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10667257 No.10667257 [Reply] [Original]

25 year old neet who made bank 2013 - 2016 sold everything mid 2016 bought back in in january at $12500 thinking it was gonna to the moon currently have $1000 left in my name NEVER GOING TO WAGESLAVE EVER AGAIN currently selling pills to keep the lights on

> what online job can i learn before my $1000 run out

>> No.10667275

fuck that sucks, I wouldn't even bother. Just get a trade annon.25 isn't too old to start an apprenticeship and you'll get decent wage as you'll be classified as an adult wage.
Put the 1k towards tools / uniform
best thing I ever did, even at your age. Keep busy with your hands unless you want to sit in a office all days with fucks. At least in a trade you can make good mates.

>> No.10667286

How do you fuck up this bad

>> No.10667320

Hes full of shit.

>> No.10667356

if you only knew think i might turn to crime if i dont find a way to make money that isnt wageslaving think crime is the only answer

>> No.10667500

Go ahead anon, can't wait for the reality of a criminal life to hit a channer lmfao

>> No.10667534
File: 5 KB, 259x194, bought in at 12000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than eating a bullet/ wageslaving and if shit goes really bad i can always tap out

>> No.10668141

your current plan is absolutely fucking retarded and will not wor

it takes 1-2 years of actual effort to turn your life around

NEET until 21 here, taught myself programming in my underwear, by 23 I had my first wageslave job and now at 25 I work 15-20 hours a week remotely to pay the bills

I halfassed it too... if you actually put in the effort in 2 or 3 years you can support a semi-NEET lifestyle, but I suspect if you get that far you'll realise how limiting it is to be a NEET to the point where you don't want to be one anymore

Good job (even if wageslave) > NEET > Mickey D's

>> No.10668289

Send your money to me i'll triple it in 1 week.

>> No.10668301

What did you learn in programming to find work?

>> No.10668888

Java/SQL/basic REST servers -> HTML/CSS -> Node/Angular -> React/noSQL -> dev ops

^ roughly what I've done the past 4 years in chronological order

If you're lazy, I recommend just doing JavaScript with the goal of becoming a front end developer (easiest path to comfy job); if you're actually serious about programming and have more ambition in terms of salary/capability, do fullstack (jack of all trades basically) and get your hands dirty with databases, servers and dev ops asap. Regardless, just do JavaScript, it's blatantly the best choice for the vast majority of cases and is getting more and more traction

>> No.10669242

Nice larp. No one self taught/bootcamp code monkeys with no degree in CS and no experience.

>> No.10669344

I studied html/css(bootstrap), JavaScript, jQuery, nodejs two years ago and couldn't get a fucking job in my shit country so I gave up. Planning to study again cuz I forgot almost everything and see if I can get a job as a developer.

>> No.10669366

I've literally never sent an application that didn't result in a job offer...

1) Don't be incompetent
2) Don't send a fucking CV like every other retard, email people directly - if they want a CV they'll ask you

1.5 years into my programming I did the above 2 steps and got a junior dev job that I suffered through for a year to get experience and leverage to advance into remote work

maybe you're just incompetent? :-)

>> No.10669534

You sound like you know your shit
What would you recommend to somebody who starts his first job as Java Backend Developer and plans to become an entrepreneur eventually?

>> No.10669823

Sounds like you're me 2.5 years ago

- First job is fucking rough; you'll feel like shit and have no idea what you are doing for a long time. Imposter syndrome is real as fuck and it never really goes away completely - just acknowledge it's a thing everyone deals with, that way it won't get to you as easily.

- Ask questions often; might sound like a meme, but I have personally fired two junior employees that could've probably made it if they weren't so fucking afraid of asking for help. You create no value for a company if you're running laps around yourself for 5 days when it would've taken you an hour with some input from a coworker. If your colleagues are normal human beans they'll want to help and they'll feel validated when you ask them for their input.

- Focus on learning what you need to facilitate your own ideas and try to make it overlap with your job; in practice that probably means hopping jobs until you land a job where you have enough responsibility that you're tasked to work on solving actual problems over doing menial grunt work constantly (grunt work is necessary when getting started, just don't get stuck doing it for years - had a few people like that in my old job)

- JavaScript is absolutely amazing and you'll be much more productive in it than Java; if your job doesn't use it, do yourself the favor and learn it in your spare time

>> No.10669907

I can't speak for how things are in your country

If you are in the EU I recommend doing a 2-3 year programme in Denmark or Sweden; will probably be rough as shit if you are poor (not impossible, a lot of student help in these countries), but if you make it through (and become a good dev in the process), you can land a first world job

>> No.10670029

Thank you for the advice, man.

Could you also explain why JavaScript is better than Java? I have always assumed that Java is better, since it is not a scripting language

>> No.10670148

From a developer perspective there's not a big difference between scripting languages and regular (?) ones; JavaScript is interpreted, i.e. there is no compile step. In order to execute Java code, it has to be compiled ("transformed") into something the Java engine can run; I guess the advantage of this approach is that code can be further optimized when it gets compiled - I'm not entirely sure.

JS is nice because it's flexible; it can be extremely cumbersome to write Java because there's so much overhead when doing even simple things (although I think some improvements have been made in that regard). JS is dynamically typed, and if you want the safety of static typing (declaring variables types), you can use it as an opt-in feature through things like TypeScript and Flow.

JS can also be used *everywhere*. Server? Mobile app? Desktop app? Website? All can be done using *only* JS. In practice you can build *anything* that doesn't require top notch performance using just one language, rather than 2 or more.