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10701181 No.10701181 [Reply] [Original]

I've taken like 5 career aptitude test and none of them match up. I can't decide what my career should be. I just want to make alot of money doing something I'm good at. I'm a jack of all trades so I can do anything, the problem is deciding on what. REEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.10701216

You can try sucking cocks for money.

Sock cocks for a dollar per minute - 60 dollars an hour - 2400 dollars per week doing 40 hours

>> No.10701228

>taking a test to tell you what to do
are you really that much of an NPC?

>> No.10701240

Those grade school (incl. high school) career aptitude tests are mostly a.) bullshit, and b.) to guide the blind into a career path because they're too fuckin dumb to make their own decisions.

Do better, OP.

>> No.10701764

me too now I just decided to become an accountant.

Thank god I don't live in America and have to work no overtime.
Guess I will live my life outside of work.

>> No.10701776
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Dude, are you me? I am also fucking confused right now and I am already 27, not much time to waste, fuck!

>> No.10701784

Fuck off mate, this is the one post I want to have some serious discussion on

>> No.10701796

I'm 27, degree in math, currently a math teacher, and now i'm growing bored of math

I want to be a musician but its basically too late for me to git gud enough (though I play decent enough for a shitty weekend band).

Thingken about going back to college to study like music tech or something and go into something like that

>> No.10701820

Just do anything

It really doesn't matter. Once you start doing something you will realize which parts you hate and pick something better the next time

>> No.10702357

As a boomer my one word of advice is if you are undecided now then probably like most people you will be wondering about what to do with your life at 20...30...40 and so on...

But personally I would say don't do some stupid degree that doesnt qualify you for anything. First try out some jobs and make contacts and then do the schooling that will help you succeed in that area. Also try to find what you love doing as well.

>> No.10702460

>Be a absolute klutz when it comes to anything doing with fixing mechanical shit or electronics
>Going to study mechanical engineering next month because it was the only school that accepted me

>> No.10702489

look for something else. your life will be hell when doing something you dont like. especially if your paying to do it

t. got cucked in the trade meme for 2 years

>> No.10702496


I studied a bullshit degree, listen to this guy folks, even if you don't know what you want, having a bullshit degree is not going to get you anywhere unless you just want a bullshit 9-6 desk job which pays a little and no transferable skills

>> No.10702521
File: 38 KB, 433x433, Autism Animu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get started on a career in programming? What languages are good and easy to learn in the Current year? What are the best resources for a total noob?
How do I stay motivated just learning by myself? I usually work best as an apprentice in person with someone else but I can't really afford to pay for education at the moment.
I'm good at math and typing and I'm mildly autistic so I think I could be good at it, and it would be nice to be able to work from home because I hate normies and jobs where I have to be around them.
Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.10702524

imagine that you are old and have food and all other necessities and have some constant amount of money monthly (say pension)

ask yourself what you would do with all that time in a day? what you honestly like doing?

now go for it while you are not old (yes the first step is the hardest one)

oh and a.... be sure to clean your room first, kek

>> No.10702536
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Same here, I think about my career everyday for the last years and I just don't fucking know what I want to do. I like medicine, art, business, I seem to like everything, but love nothing. I also don't have any special talents that stick out.

I have big dreams, but I'll probably end up in the most boring office job ever, because I didn't decide for something

>> No.10702580
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>> No.10702583

I have no other options right now.
At least I'll break the 5 year neet streak.
>t. got cucked in the trade meme for 2 years
What'd you do?

>> No.10702620
File: 307 KB, 280x200, thank mr. skeltal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice infograph, seems either Java or Python would be right for me.

>> No.10702621

>fresh out of uni
>decide to send my CV to a recruitment firm
>get a call from them telling me about the opportunity
>learn that in order to progress i need to attend an assessment day
>have to give presentations, have interviews and do group tasks
>never answer the phone again

i guess im too fucking autistic to go through the process of getting a job

>> No.10702729

Music is math

>> No.10703082
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me too anon, and crypto crashed ruining my financial situation, what do

>> No.10703155

An NPC would just do whatever their father does.

Taking tests just suggests OP's not very creative or experienced with work, that's all.

>> No.10703200

Both are widely used in back-end programming and have great job perspectives. You'd be surprised how many opportunities open up in programming once you know a bit of what you're capable of.
If you can automate or improve a process or feature, you will surely find a way to make money from the skill if you know enough people.

>> No.10703219

You have a maths degree. Why don't you go into banking and milk the sector dry until crypto takes over

>> No.10703223

do ranching
> pro tip
> you cannot afford anything in the planet ponzy

>> No.10703225


>> No.10703358

I feel u my friend, I really do, hope we will make it one day

>> No.10703658


>> No.10703704

Same situation, 21yo. I'm just pursuing project ideas and always learn stuff along the way. It either works out - jackpot - or it doesn't, in which case I still learned, matured, and will do better next time. Working on a website at the moment, hope I will make it. The idea is gold, and no, I won't tell you unless I get at least 50k visitors a month and am established

>> No.10703707

Look at it like this, bro. You've got an advantage that many other people don't have: you're not swayed by blind desire. So many people pursue fields in which they're passionate about and either fail or grow to hate their jobs because at the end of the day work is work. People who pursue their dreams have to live every day not having that dream but you? All you have to do is find a job that makes ends meet and allows you to pursue hobbies which you do enjoy. At the end of the day a job is work and work sucks ass. Even if you love your job the total enjoyment you receive out of it will only ever balance the shitty parts at best. Don't sweat what job you have, dude because it doesn't define you. All you gotta do is pick something with the hours, lifestyle and pay that suits you and then have fun doing all the shit you want to do outside of work :)

>> No.10703816

It doesn't matter what you're good at because nobody is expecting you to be good at anything, just get into any fucking job that accepts poor execution and an awesome salary. Marketing shill, sales, just be a whore for money, kiss ass and find someone that can give you access to meds. The money is in bullshitting your way into making others believe you're irreplaceable.

>> No.10703904

A friend of the family did this. She had absolutely no skills or qualifications but managed to bullshit her way into FTSE 100 companies and was earning 6 figures within a few years.

>> No.10704011


the problem is that many would answer "nothing" or just mindless entertainment and consumption. most people don't have some innate passion that they're dying to fulfill so trying to pick a career based on that myth is hell. better advice is to just do anything and make money and you'll learn more about what you like and don't like and adjust from there.

>> No.10704135

You can't decide beforehand. You'll have to try things, and just follow your instincts. Don't be afraid to quit if something doesn't feel right.
And if you don't like what you are doing at any time, always pay attention to what you would rather be doing instead.
It really doesn't matter where you start. Just pick the one that feels right, and go from there.

>> No.10704349


Hopes everything goes well for you, anon.

>> No.10704372

lmao at still falling for the careeer meme

online ad revenue or death

>> No.10704449

fug im an NPC

what do?

No seriously, is there a way i can be sentient like you?

>> No.10704467

Jack of all trades, master of none. Good at many things, but no particular one

>> No.10704537

The past is inside the present

>> No.10704558

This is a common feature among our personality type. Most are INTJ/INFJ here.

I also feel lost and aimless in regards to career, I don't have a burning passion for anything but a general interest in everything.

>> No.10704608

redpill me on the ad revenue meme anon
seems like the space is clogged with 15 year old juul smoking normies who think they can retire after watching a few Gary Vee videos

>> No.10704613

Holy fuck, are you me?
I really dont like anything, but I like everything
I just dont know how to monetize any of my interests. I bet you like christopher Hitchens too?

>> No.10704652

I like Hitchens I also like God. I'm quite an extremist in regards to liking things.

>> No.10704654

You're not alone, I had no idea what I truly wanted after school and dodged the bullet of going to university for the sake of it. Wagecucking for a few years and now most of the people I knew from school are back at square one in min wage jobs anyway, many graduates I've supervised flipping burgers kek
Philosophy and medicine are the only things I'm passionate about, one offers fuck all for career prospects and a complete waste of time paying to study, whilst the other is a huge commitment that would keep me tied to neverending work for the majority of my life.

As far as I'm concerned the biggest failures are those that go study without any ambition because they were told to, and end up in mcjobs with massive debt and years of their life wasted. So if you have no idea what you want to do, it's better to explore fully and commit yourself to something with a clear goal than dive headfirst into study without fully considering it

>> No.10705631

learn how to mine nimiq. after doing so, you have lots of time to think about what your second profession could be.

>> No.10705957

Lol I'm a professional musician and I would like nothing more than to go into academic STEM or least just have pure leisure time to study Machine Learning and math.

>> No.10706658

grass is always greener

>> No.10707015

Dued i ran my own music business for 3 years; making beats, selling merch, marketing gigs. I loved it but i got redpilled on the music industry, plus i want to actually make money. Btw my dad is a book writer.

>> No.10707518
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All jobs are shit. I've mopped floors in factories, cashiered, loaded trucks, and even eventually got educated and worked in offices at the top of LA skyscrapers. It's all shit. Just try to find some shit that doesn't taste too bad, and only eat as much as you have to.

>> No.10707530

>I'm a jack of all trades so I can do anything

Hooo boy, are you in for a shock.

>> No.10708485

I would just suggest studying business administration. It's very versatile, but not as JUST as the typical liberal arts/social sciences degree.

>> No.10709477

I have the same problem anon, and I've wasted probably over 3 years of my life being anxious about it

>> No.10710639

Alright I'll toss you niggas a bone. You can get a guaranteed job in any medical office or hospital as a sterilization technician. The cert takes a few months to learn and get AT MOST. The only requirement is room temperature IQ and negative drug use/criminal history.

Pros: High demand job nobody knows about, low barrier of entry, room for ladder climbing, comfortable for /r9k/ bots. It also looks god-tier on a resume if your interviewer has never heard of this easy af job. You get the prestige of working in a medical field without doing anything special.

Cons: Pretty garbage starting pay for how important the job is.