gets things done. Riddle me this, when you don't even have any kind of consensus in your own organization, how are you going to come up with a working consensus mechanism?

>> No.10717179

Also this feels to me like a "shareholder" disclosure about "what's going" with their investment, People and companies have lost hundreds of millions crowdfunding on the Ethereum platform and are starting to pull out, because it's unsafe and going nowhere. He's starting to feel the pressure and theres no chance of autisming your way out of this one. Only 1/100 of his investors will actually understand what he meant though and I honestly think he's going to kill Casper. Someone important probably left the Ethereum Foundation aswell, this is damage control.

>> No.10717187

Stop I can only get so hard

>> No.10717239
File: 5 KB, 301x167, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dpos is god tier

>> No.10717271

As soon as ETH rebounds to $350ish I'm selling my remaining bag of it.

>> No.10717276

> as soon as the next bull run starts I'm selling everything

>> No.10717568

>getting anything done

Pick one.

>> No.10717827

He's realising that he is not the brightest man in Crypto and that there are better technologies being built without his input.

He also realises that now that's the case, he looks like an A star fucking idiot autist wearing pink unicorn tops and shit and that damage cannot be undone.

>> No.10717928
File: 59 KB, 700x715, 1525705377382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can one of you retards answer? I'm looking for sauce as well.

>> No.10717940

IDK dude... his meth smoking would make more sense

>> No.10717959

stfu fucking faggot

>> No.10717960



>> No.10717962

everyone knows that, very bad person

>> No.10718086

That is one seriously bluepilled post. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.10718473

>2014: blue
>2018: slightly darker blue
Whoever created this diagram should be jailed.

>> No.10718478
File: 30 KB, 683x605, b1b4b5b6be98e45da77329f0aa56decd68ae6d7f2a91b1aa9360021f4cb4d5ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true about the ETF delay thing

if you had a twitter you would have seen why a giant red dildo appeared on your trading screen

>> No.10718525
File: 34 KB, 842x917, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vechain flips eth eoy

>> No.10718553


I only have a little ETH but the FUD intensifying as of late (like MUH 0 gas) is telling me to get more.

>> No.10718629

The one wearing the pants.

>> No.10718978

Im a psychiatrist working mainly working with addicts and I can tell that he is def using meth