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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10711377 No.10711377 [Reply] [Original]


>tfw you are the only one clapping

>> No.10711406


What is this wizardry?

>> No.10711441
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Yes. Bring this shitshow to an end.

>> No.10711491

oh fuck the market is about to kaboom isn't it?

>> No.10711635

It's getting pretty obvious
>Stocks are slumping
>Oil is down
>Precious metals are down
>Bond rates suck at the moment
>Trump is literally destroying every currency but the USD
>Trade sanctions literally everywhere for no reason
>Housing market the highest it's ever been but nobody has any money to buy into it, meanwhile boomers are desperate to sell
>China is one bad day away from collapsing
>Middle east still on fire
>Europe is slowly dying under it's own policies
>Russia desperate for blood of any kind
>South America collapsing into an even bigger hellhole then it already is

There are probably more I'm forgetting about but you get the idea. It's going to be a very rough time for everyone soon.

>> No.10711670

prepare to put on your shorts or else you'll get a heat stroke in the lovely warm weather that is coming.

>> No.10711716

Yield curve inversion

>> No.10711749

LOLOLOL. Those women on stage look so awkward.

>> No.10711758

Yeah I've had a feeling
I'm nervous holding my crypto I don't know how it's going to react in a recession. Considering buying some gold pretty sure that'll be the first thing normies will be looking towards

>> No.10711778

I think we all know how a risky investment that is of no actual use yet is going to perform in a recession

>> No.10711802

Cash is your best bet considering you'll want to buy up as much stuff as you can when it's on sale. Crypto will probably get fucked because people don't want to risk their already dwindling money on a super high-risk investment like >>10711778 said. Only saving grace it has is rich chinese people might try to use it to escape to the US/Europe. Most people will panic sell though, probably.

>> No.10711818

what a time to be alive