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10664920 No.10664920 [Reply] [Original]

Word is SkyKing lost 350,000 from ATH in REQ.
RIP SkyKing

>> No.10665835

Where can I watch the footage without having to give advertising shekels to some fucking newspaper noseberg

>> No.10665879

got you covered bud

>> No.10665939

Firefox adblocker m8, blocks all ads, even on jewtube

>> No.10666011

Thanks my dude. That roll was legit.
I wonder what would have happened if he tried to like nose down into a town? Would the jet be able to literally vaporise it?

>> No.10666076

That really fucking bummed me out. Empathy sucks. At least he got a beautiful view then nothing. No pain.

>> No.10666079

ublock origins works as well

>> No.10666113

t: pleb

>> No.10666170

This Rich guy was more chill than I'll ever be.
If he didn't crash, would he risk life-time jail?
He would be asked to pay hundreds of millions for the revenue loss of grounding all seattle air traffic I guess. Plus he'd be trashed by leftist media so I guess whatever trial he would have had, it'd be biased as fuck.

>> No.10666372


That's what I wanna know.

Also, what happened to him at the end there? Did he take it down on purpose, fall asleep or what? He was complaining about air pressure for a bit.

>> No.10666378


He'd be in jail for life most definitely.

>> No.10666388

>he'd be trashed by leftist media
fucking lol. Typical leftist conspiracy against people stealing aircraft. Political correctness gone mad, amirite

>> No.10666513

Duck this loser.

>Imma do a barrow rou reeaaal quik

>> No.10666564

I live under a rock and didn't hear about this. I live in Seattle and the other day when this happened I saw a jet fly over my apartment. I was like 'must be the blue angels practicing'. But the jet wasn't blue. I didn't think much about it until just now. Pretty depressing desu.

>> No.10666578

bootlicking cuck

>> No.10666599

Rick and Morty watching cuck

>> No.10666634

He kys himself. "I didn't plan to land"

>> No.10667503
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honestly if i had the chance i would do it to better than blowing your brains out in your basement depressed

>> No.10667953

I mean, he wouldnt have kill/ hurt anybody. And there are precedents of sanctions slighter than life sentence for homicides. So a lifetime jail seems quite heavy.

>> No.10668564
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>not blocking ads whilst simultaneously fucking them over automatically with false clicks

>> No.10668577
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You have proof?

>> No.10668606

I think his video game excuse is bullshit. No way you can fly a plane without having flown one before let alone a commercial plane.

>> No.10668616

classical boomer detected

>> No.10668687

The first guy talking on the radio trying to talk him down was good, then next one was shit maybe because he was most likely a police negotiator.
Not that anyone would have been able to talk him down but at least the first guy didn't ruin his vibe.

Also I love how I avoid all news but the worthwhile stuff still gets to me in the end.

>> No.10668721

He most likely ran out of fuel or was very close to running out of fuel so he decided to call it a night. He mentioned how fast his fuel was dropping quite a few times.

>> No.10669330

probably no one has flipped a plane that close to the water before, especially not a twin prop plane

>> No.10669438

Skyking is better than you’ll ever be

>> No.10669974

hes a legend a lot of people gonna follow in the future sick of the fucking slavelive

>> No.10670015

>a barrel roll straight in the feels

>> No.10670017
File: 39 KB, 906x1024, 1534157648998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest in peace legend.

>> No.10670062

why they gotta put that gay ass music over the top

>> No.10670101


not the an hero we wanted, but the an hero we deserved.
>rip based skyking

>> No.10670236

the feels wtf

Rest in peace

>> No.10670335

It would have damaged things it crashed into, and then the resultant fire / initial explosion of where the fuel spread would have burned

Are you so retarded that you think it would become a nuclear weapon or something?

>> No.10670365

Only $350000? pussy

>> No.10670455

Nah, I think if he landed that he would have gotten something like forced counselling or psychotherapeutic stuff like that. No jail time, wouldn't make sense to give a guy like him jailtime anyway, chances he kills himself are more likely that in that plane.

R.I.P. He sounds like a really nice guy

>> No.10670508

>guy steals plane
>gets counseling
This is America
not europe

>> No.10670559

>wage slave employee steals corporate property
>life in prison
land of the free

>> No.10670627

I think every bloke can emphasise with this man. Glad no one was hurt. RIP

>> No.10670669

>no way you can fly a plane without having flown one before

>> No.10670679
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>Glad no one was hurt.
and outside ;_;


>> No.10670684

A beautiful death.

School shooters take note, this is how you go out in style. Angry at the world but don't take it out on innocents. Just enjoy the view before entering the void