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10693846 No.10693846 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder LINK is a gift to Gnon's chosen people so we'll never have to work again and can stay home making white babies.

>> No.10694376


>> No.10694391
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I just want her to come back anons. Will 40k make that happen?

>> No.10694401

Matthew 7:7

God bless all anons, we're going to make it friends

>> No.10694405

if you spend that $40k on making your benis bigger maybe :DD

>> No.10694442

40k Link tokens I mean...

Oh god its never going to happen is it? Why must I suffer

>> No.10694450


>we'll never have to work again and can stay home making white babies

Okay, suppose you will actually have a son (for the sake of argument, of course).
What kind of father will you be, what will you teach your son then? How to be a neet and buy shitcoins? Your own son will hate you when he grows up.

>> No.10694572

Projection, much? I'll still show my children the value of hard work, along with the sense to take exceptional opportunities when they come.

>> No.10694607
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Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.10694644


Getting defensive much?

>I'll still show my children the value of hard work
>said the guy who doesn't want to work again

linktards, ladies and gents...

>> No.10694684
File: 33 KB, 171x266, land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gnon's chosen
Pick one

>> No.10694812

No, and you wouldn't want it to. If she would only come back if you had 40k, she wouldn't say when you inevitably lose it

>> No.10695629

Land believes humans will still exist in the near-mid future, though they'll probably be much different than they are now.

>> No.10695751

look up sorites paradox. how much can you change humans and they still remain human?

>> No.10696030

Seems like a semantic argument not really relevant to the discussion.

>> No.10696169

Well, it's insofar relevant that some people even make the semantic distinction and don't even see blacks as human anymore, so why would the genetically engineered demigods of the future be considered human, when they will be so far off the homo sapiens baseline?

>> No.10696280
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>Your own son will hate you
And he'll hate even more when one day he looks in the mirror and sees my fucking face. My parents taught me everything they heard on the radio and I still love them dude.

>> No.10696395


>> No.10697002

People were making white babies in grueling serfdom. Having money won't save the white race.

>> No.10697484

That was before birth control.

>> No.10698654

They got defensive because you attacked them. If your not sold on the link delusion then please leave and never come back. We are happy linkies.