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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10671807 No.10671807 [Reply] [Original]

It's over america won
>eur crashing
>gbp crashing
>crypto crashing
>everything crashing apart from usd
Everyone is about to go extinct apart from US

>> No.10671841


Can't imagine how using currency wars will backfire.

Nationalists will laugh as the TKY falls to nothing. Crypto people will rejoice as many smart TKY citizens join crypto in a desperate plea to keep some of their wealth.

Then it will happen here and it won't be so funny.

>> No.10671886

How did they do it. We were the superior ethnostate with superior health care and public services, so how did the burgers dominate the world

>> No.10671909

Your one advantage was less shitskins but you threw it away for a few good feels for your women.

Enjoy running a socialist Utopia when 30% of your population wants to kill you and has the IQ of a toaster.

>> No.10671962

erdogan will side with putin, exiting from alliance with amerifats. powers will shift - look for china-russian axis as the dominant force for the next couple of decades. WWIII incoming? your thoughts anon? You did see that russia is quietly occupying Giorgia Anon?

>> No.10672153

Yes anon frankly I'm scared the memes are becoming real

>> No.10672214

Yeah I don't think people realize the long term effects of trump "winning".. Sure he is doing work but is it worth it when everyone turns against us?

>> No.10672215

>turkey is a world power

Lmaoing at ur life retard. Their entire gdp is based on gibs from wealthy Euro countries that they blackmail by threatening to release more refugees across the border.

The US could stomp those three countries alone on a Sunday morning.

It's all pointless now with nukes anyways either we're all going down or nothing will happen. If you're implying turkey and Russia could win economic warfare that's even funnier.

>> No.10672232

>Everyone turning against us
>countries that hated the US forever that were only kept appeased and would have turned at the slightest provocation anyway

>> No.10672255

>eur crashing
wtf are you talking about? It's like -0.15% today

>> No.10672269

>tfw Trump will return Constantinople to western, Christian rule in your lifetime

We are not fucking worthy of this man.

>> No.10672273

But anon, USA is already only 56% white

>> No.10672276
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He tried to warn them

>> No.10672279

>it will happen here
They’ll jump to USD fool, the dollar is fine, countries literally keep dollar reserves so they don’t run out because USD is that valuable. Look up dollar shortage. They can’t win, they need us

>> No.10672287

hint: USD prints in two batches; one for reserving in the US and one for lending it to other countries. Both 50 dollar bills have the same serial number. That's why USD is thriving