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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10689673 No.10689673 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10689700
File: 19 KB, 403x392, 123dj3asd398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I aint clicking that shit nibba

>> No.10689773

Because pastebin’s scary?

>> No.10689799

More gloating. We'll see in Q3-4 what's what.

>> No.10689808

you know what they say

don't click websites from unknown chinks
everyone knows they steal your links

>> No.10689824

Foxy stays losing his mind over no enterprise activity even though the token swap isn’t done and the mainnet transiton isn’t completed yet

I will pay any amount of money necessary to have foxy take an iq test and post the results ... name your price foxy

>> No.10689834

you guys have been saying that for months now...
>we'll see after rebrand
>we'll see after main net
>we'll see after token swap
>we'll see 2020
etc. We are seeing brainlet....this shit is garbage.

>> No.10689876

Whoever wrote that is strangely obsessive and is taking FUD to another level. You don't see any essays like that about Icon or Ark or NEO or anything else that's dropped 95%. Seek help.

>> No.10689908

Vechain has obsessive fudders because we all used to hold this coin and unironically thought it was legit. I can speak for myself when I say that rebrand was a shock to me and was when I sold. Seeing how scammy their marketing was made me start to think about all the rest of their scammy shit and I got pissed off for having been duped by it. Now, I fud because I fucking hate this coin.

>> No.10689916
File: 326 KB, 600x675, sunnyfortune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10689921

It’s utter insanity, id reckon this guy posts about 35-40 Vechain fud posts a day on biz alone, he also has about 10 reddit accounts which he spams over there as well

The guy truly needs help not even kidding I like to call him out on threads but the amount of time he honestly invests in doing this is just mind boggling

>> No.10689922

The sad thing is it's all true lol.

>> No.10689942

Lmao best one yet

>> No.10689967
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>> No.10689968 [DELETED] 

it was tested at 132 by a shrink I was seeing for depression in middle school.
I post zero VeChain FUD on 4chan.

>> No.10690061
File: 24 KB, 340x375, blockchainVEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% PoA, and most of the nodes owned by the team, hilarious.

Sunny: "We built our blockchain from the ground up"

Truth: "its 90% the same as Ethereum"

>> No.10690085
File: 94 KB, 800x777, funnySunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So accurate...

>> No.10690096

Nobody is losing their mind. Did you even read the post?

What's your IQ, criptolete?

>> No.10690110

Centralised shitcoin. Better off buying shares in Anal Beads.

>> No.10690112

People calling fud but can't argue what been said. Poa with anon node holders, trust Vechain. Cream crypto is in on all vechain icos, and has a private kyc group. Dnv gl bought stake in company to use some of the blockchain tech on their own private solution. Price going to $0,001

>> No.10690133

How about one with the GPS coordinates for his daughter? I am shit at shop...

>> No.10690140
File: 190 KB, 995x1069, 8465C27C-92CE-455D-8668-AE6540E70B30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh I prefer spamming meme images like pic related

>> No.10690167

Wonder what happened to Duncan?

>> No.10690198

He was on board of the skyking barrel plane

>> No.10690199

>Normie tier memes
This is so sad

>> No.10690202
File: 74 KB, 1280x772, wha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10690209


>> No.10690314

I think it has to do with all those fake partnerships and shit

>> No.10690342

Yes like Dnv Gl that defended the project even today on twitter. Get lost, kid.

>> No.10690355

You Think? Lulz... Oxford University made them apologise for announcing a fake partnership, BMW was a start up garage (aka shit) and they cheated to get into the LV competition. So much potential all flushed down the toilet.

>> No.10690375

>So much potential all flushed down the toilet.
This isn't a white paper, it just isn't...

>> No.10690376

Guys, who or what is CCK? Trying to understand the article. Thnxxx

>> No.10690388

You could say Oxford but overplayed it with the other 2.

Think a scam gets runner up on stage with LV leadership?

>> No.10690394

Is DNV GL the only credibility VEN has? Like seriously? Every single time all we ever hear is DNV GL... They as a company have no idea about the pump and dumps, insider trading and scam man CREAM crypto.

>> No.10690422


>get lost kid

>> No.10690427

You're just triggered you can't refute it.

>> No.10690429


>> No.10690432

I never said it was a scam, just a dog shit project which overhypes everything.

>> No.10690442

Nope, he got burned and left when the price caved in.

>> No.10690463

I have no intention of refuting it, its a solid partnership. DNV GL have partnered with a dog shit project lulz.

>> No.10690468

The hype phase is over. Need real adoption on chain now. I'm giving it another 2 months.

>> No.10690536

They are pure hype, 100% china hustlers. Maybe they will pull together something decent so their investors don't get shit on, but if their current ICO's are anything to go by, then f**k me, what a pile of horse shit, or rather horse spunk Lulz.

>> No.10690550

nope he's still bagholding and has even admitted this. From 7 figures to 6

>> No.10690625

Actually he sold last week. I have his wallet.

>> No.10690679
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>> No.10690725

Was this the whole debate between the Chad FUDDER vs the virgin VEN bagholder

>> No.10690796
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>> No.10690809
File: 185 KB, 1084x832, rempost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont know about a debate, r/vechain or r/cc won't allow anything that criticises VEN. Everything is being removed for no reason, its total censorship, no room for a healthy debate about how much of a scam VEN is becoming, think this is one of the only posts that have survived.

>> No.10691500
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>> No.10691588

This ^ /cc mods obv have heavy bags

>> No.10691667


I think so, someone from the VEN community posted an article calling out the vechain shill group CCK,CREAM,CCI etc in r/cc for being scum bag china hustle shills. Everything presented was factual and was an eye opener for VEN holders. I think the article was up for 30 mins and removed for no apparent reason lmfao, complete censorship.

>> No.10692473

absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.10692510

I wouldn’t be surprised if the subreddit mods are under VeChain payroll. Got to keep their sheeps lined up.

>> No.10692522

Their mods are retarded for sure though, still baghodling because delusion

>> No.10692592


Oh, you mean like Boxmining is? Top VEN shill he is. Love how he slipped up in one of his posts when referring to the VEN team as "we" haha. Him and Suppo, tag team shillers.

>> No.10692634


That was the link. Dunno if you can use Ceddit to view it. Had some revealing stuff in it

>> No.10692649

doubt it cause they let me shitpost about VEN despite knowing that I'm ban evading

>> No.10692673

Ok I think I know why this was removed lol.

>> No.10692704


>> No.10693424
