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File: 173 KB, 1400x1050, officewomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10709996 No.10709996 [Reply] [Original]

> Be me
> Be experienced software engineer
> I'm sitting in office, writing code like a young god
> Next to me a young woman, mother of one but pretty
> One guy in the office always gives her gifts
> Flowers always on the table or candy etc
> I'm sitting in office, writing code like a young god, observing the situation too
> Girl is always confused about the gifts, but does not say no, hangs and goes lunch with the guy
> I'm sitting in office, writing code like a young god
> Another woman, top-tier enters the room, they chat. She casually tells she has heard the rumours and ask if there is an affair. My room girl laughs and says no. Then they chichat about an hour occasionally turning into topic. Talking about nothing for an hour.
> I'm sitting in office, writing code like a young god


Tell your story bizanon.

>> No.10710062

I almost got hired by a woman boss because she found me hot

>> No.10710076


>> No.10710093

Your problem is that you think women are inherently lazy. The problem is that men are inherently dumb. If you could do whatever the fuck you wanted, get paid, drink coffee, gossip, and fuck anyone in the room; wouldn't you?

>> No.10710115


There is such thing as karma. It always works, even for women.

>> No.10710129

There is no such thing as karma.

>> No.10710154


Why the fuck have I seen it working over and over again though? Those who fuck things up always get it in the end.

>> No.10710167

>be me
>do decent work at 90% white company
>sit in meeting where female VP making 2x my salary, in a room half full of females making my salary or better talk about the need for diversity, how we don't want the company to become too "stale".
> "that company down the street has a much different culture", every female nods.
> company down the street sucks to work at and a big mix of everything, people leave that company to come to ours.
> the 1 black man says he wants his friends to come to company
> My grandpa fought in WWII, my father worked the land every damn day, and it just lead to this
> why live

>> No.10710193

I honestly think women are good at administration in Business world. All my girlfriends had tons of diaries keeping check in everything from finances to whatever.

Women are good at busy work more than men. The cliques are true thry really are good multitaskers. They arent good at focused higher order thinking imo

>> No.10710195
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>> No.10710213
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No actually I wouldn't want to be a waste like you

>> No.10710260

>the coping on this one

>> No.10710284
File: 43 KB, 725x706, 1532479554468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. white male with nine pajeets around him on a daily basis
Trump didnt do shit about the hb1 scam

>> No.10710311

>be me

>> No.10710333

I look young as fuck. Not the way money skelly does, but literally rosy cheeked 9th grader tier. Female employees go into mother mode around me. Female bosses seem to feel guilty when I work too hard. All because I'm just a kid, except I'm not and they know it. Women seem to not be able to control this reaction, they are a slave to their biological instincts. It undermines my drive and efforts to be treated this way.
Also makes dating a nightmare. 20+ year olds don't want to look like cougars.
I'm not defeatist about this. I have come a long way in fact. Doesnt get any less tiring or demoralizing though.

>> No.10710336


>> No.10710360


>> No.10710396

>They arent good at focused higher order thinking imo
100% this

>> No.10710407

Exactly, so why are women in the workplace at all?
>re-oppress women

>> No.10710409

That’s not karma you idiot, that’s consequences, here’s an example:
>show up late to interview -> don’t get job

No karma involved, just basic action -> result

>> No.10710417

Because men are dumb. I know this is difficult for you to understand. Take your time.

>> No.10710424


roastie detected, fuck off

>> No.10710465


Yes your example is simple action -> consequence. Karma is more of a state - everything you do in time processed together.

>> No.10710496

Karma exists, but is not a system of judgement. Think of karma as a field, and of your actions as a way to tend to that field. If you plant a good seed, and care for it, then it will flourish- you will be respected in your current life, you will get a better rebirth, get closer to enlightenment or whatever. You may also plant bad seeds and tend to them. This will bring ruin- unhappiness, a bad reputation, a bad rebirth etc.

Karma is a system of cause and effect. Desiring life is a bad karmic action- enlightened people do not hold such views. By desiring life, you are tending to a seed that was planted many world cycles ago. That's why you are reborn. You still have not experienced the full effects of your karma, and besides- you want to live anyway. It will be very hard to get rid of that view, but it is possible

>> No.10710499

Female project lead gets promoted to be a manager. Within a month she Announces she's pregnant. Begins delegating her work in preparation for her maternity leave. Rides out the next 8 month doing absolutely nothing but is essentially immune to being fired. Ended up quitting after having the baby despite telling everyone she would be back.

The confusion and fall out from all of her maneuvering and lieing almost killed the project, but no one had the balls to do anything

>> No.10710558

This is just a dumb person's way of explaining that one's actions affect one's psychological state.

Every action you make plants a seed in your mind, if using this metaphor is easier for you to understand. Each seed, when given time to flourish, goes on to affect your actions. Actions bring about consequence. This is simple action -> consequence.

Action creates state of mind which creates action. Are you following?

>> No.10710602

No, because karma affects rebirth. It is not just a psychological state. It has real consequences which carry over to your next lives

>> No.10710629

you might have an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex from not socializing for years.

>> No.10710634
File: 40 KB, 600x600, elrisitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait what? It sounds like you're the cuckiest of all the wagecucks in the office...and you're actually proud of it? What the fuck man...

>> No.10710661
File: 5 KB, 211x250, 1513100603474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women have skills. They don't make good managers and they're not hard working in the way a man values work. But they're really good for companies in the right places.
I don't have anything bad to say about the women in my workplace because they're the receptionists. (we have two part time mothers working the front desk) Once you stop thinking in a politically correct way, you begin to realize this is the way it needs to be.
Our receptionists are both wonderful people and juggle their days around together to make sure someone's always there. They chitchat all day long with our clients, know them all by name and their habits and just to top it off they get caught up in their braindead gossip. This all seems trivial, but it just works. Men can't do this.
The stereotypes are real. Women will go get their hair and nails done, and expect everyone around them to praise them. When this happens, just go with it. Tell them they look 10 years younger. This mindless shit might seem mundane, but it keeps a lot of people happy.

>> No.10710689

It is insane how clearly I could see that forming in my mind. That is precisely what a woman would do in a managerial position.

>> No.10710724

To be honest, whenever I worked in an office, the women were amazingly competent and fierce, had 2 female bosses and they were very good professionals.

There were some that were shit, but there were male colleagues that were just as retarded.

Might be the field im in (Law), but I never found the "women are dumb" stereotype to be true, at least not when it came to real professions.

Cant comment on STEM areas, but I think that if your positions still hires retards, you are too low on the hierarchy to claim that the fault is on women, idle chit chat shit doesnt happen after you get past entry level, anyone that surpasses this barrier has to be competent or the market organically takes them out.

Its like you people dont even capitalism.

>> No.10710759
File: 825 KB, 1560x2744, i6gKGp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the problem.
Kys you stupid roastie.
One shot at life. Chat and drink cofee.

> If you could do whatever the fuck you wanted, get paid, drink coffee, gossip, and fuck anyone in the room; wouldn't you?

>> No.10710818

Fortunately, the dumb men were there to do everything for them. I believe that's called winning.

>> No.10710825
File: 54 KB, 728x562, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>90% white
>why live

if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.10710829

How old are you?
My first impressions of women in the workforce were positive. Then I got older and wiser. Give it time, you'll be running rings around them. They're not nearly as smart as they make themselves out to be.

>> No.10710934


>> No.10711010

whats your stack for writing software, anon?

>> No.10711038

anything I put in my docker swarm.

>> No.10711056

Based and redpilled, unironically.

>> No.10711115

>be man
>be oppressed by matriarchy
>come up with clever scheme
>let women do whatever they want
>invent idea of gender equality
>then let men do whatever they want, even be women
>now men are free from matriarchy

god damn it feels good to be a pimp. a short 50 years ago you needed to put a ring on it to get pussy, now they give that shit up for free.

MARKETS TELL ALL, GENTLEMEN. the precipitous drop in the price of pussy is the rise of the patriarchy. god bless america

>> No.10711174

50 years ago you could punch a woman in the face and laugh about it over expensive whisky.

Where did we go wrong?

>> No.10711253

Yeah same here.

New female worker comes to work. 8 months later leaves for maternity leave. Never disclosed this in the interview.

Later on rumors started roaming. Basically she was just looking for a place just to abuse her maternity leave. Never came back. Btw during those 8 months didnt do jack shit.

Hurrr durrr men are idiots and gender inequality. Damn i cant wait for the time women are not needed for reproduction. I hate females with a passion.

Inb4 y call me aloner. I have a gf but fortunately she is not a moron.

>> No.10711258

I worked at one job where I had two women in a similar role as mine, but in different departments.

Both did an excellent job and were great colleagues. Have seen it repeated at most jobs I have had.

>> No.10711317

kek, no. you'd get run out of town for such shit. today, however? we have "stronk ind. womynz" dating felons and showing up in public with black eyes, without even breaking up with the dude

>> No.10711336

Take it easy roastie, the men are speaking right now.

>> No.10711402


Meetings are the worst. They just keep fucking talking and asking the same questions over and over

>> No.10711508

>Men are dumb
>Invented nearly everything
>Discovered nearly everything>
>Dumb.....You only have rights because we game them to you

>> No.10711518

Gave. (* Here before those faggots interject.

>> No.10711782
File: 413 KB, 811x767, Nervous Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-what are some signs of this? Hypothetically how would you hypothetically go about fixing this, you know, if you had it?

>> No.10712115

Literally the life of a rich muslim.
No thanks.

>> No.10712688
File: 10 KB, 320x220, tumblr_inline_n327sfUDU01r3x7o0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mother of one

>> No.10712975

To be honest, I think this anon is actually a guy. One of those socialist white knight "everybody is equal", "my sisters boyfriends black", "i love people of the LJBTAQGILGDHNZYX community!" drink-onions-everyday-of-his-fucking-life guys.

>> No.10712987


not sure why my phone did that

>> No.10713020

what you meant to say was onions

>> No.10713094
File: 208 KB, 500x700, 1511270176125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best developer I know is a woman.
Call me a cuck, I don't care, it's the truth.

>> No.10713099

I'm a software developer in the e-commerce sector. My team has 0 females but we're getting a co-op girl soon. She looks eager to work so I'm guessing it might be cool

In my previous jobs, the women are always diligent about working because they aren't status quo hires. Although they're not as talented as I am, they're good in their own right. I like going out to lunch with them and they sometimes offer me food.

>I'm sitting in the office, designing like a young god
If you're writing code for a full day, something is wrong with your line of work

>> No.10713133

>Then I got older and wiser.
t. 24 year old

>> No.10713137
File: 49 KB, 680x639, Aborted GF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been trying to find a torrent of this "dutch version of robinson" fucking forever but can't do it

>> No.10713139

It wasn't your phone, soiboi

>> No.10713171

newfags can't soipost

>> No.10713195

oh i see, it's censored

>> No.10713241

How the fuck do you drink onions? Is it a middle eastern thing?

>> No.10713257


>> No.10713424

So Zoomers are saying "young god" nowadays?

>> No.10713499

>idle chit chat shit doesnt happen after you get past entry level
>the market organically takes them out
you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.10713735
File: 32 KB, 500x500, holy shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10713804


What Zoggery is this?

>> No.10713848

>How the fuck do you drink onions? Is it a middle eastern thing?
no it's a chad thing
it makes your balls drop an extra inch and makes your dick grow an extra foot

>> No.10713857


>> No.10713870

What is this "young god" faggotry?

>> No.10713919

It's Vitalik clapping, happy

>> No.10713950

There is, it's called STDs

>> No.10714208

Any links? I mean, for research for a friend.

>> No.10714391

Karma is the fucking carrot at the end of the stick in front of good goys like you retard.

>> No.10714476

>Work with a bunch of Mexicans and blacks out in a shop because I'm a lazy fucktard white boi who dropped out of college
>They're all still pretty cool though. Wish they would just leave me alone but they love me no matter how much I tell them I find them annoying and that I want them to go away

>Office at the front has some women in it who do filing work and shit
>One of them is the walking caricature of a sassy fat black woman
>She fucks around with us guys at the shop, grabbing our asses, grabbing our heads and shoving them into her enormous tits, making sexual jokes and gestures towards us
>We are all lax around her and joke around with her and are all chill

>One day she comes in acting like a complete bitch
>Think nothing of it
>Later in the day the shop is suddenly in a buzz
>Fat black woman had accused one of my Mexican coworkers of sexually harrassing/assaulting her
>Everyone is like "What the fuck" because the Mexican guy is really chill
>He tells us obviously frantic and depressed that he didn't do anything and just helped her up when she slipped while picking a pen she dropped off the ground

>He's given two weeks suspension without pay
>A few days later my boss, a supervisor out in the shop, outright admits they viewed the tapes of the cameras and saw that the coworker did nothing wrong, but that they suspended him anyway so it wouldn't become a large scandal and lose us customers

A couple months later she bragged to use she found a better job and left.

>> No.10714490

>Work in shit-tier entire position in medium-sized consultancy
>All partners top management male, rest mostly woman
>Never work with partners directly only have to deal with females all day long
>We get new projects all the time
>The females don't get it, make ludicrously wrong decisions, waist resource etc. etc.
>I work long hours to cover up those insane decisions
>In the end, they take credit for my work
>I don't even get a blowjob or something like that..

>> No.10714506

I work with this asshole Mexican guy that has a Black Lives Matter flag decal on his car. I think he's illegal and has 3 anchor baby daughters. I hate these fucking people. You snuck into this country. You basically fucking cheated while others before you worked their asses off to get citizenship. Thank god it's only a temp job.

>> No.10714509

Late 20s/Early 30s is when you start to feel inherent unhappiness at not doing something productive. At least for white men. I can't talk for any other group.

>> No.10714519

The Mexicans during lunch break outright brag about how they're outbreeding white people at a rapid rate. I thought this shit was made up by poltards but nope.

>> No.10714522

>fat girl in management
>always nice to her, bring her bagels and coffee when I work the swing shift
>she says she diets and I tell her she looks good even though she is a hamplanet
> she ends up shift supervisor by default and even though she isn’t my boss she praises me so much she gets me 15k in bonuses even though I barely do shit

>> No.10714528

I agree with this. On average, women are good of keeping track of people and interacting with them, keeping track of what's going on, risk averse, have better memories than men. It's the perfect recipe for administrative roles.

>> No.10714542

>Thank god it's only a temp job.
Not for him

>> No.10714549

I kinda see where you’re coming from. I’d literally act soft as fuck around the women in the workplace so that they would warm up to me. Whenever anyone would give me shit about my work ethic they would always be there to jump to the rescue. “It’s fine, I’m sure he/she just has a rough day. Don’t be so hard on the guy/gal.” I always take the moral high ground after any kind of altercation. I’m damn near invincible.

>> No.10714555

The government is giving nonwhites all the jobs so that they stop having babies, while giving white people nothing so that they have more babies. Let them enjoy it while it lasts. Also, if this country get overrun by them, then Whites will just pick up and go someplace else while they pick the bones.It's already happening now.

>> No.10714902

If you believe in Karma, Karma exists.

>> No.10714976

Start smoking cigs. Cancer, but you finally get to look your age.

>> No.10715453

Women and PC culture literally dropped our share price by more than 50%.

>> No.10715483

My predecessor did exactly this. I inherited an office of middle aged haridans. Two and a half years on and the office is now 50% male thanks to me

>> No.10715531

Fug this made me feel... all those white babies that will never be born. Truly a tragedy :-(