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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10667244 No.10667244 [Reply] [Original]

>What is an SSL?

>Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a computer networking protocol for securing connections between network application clients and servers over an insecure network, such as the internet.

>> No.10667332


>> No.10667338


>> No.10667341


>> No.10667344

How is this showing mainnet is imminent?

>> No.10667347

gawd it takes 1 minutes to setup ssl faggot

>> No.10667362

Oh my gosh. They installed a SSL cert.

>> No.10667371
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Gee, where have I heard THAT before?

>> No.10667376

You're just aiming for the people who stopped reading after MAINNET IMMINENT, aren't you?

>> No.10667432
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>> No.10667443

>mainnet meme
you'll never make it

>> No.10667507

Looks like Sergey is putting the finishing touches on this masterpiece. 2500$ eoy.

>> No.10667902


Wtf it took 2 year to make a JSON Parser with a SSL/TLS layer ?

There is only /biz/ to be stupid enough to put money in it.

>> No.10668014





>> No.10668061

I know right. The fucking state.

>> No.10668073

The link delusion continues. Imagine being the person who believes that a gypsy russian with a philosophy degree and no programming experience is going to instantiate a global, paradigm shifting economic system where banks and other entities are going to willfully funnel hundreds of billions of dollars into and sit around idly while said gypsy russian and his family of neet fags take profits.

Now imagine being the person who believes that the worlds banking cartels, with arguably some of the most brilliant computer scientists out there, are going to sit by and let a gypsy russian take profits they could have had by using a simple JSON parser.

Consider this snippet from the following article:

"No wonder that Spread Networks, the company building the fibre-optic connection, proudly boasted: “Round-trip travel time from Chicago to New Jersey has been cut to 13 milliseconds.”

And HFTs were willing to pay through the nose to use it, with the first 200 to sign up forking out $2.8bn between them."
These fucking jews spend billions of dollars just to get a 13 millisecond improvement so their algorithms can get the data faster. So you're telling me that if there was any money in the chainlink area these guys wouldn't be all over it? Get the fuck out of here.

So explain to me why this is going to work again? Or is it just a PnD like 99% of other crypto's out there.

>> No.10668095

This FUD is actually bullish because your saying that companies will orgasm over saving money.

LINK is not about fibre optic, fast speed transactions desu. Its solving a much more unknown realm.

>> No.10668241


>> No.10668286

LINK is /biz/ crack, plain and simple.

>Plausible but overly technical use case that makes people investing in it feel smart
>Plausible relationships between coin creators and an existing industry that make people investing in it feel smart
>Plausible "industry insider" LARPers who come to /biz/ to divulge SECRETZ, which convinces the aforementioned wannabe-smartypantses that they're part of something revolutionary that has flown under the radar so far

Truth is, the decentralized oracle problem doesn't have a market yet, and won't for many years.

We're at a phase where smart contract adoption will happen regardless of centralized/decentralized oracles, because smart contracts solve several existing business problems. No one gives a fuck whether their oracle is centralized or decentralized yet, and when Linkies realize they're investing in the crypto equivalent of the Sega Dreamcast, LINK will dump faster than anything you've ever seen.

The Wojaks will be delicious.

>> No.10668299

you are a MANIAC

>> No.10668351

You think they are a maniac? Then I must be a maniac too. Hell, all the link marines must maniacs. But I believe in my heart, they posted for a reason. Maybe sent from kek himself, who knows. But god damn it I can dream alright. We can all dream, and we can do it together.

>> No.10668383

people here are fucking delusional

bagholders circlejerking that hopium lol

>> No.10668391

>this brand of pasta
n o s t a l g i c

>> No.10668396
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fuck em

>> No.10668397

This is pretty insignificant news, but we're still set for $2500 EOY.

>> No.10668405
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>> No.10668793

I don't see enough of this anymore. Makes me comfy

>> No.10668850

Oh no, fuck let me one time make a good trade. No way this shit will work at any point from here...

>> No.10669063

Actually pajeet, it would appear biz are the only ones smart enough to put money into it

>> No.10669072
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>something that doesn't exist yet doesn't have a market yet

>> No.10669479

true pasta

linky BTFO

>> No.10669510

Nope. Nobody wants to use smart contracts for anything serious using the highly amateur and centralized oraclize

>> No.10669529

5887 EOY is the latest timeline, boys. Keep up the good work marines

>> No.10669734

If you don't already know what ssl is get the fuck off this board normie
t.holds link

>> No.10669746

OMG they paid for an SSL certificate using LINKSSSSS

>> No.10669751
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>How is this showing mainnet is imminent?
they just registered a bunch of certs. Its no big deal. Link is though. Link is a very very big deal

>> No.10669757

Best link thread yet. $1000 EOY.

>> No.10669767
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>> No.10669772

the new timeline is $2500

>> No.10669800

They installed an SSL certificate. Wooow guys crazy.

kys idiots

>> No.10669990

Enough with the fud. 5887 Roy

>> No.10670272

Reputation system has to be built yet and we haven’t even seen this on pivotal yet. They are 6 months out I’d guess unless they already have the reputation built and they just have to lay it on top

>> No.10670314

Very stale

>> No.10670359

Wait WHAT, only just starting to setup SSL?

I lurk /g/ most of the time, and work in tech, let me tell you - even with the fastest compilers, heck even if you ran them in parallel across a multi-vector render farm across bi-directional folding algorithmic machines, you're looking at a good 12-18 months AT BEST, and that's without properly auditing and encrypting it with a multi-level cross referenced and financial grade cipher key (add on another 6 months).

Not too clued up what this project is, but I'd sell it immediately seeing this as any release is years away

>> No.10670511

Lemme give you Some sexy assblasster to fuck your fud ;)

She talking with PwC How companies foaming at the mouth for this shit, brah.

>> No.10670523


Extra sexxy

>> No.10670549
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>> No.10670552


Fucks sake, the fact you OP and most of the anons responding don't know what an SSL cert is a sign there's too many brainlets involved.

Jesus, I'm about to dump 250k and rebuy later, enjoy the fall

>> No.10671067

Quality thoughts man, I hope people learn that LINK is not an ok investment.

>> No.10671162

dont get excited lmao. this coins is going down with the tide. i sold over 250k the past 3 days, am that confident. and i dont hold alts normally.

>> No.10671189

Come out to the street, we'll get together, have a few shits.

>> No.10671207



whatever fag, there is my wallet.
its going down. not because its a shit project. because the market is going to hit the shitter soon.

>> No.10671259

Post a signed message or send $0.01. Otherwise you are the confirmed LARP from yesterday.

>> No.10671278

You used multi too much. Next time just describe routing and how IPs work in vague terms and using abbreviations.

>> No.10671288


i am not wasting my time, it will be apparent soon. still getting triggered i see. you are why i sold my "insurance" stack. the denial. i saw the exact same psychology mid bubble bob last time in 2014, its all so eerily similar.

>> No.10671290

>using ssl to a chainlink node that then gets its data from a single source and promises not to have changed it
>get data directly from source over ssl, signed, and verified

>> No.10671311

>Makes claim and posts "his wallet"
>Refuses to prove it
Why bother lying like this? It just makes you look like a massive faggot.

>> No.10671353


>p-please prove it. there is no way someone with 250k would sell it all at the top of this pump r-right?

>> No.10671359

So when do you plan to buy back? 3900 sats? There is no fucking way it goes lower.

>> No.10671367

someone post thicc Sergey

>> No.10671401
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>> No.10671410

Oh someone absolutely would and has. Someone dumped 900K Link at 4600 and there have been several dumps in the 200K and 300K range.

What I am saying is that you are a lying faggot that I personally do not believe. Only a retard would post a wallet and then refuse to verify that it is his.

>> No.10671412

>what is 'liquidity'

>> No.10671414


i have not got a crystal ball... but i am going into almost all tether on the next BTC pump on a few days.

i guess i start buying back when its under 20cents again. gonna wait a few months, these things take time. for sat value idk. it might maintain it fairly well this time, but its not out the question to test .24 again. like i've been saying, its a good coin but there is no reason why it shouldn't tank with the market. seen this all before in 2014.

>> No.10671429


next comes the log-in button on the mainnet

>> No.10671462

>you're dumb
Classic LINK thread. Please NEVER make a thread again.

>> No.10671467

Hello again

Keep trying it might work eventually.

>> No.10671483


awwww you archived it? how sweeet

>> No.10671513

You are easy to spot. The direct thread link for anyone curious who this guy is. Long story short he never held Link, keeps making threads telling everyone to sell before losing his shit and attacking Link directly as being a shitcoin and anyone holding it bagholders.


>> No.10671531


that wasnt my thread. i thought u were linking to the one last night. whatever. you sound like that vechain guy accusing everyone of being some redditor just because of anonymity. you can continue to believe anyone who sells and thinks its gonna get lower is the same person lol. because obviously, you know, its such a strange thing to expect to happen, its only possible for one person to have done it?

>> No.10671554

Haha eat shit you lying fuck. That is why you didn't sign or send a transaction.

>> No.10671573


>> No.10671599

I hold 32k LINK and I don't give a fuck. I'm either gonna get rich or lose 9k USD. No one know shit here, so quit pretending you do.

>> No.10671603

You have been found out once again my friend. You should really work on your denial. It is too transparent and comes off as a five year old trying to explain the reason his hand was in the cookie jar.

>> No.10671611

you guys let your emotions cloud your financial decisions too much. Link is the best alt, but you guys are emotionally invested in it. probably because you are holding small amounts and cant afford much more, so its a little bit of a hope coin. you kinda need it to moon.

thats why ppl with lots of link or anything investment wise dont have trouble letting go of it because its not like we depend on it. no emotional attachment. dont really need it to moon to make it. this is part of that bubble psychology im talking about. just confirms it.

>> No.10671650


Oh my fucking god you are that dude aren't you. I was reading the thread and you sound just fucking like him. How pathetic are you man?

>> No.10671714

>you guys are emotionally invested
>spends hours a day telling people he sold most of his stack and defending why he did so

>> No.10671868

>using SSL instead of TLS
$0 eoy

>> No.10671963

You're right, main net lunching is more exciting than Hanukkah. Don't let your rabbi hear you saying that though haha.

>> No.10672818

>you guys

yeah because we are all one brainless hivemind that you
the intellectual snowflake
are much more superior than.

you are a faggot dude.
im never selling or even worried about the amount i have invested.

>> No.10672830

it's literally nothing
>once again

>> No.10673323


>> No.10673355

it's even worse, they use SSL instead of X.509 certificates. Gg, chailink is a scam

>> No.10673496

SSL uses X.509 you fucking faggot, quit trying to scare retards.

>> No.10673611


no, i am being accused of same fagging. i sold last night and a couple days before. see the thread i was posting in. some anons are accusing me of spamming every day. whatever.
I will not ever mention it again, i was asked my opinions and gave them, and here today i taunted a bit but desu idont want to rub salt into any wounds. i wont post any i told you so. if you see other anons trying to "fud" then now you will rationalise it to being the same person due to the way you guys work, but it wont be be.

btw i was talking specifically to "you guys" in this thread. but its true, tons of ppl on here are emotionally attatched to their investments. its why they have lost ltos of money holding all the way down. its not unique to link holders.
i did never ask anyone to sell. i just explained why i sold to ppl who asked last night. good luck. lol at calling me a faggot because i decided to sell

so yes this is my last post on the matter on this website at all but there will probably be more ppl who sell (hence my decision to sell) and you wont need to accuse them all of being me. it will be obvious as the price lowers when ppl sell and i have no link left

>> No.10673634



thread from last night

>> No.10673722

Shut up gay boy I'm not your diary

>> No.10673774

I can't believe you wrote this much let alone expect people to care

>> No.10674065

CS grad here

This is the most stupid shit ever

Where can I short Chainlink and OP?