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File: 69 KB, 585x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-05-28 at 11.53.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10695952 No.10695952 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>22 years old
>was already in jail, tortured, spanked and with several mental ilness and traumas
>bypassed the most fucked niilistical shit that someone could bypass and stay alive
>under investigation by more then 5 federal law enforcement agencies
>know the real truth about why sigaint went down
>threathned to death by more than 10 drug dealers and other type of criminals

Would you buy a book of mine life story? Would you buy mine book to teach a children to use internet in a safe and non pedo way?

Help me find something of good to do, because I'm into some really heavy shit already.

>> No.10695976

Nope. My pay for what your therapist writes tho

>> No.10695982

>know the real truth about why sigaint went down

what truth ?

>> No.10696002

>mine life story

>My pay

whats wrong with you people?

>> No.10696027

Didnt understand what you meant, can you explain a bit more?

There was an brazilian imageboard called "Dogolachan", an brazilian guy that were already arrested in Brazil was on the USA and he was an rival of that ib.

They used sigaint to threath Donald J. Trump, his family and many locals to death or to terrorism acts.

Just google "Bomb fax threat".

That led that man: Emerson, to get swatted by NSA, they seized sigaint servers with the intent to find the guys that did it.

I'm fucked already.

>> No.10696122

why even ask? do it faget

>> No.10696150

shamelessly checking my own dubs and leaving this thread. good luck anon

>> No.10696159


It would help to fool myself that atleast once I can make something right.

>> No.10696170
File: 175 KB, 960x720, 7C540D3D-5718-45BC-BB71-DAFCFFA7D674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta go back.

>> No.10696209

Write a weblog about your life , write every week one article. Monotize the traffic. In the end use to funding to combine each article (with extra info) into a book. Keep records about your life and preferably pictures of what happens.

You can make it if you want.

>> No.10696251

Already on shit bro, cant leave mine home because if I do I can get arrested and move to a federal prison, can't have a normal life anymore because my name is ruined and I still have to go to courts in order to see what things I can face.

I'm into shit, the pills that I take make my pee pee go down like btc actually.

Got your point, maybe I will speed things up as I dont even know if I'll have enough time to make this weblog known.

The good part of experiencing too many shit is that you dont fear death anymore.

The bad part of experiencing too many shit is that your real fear is the damage that will be done to the ones that really like you.

>> No.10696359


For speeding up you could think about contacting people like VICE for a documentary. You could use this documentary to get a book contract .