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10669070 No.10669070 [Reply] [Original]

Are the wheels starting to come off Tesla?

>> No.10669077

No can't you read it's the rear bumpers.

>> No.10669092

jews run the media and trying to fud tesla hard now because they are all short and getting BTFO by daddy musk.

>> No.10669099

Wow Rithesh looks like a guy you can trust just sold 100k!

>> No.10669117

checked and kekked

>> No.10669167

Maybe Tesla is going bankrupt at $42 instead of going private at $420

>> No.10669423
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>jews run the media and trying to fud tesla hard now because they are all short and getting BTFO by daddy musk.

>> No.10670565

Heh who buys this crap?

>> No.10670650

Electric cars are for cucks

Nothing beats a V12 engine sound

>> No.10670685
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Tesla is a meme and Musk is a con artist. Day by day they are being exposed

Won't be getting an electric/self driving car until a reputable brand like Volvo or Mercedes launches one.

>> No.10670721

I am pretty sure a jet engine beats a v12 engine sound

>> No.10670794


is it as good as a prostate massage?

>> No.10670842

every white person should be for elon.
Imagine a world with drastically reduced demand for oil. All those rich arab sheiks are fucked. Middle East goes back to riding on camels. They have no other economy.

>> No.10670888

>electric cars drive up demand for grid electric power
>crypto miners competing for same power, mining costs go up
This is good for Bitcoin

>> No.10670923

Fucking kek wait till trumps and the jews hear about saudi arabia buying Tesla.

Load up your shorts boys this shit is going to 30$

>> No.10671090

What's this chatter of Musk violating some SEC rule cause he talked to the Saudis or something? Some one explain.

>> No.10671156

agreed, tesla has nothing on Mercedes. tell this musk fanbois and they just scream-cry your wrong

>> No.10671273

must lied about funding for going private being secured, while it wasn't.
I think he will get a warning and that's it, tesla is almost too big to fail at this point.
Honestly if cost of all wars for oil is included, any state support to tesla is peanuts in comparison.

>> No.10671295

Even if it wasn't to big to fail, Musk's following is too big for him to be kicked out of the board of directors by now.

>> No.10671334


>> No.10671363

These fags have never owned a Mercedes. Tesla is shit too

>> No.10671372

>shorting kikes don't know that general Musk started 9 paypals before he made it and he knows that kitchen inside and out

>> No.10671379

>posting their license plate

>> No.10671390

Doesn't make any sense. Then they can buy the technology and control for even less money. That would just help their cause. fucking moron. if anything trump would convince US to make a higher offer to keep saudi hands out. learn to economic fag.

>> No.10671393

pajeet driving way too fast through 4 inches of standing water probably.

>> No.10671413

You guys really don't have any knowledge about geopolitics do you? The US government loves Saudi Arabia, because they are their biggest weapons customer; only last year, did SA buy $400 billion dollars worth of weaponry from the USA in what is the biggest arms deal of all time. Also, the Saudis and Israel are very friendly these days as well due to their mutual hatred for Iran.

>> No.10671435

white people are stupid and can't think 1 step ahead though. just look at all the alt rightards claiming global warming is a hoax while railing muslim refugees kek. if only the left and right united on this issue, muslims would have never gotten to the point of cucking away the white man's woman

>> No.10671527

Fuck no.

>the virgin jet engine which makes a boring whhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sound and is quite literally just a high powered fan
>the chad v12 which sounds like a glorious precision tuned musical instrument as it hits the high notes

>> No.10672292

have you seen the videos of the factories? Theres a bunch of black people working at tesla its no wonder they can barely even meet production estimates.

>> No.10672313

Elon isn't even white

>> No.10672326

Your mom's anus makes better noises after a full night of Jamal analizing it, you retarded oilfag

>> No.10672350
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>reputable brand

>> No.10672418

Meanwhile, its the Saudi sovereign wealth fund that'll be leading the mbo of Tesla. Eat that, cracker.

>> No.10672453
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What's going on in this thread?

>> No.10672515

Standard love/hate shit. Autists love Elon as one of their own but hate that he might actually be successful. Jews love the idea that they can make money off Tesla but hate that Elon recognizes their sheistering. Granolafags love electric cars but hate that the company will likely be majority owned by oil pumping camel fuckers. Etc, etc.

>> No.10672732

Musk had then half the number of welds on the frame to save money, if the bumpers are falling off I can only imagine what will happen to a meme three in a crash

>> No.10672814
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Elon is a charlatan, has nothing to do about him being white,

Also, this faggot employs a shit town a brown town faggot indians directly from india who are basically here using a H1B1 Visa loopholes.

Fuck elon, he's a goddamn literal meme.

If you want to support whites, seriously stick with Volvo or Mercedes.. maybe VW

>> No.10673043
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Fuckoff norman

>> No.10673075

Kek, projecting a bit much aren’t you there champ?

>> No.10673116


>> No.10673160

Tesla the future

>> No.10673317

Inline 6 BMW reporting in
you wish volvofag

>> No.10673620

Nice try bimbo, but you can't touch my rs3

>> No.10673938

I can't
I'm man enough to admit that but I still wouldn't turn in I6 and RWD for anything else but porsche