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10667555 No.10667555 [Reply] [Original]

hey kids wanna know how to beat the ZOG financial system?
>start off as a good goy wageslave
>take just enough loans and pay them off to build your credit
>once it's good enough, take out massive long-term loans to fund your self-sufficiency
>give the kikes just enough shekels to keep them off your back
>either use the money to allow yourself to live off the grid indefinitely
>OR use it for whatever the fuck you want and blow your brains out because you don't want to see what will become of this world
there you go, no need to gamble your life savings on some pajeet scam monopoly money. you just need to realize that all money is abstract and useless, and play the jews at their own game.

>> No.10668126

>killing yourself
>playing the jews at their own game
nice try, Shlomo