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10701103 No.10701103 [Reply] [Original]

shitload of altcoins nearing fast to their ICO prices. is this a fucking opportunity or what? it s also a calculated risk, but hey, that s what it s all about in this market. so what would you buy, anon?

>> No.10701135

Only if you think the January prices were warranted (they weren't and won't be back for a long time). Let it bleed for a while longer before the falling knife chops your head off.

>> No.10701140

Son, the shitcoins are dying. You wanna buy into the few good remaining projects out there, not fill incompetent devs pockets

>> No.10701144

>invest in greek stocks after 90% loss
>it crashes further 90%

>> No.10701157

Fucking BCIO of GTFO. Blockchain.io is going to moon harder than my cheeks on steroids

>> No.10701163

Opportunity for newbies. Affordable to get in with the risk of winning. Lol
Anon,my portfolio is more diverse than Canada. Anything u can think of, it's there

>> No.10701177

any thoughts on which alts are still promising?

>> No.10701183

speaking of competency, sky devs won my attention recently, keeping an eye on this new development, it might survive the purge and set itself as a leading blockchain tech. It has the potential , now let's see how it goes

>> No.10701184

what are the most promising ones anon?

>> No.10701200

can relate, I was keeping my eyes on SKY for a while now... that skyminer thing was a hit, saw it being introduced at a conference in Hamburg and the project seemed to have a lot of potential

>> No.10701246
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Literally Dero.

Seriously think about why Dero has been attacked so viciously these past few months on this board. Instead of just believing what those guys are saying, actually do your own research about Dero and its project.

Dero is literally the first crypto EVER to have a working BlockDAG. This isn't a conceptual idea that's coming in 2019. It's ALREADY HERE. And they are still adding features.

I don't know what else to say. DYOR on DERO, and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.10701256

while researching it felt like it was a bit too much, it is logically planned but the efforts to educate the public might get expensive for them. Any idea how is this project funded?

>> No.10701270

I know about Fiber being the blockchain of choice for a few great projects, one of them being Solar Bankers.. do you have any info on developments?

>> No.10701291

you can get involved with SKYcoin by (obviously) buying the coin, buying and setting up a Skyminer that will be a part of Skywire (mesh net) and also helping inside the community.. probsbly there are some large investors also that support the project, cant say for sure

>> No.10701445

cand we just buy in then short if the prices are still dropping?

>> No.10701451

OP I m thinking to buy some morre SKY, this price is ridiculous and given the project s massive succes it wont stay low for long. by end of Q3 this will be up and running again

>> No.10701525

It seems to me that is a bit undervalued considering the things they do

>> No.10701591

would you go all in on this coin or make a more diversified portfolio? what do you think anon, you seem pretty into it

>> No.10701608

Sure you can, but why lose money in the process? No one can say when we will reach the absolute dip

>> No.10701618

most ICOs will fail, at a rate at least one order of magnitude higher than traditional businesses

the opportunity with ICOs was to buy in the ICO or presale, and then sell with in the first 6 months. there is no more opportunity for all but a literal handful of alts.

instead of loading up on failed experiments and centralized services or developers, you should be loading up on coins like ethereum, that are being dragged down by the ICOs themselves. there's no easier way to find an oversold coin that one that has fundraisers everywhere desperately selling to recoup just a little fraction of their initial "raise".

>> No.10701654

anon, the dip will be reached soon, if it wasnt already. projects like SKY seem to work hard to put and end to this

>> No.10701662


>> No.10701900

what about new alts coming in the scene? also i m willing to bet a lot on the coming back of a few, SKY is really a good example

>> No.10701919


>> No.10702094

new alts keep diluting the alt pool, spreading the little retail speculators even thinner.

>> No.10702263

I like buying shitcoins that are in the shitter very deep, like Constellation, that way I know that even if that piece of shit fails everyone was a bagholder so noone laughs to the bank to take profit after dumping his bag on me haha

>> No.10703052

Some pajeet shit, that noone buying.

>> No.10703933

If a coin is near its ico price, maybe it's not really that much of a decent coin

>> No.10704126

It's probably best to invest in recently created crash-era coins that have been born under the pressure of the bear market and will have their moment in the sun when the bull arrives again. Most ICOs have massive amounts of bagholders and will never reach a level even close to their December-January ATHs. For starters, I suggest looking into Nimiq, 0xBitcoin and Dero