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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10708697 No.10708697 [Reply] [Original]

Budgeting thread

What percentage of your income should go to escorts?

>> No.10708701

>paying for sex

>> No.10708819
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3D women are not as great as most people make them out to be IMO. Sure, it might be nice sometimes to have sex and spend some time together with a comfy girl but most of the time it's just a hassle, having to put up with their bullshit, tantrums etc. Idk, maybe I've just dated the wrong women but I'd much rather just chill with my friends, play vidya or shitpost on 4chan. Will probably have to settle down eventually and pop out a couple of children but thankfully that day is not today

>> No.10708851

>not fucking career women who take you out and pay for everything
step it up, OP

>> No.10708925
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That's a nice family... of fucking RETARDS

>> No.10708933

No less than 80%

>> No.10708952

How does one get a sugar momma? Obviously I'll have to get /fit/ but where does a young man go to become a bull for a career milf

>> No.10709567

no more than $500/week is my rule

>> No.10709720

If you're white, unironically India. If you can stand the smell, they'll almost murder each other for the BWC.

>> No.10709724


>> No.10709727

but are there really that many rich women in india?

>> No.10709769

this is a very nice looking family.

I hope they stay happy and dont brake up.

>> No.10709780

This, just go to the gym. Don't show off your power level too much and bang someone for free. If you're spending on sex you've hit bottom.

>> No.10709801

> If you're spending on sex you've hit bottom

where do you think you are?

>> No.10709888

It's all relative, but yeah.

>> No.10710261

lets say ill go to india where does one go about finding a career woman?

>> No.10710361

Upwind of the designated shitting street. This is of course assuming they can afford a toilet.