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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10696107 No.10696107 [Reply] [Original]

Should us Linkies buy a country or an island and create ANCAPistan? We'll have the resources for it after the singularity. Who's in?

>> No.10696213

>statists btfo

>> No.10696389

Let's purchase a small island nation in the south pacific so when the bombs start falling we're totally safe. I don't think Fiji should be too expensive

>> No.10696441

sign me up. 40k here

>> No.10696502

>Coiners creating a new country
>Not basing it off of neocameralist/NRx principles

>> No.10696512

Does fiji have a pretty robust port for imports and exports? Decent international airport? These are kinda necessary.

>> No.10696536

Look out Equatorial Guinea

>> No.10696552

Fuck anywhere in Africa. You'd have to build an Israel style wall to keep the niggers out.

>> No.10696570

By completely missing the joke, you've proven my thesis.

>> No.10696576
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i would unironically be in if 1k eoy someone whoever is setting up our neet island drop a throwaway email

>> No.10696681

Yes, there are two international airports and one decently large port, along with several others.

>> No.10696704

Tristan da Cunha is the most remote island, it could be asymbol of our lonely struggle

>> No.10696761

Yes we need to create our own tax haven, a new Monaco or Singapore

We will be the first to invest in land and property ownership there and then we will make money as others come in and enjoy non existent taxation

>> No.10696793

Fiji sounds good to me. It's ranked 101 on ease of running a business. If we ANCAP it up, we could crack top 10 in no time. We just gotta round up a few billion dollars. Shouldn't be too difficult. Buy in now to get the Founders Edition.

>> No.10696828
File: 49 KB, 468x382, dry-tortugas-fort-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should buy this one.

>> No.10696915

Need to make it law that women are men's property. There's no point of having riches if women can work for their own money and fuck all the Chad's and ignore the rest of us betas that sustain civilization

>> No.10697108


I don't know if I want to live next to fellow Linkies...what are you Marines like in real life?

Are we all Chad's? I'm assuming we're all Chad's.