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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10664352 No.10664352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Ahh Mondays... the worst day of the week. Right, Jim? Ahaha

>> No.10664371

Damn it John, go back to your desk! I'm not going to warn you again.

>> No.10664393


>> No.10664397

Delete this

>> No.10664408
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>Looks like someone's got the case of the Mondays

>> No.10664418
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>Hey Anon how was your weekend?

>> No.10664433
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>good yours?

>> No.10664439
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>> No.10664454

Pls no

It’s too real

>> No.10664463

Literally what I’m about to hear

>> No.10664487
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B-bbbut i'm still on my last week of summer holidays... he he.. will return fit for fight though

>> No.10664524

>tfw office is closed on wednesday for maintenance and shit

thanks fuck

still have to do some work at home but at least I don't have to commute

>> No.10664798

Feels wagie man

>> No.10664972
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>> No.10665042
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>Welp I better get back to the grind. These spreadsheets aren't going to fill themselves out

>> No.10665120

Actually no, monday is the only day where I can finally see some move in the market

>> No.10665303

Have you guys thought about becoming teachers? In most countries other than the US they make really good $

>> No.10665687
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>> No.10665699

delete this

>> No.10665731

>I think it's gonna rain today.

>> No.10665739

>there is just so much construction

>> No.10665764
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>> No.10665774

>Let's circle back to that item later, it seems out of scope
>I added Ganesh's team to the weekly meeting, I'm hoping to leverage some synergy between groups if we focus on our core competencies
>We can touch base during tomorrow's standup, give you some time to get the lay of the land
>I want to highlite our value add and show that this is a win-win
>I'm feeling out of the loop here, when was the last time Frank ran the numbers?
>Rupesh is going to do a deep dive into the data and perform a drill down into our key customer segments
>This initiative is really going to move the needle on our top KPIs
>We can already make this a game changer by taking care of some low hanging fruit
>Let's take that offline, ping me when you know you'll be available
>We're not trying to boil the ocean here, our north star hasn't changed

>> No.10665932

You're a handsome wagie...no homo

>> No.10666014

>working hard or hardly working? Ahahaha
>Did you see the game last night?

>> No.10666049

End me

>> No.10666114
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>> No.10666136
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>> No.10666180
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boss invited me to a game of good ol' golf

>> No.10666504

I want to blow my brains out. I honestly prefer to do some construction or factory worker job. Fuck this cubicle office nightmare

>> No.10666536

What do you do and how did you get that job?

>> No.10666555

Have you seen Office Space?

>> No.10666583

Software development, but really it’s just me maintaining a shitpile of spaghetti code. I got it by just getting a CS degree and doing a few internships.

>> No.10666588

>standup meetings
You work in tech. Don't complain. You have it better than most.

>> No.10666603

I have, but I honestly though it was a meme. That movie is mostly true

>> No.10666704

I have a factory job.
There's drama here, but sometimes I can hide amongst the machinery and let the whirring and screeching blank my mind out. Being stuck in a building with "peers" would drive me to slaughter everyone within a week... Come get paid very little and feel peace at the factory, anon.

>> No.10666781

What would you say if I told you that I get paid $8.75 to be a janitor at my local bank and work roughly 20 hours a week? That's as much as I can handle. I play MMO's the rest of my time. I do live with my grandma.

>> No.10666844

When gram grams passes away, you're either going to inherit her house or be on the street. Better keep cleaning her gramjammies if you want a place to live, anon

>> No.10666855

Honestly, I've been thinking about this. Had she not let me live with her, I'd be the third character on Beavis and Butthead.

>> No.10666903

I am thinking about it once I pay of my student loans. I cant take the monotony of my work

>> No.10667024

I'm just teasing ya, anon. I'm living with my parents again thanks to a series of shitty financial choices, stupid adult drama between roommates and having a lifelong (and expensive) health problem.
If you are fine living with grams and all, don't change, BUT DO plan ahead and save now, or take some time off from vidya to work on real life aspirations.
Factory work is pretty monotonous - just zero kissing of my bosses ass and zero corporate kool aid to swallow keeps me sane. My last two jobs had me waking up every day wanting to kill myself after killing and raping my coworkers.
There are trade offs and as far as I see things, nobody under 35 is doing well no matter what his pay may be. We are all slaves with different jobs on The Plantation.

>> No.10667074
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>> No.10667095

I have no idea what any of this means

It feels great

>> No.10667122

I don't wanna disappoint my parents, besides illegal spics can work factory jobs, why should I put myself to the same standards as them?

>> No.10667147
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Can anyone translate this? I can't read in Wage.

>> No.10667184

I always dreamt of an office job, smack in the middle of the city. After work drinks. Office funnies. Early knock drinks

That all seems appealing to me. Is it that bad?

>> No.10667231

>Office funnies

>> No.10667241
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>> No.10667262

I usually prefer to keep it to myself. Some coworkers have asked me what I do. One or two girls (one of them being my supervisor in an office) have asked me about "What are you doing this weekend?" or "How was your weekend?" eventually asking "What did you do?"

>> No.10667278

>eventually asking "What did you do?"
Oh nothing, I just shill and post FUD on /biz/

>> No.10667289

Its not actually Wagie, its Techie with a bit of Manager. Roughly translated it means "We want to tell the higher ups everything is good so we aren't fired"

>> No.10667440


>> No.10667521

These jobs exist, problem with these is once you get them you don't want to move on.
I say it's a problem only because the companies where I worked which were like this had non-existent progression and I don't want to be stuck making 1500$ a month

>> No.10667543

Let me guess, you also watch "The Office" and think it's funny...

>> No.10667549

I masturbated and posted on 4chan.

>> No.10667609

>haha, what a party animal. *sip* ahhh thats good coffee, well back to work

>> No.10667650

The Office is legendary

>> No.10667656

>*sip* ahhh thats good coffee
i got annoyed just reading that

>> No.10667730

shit tier bait, try harder

>> No.10667748

It’s funny bros

>> No.10667756

>you know me just working for the weekend

>> No.10667791

jesus christ 1500 a month? the fuck

I make 2k a week as a longshoreman in Illinois for fuck sakes where cost of living is fuck all

>> No.10667796

I kind of agree. Seems better than driving around telling bums to fuck off at 3 AM on a Sunday like I do now. Probably.

>> No.10667846

>how was your holiday
>Sure it was very busy here and we had too few people so I had to work a ton of over hours, at least you had a good time

>> No.10667894

It's so bad.

People think its cushy but I can barely use a computer most of the week because my eyes are so blasted from staring at a monitor for 8 hours a day.
I feel sick about 4 hours into work every day. I had way more fun when I was doing landscaping.

>> No.10667922

It is fun until you've worked there for a few months and settle into the routine. Then it becomes terrible and turns you into a soulless husk of a human waiting to die.

>> No.10668507

> Today are french fries in the cantine.
> No anonete made me a lunch.

>> No.10668528

>waaah my eyes hurt from staring at a screen for 8 hours
>gets home from work and stares at 4chan for the rest of the day

>> No.10668529
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>> No.10668537

>french fries

>> No.10668551
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>> No.10668553

>I wasn´t sure if i can wear these sneakers in Office. Guess what i am a rebel today.

>> No.10668561

>Haha you're right, Ben. Monday's blues, eh? Anyhow, how is that house you're planning to buy?

>> No.10668565

t. triggered wagie

>> No.10668582

>Can you wrap up this sheets of this client till three. Use your lunch break if time is short. I would´ve asked Stacy but she has to leave early today.

>> No.10668857

I say this to other people, I can't help myself. God I'm so bitter.

>> No.10669112
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anyone who has said even a single line of these needs to go

>> No.10669161
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>Alright Anon
>good weekend?
>yeah not bad, you know, just a chilled one. You?
>yeah, yeah, good
>Mondays eh?
>yeah heh...

>> No.10669203


>> No.10669513


>> No.10669533


>> No.10669583
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Monday again time flies haha. It looks like the wheather may start to change, did you feel this night was warmer than others? Oh, sorry, well, I'll leave you to your things, you seem busy, but you could try to make an effort getting to know us better you know? HR keeps mentioning your name and I'm telling you, you don't want to be on bad terms with them around here. Try to compertamentalize your life work schedule with a bit more flexibility if you know what I mean.

>> No.10669586

>Hi this is Janet in Atlanta anyone else on?
>Hi this is Rick in New York anyone else on?
>Hey Rick it's Janet in Atlanta
>Hi this is Bob in Miami anyone else on?
>Hey Bob this is Rick, in New York
>Hey Bob this is Janet in Atlanta
>Hi this is Joe in Seattle anyone else on?
>Hey Joe this is Janet in Atlanta
>Hey Joe this is Rick in New York
>Hey this is Bob in Miami

>> No.10669602


the less they know about you the less they have to attack you with

>> No.10669618


too close to home

>> No.10669634


>this role doesnt play to his strengths
>this guy is too dumb to do this

>> No.10669645

wow I can't believe it's the middle of August already :D

time flies when you're wasting your life

>> No.10669653
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>> No.10669655
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Do self employed handcraft, maybe even something you enjoy. Woodworking, house building, whatever. If you want to do something more fancy do things like creative woodwork for hipsters or wooden boats for rich people.
Maybe you will make less than at your gay office job but if you save enough it wont matter. Be humble, live frugally and save for early "retirement".

Real life is not like in the movies. Your daily life wont be as fun as watching Wall Street, Suits or Mad Men. Yeah they got some things right but it's boring after 1 month and you have to pay for these "funnies" with the fact that you're spending your 20s in front of a PC living above your means and doing stupid crap all day.

>> No.10669670


>> No.10669692

Thank god nobody uses any of this nonsense jargon where I work. Sounds like you work in an sjw feel good 0 profit company living on handouts

>> No.10669706

Call Center
>>Its up to you how much money you make!
>>I want to see his hungry you are!
>>Smile when you dial!
>>Its not cold calling if we have called the customer before!
>>Customer cancels the order? That goes out of your commission!
>>Stick to the script! Don't take no for an answer!
>>The customer doesn't know what he wants! You must tell them!
>>No talking, back on the phone!
>>We know in contract it said no more than 120 calls a day but it's about time on the phone so you'll all be doing 200 calls a day! Six hours calltime!
>>If you don't reach your sales target this week it's bad for you!

>> No.10669730

does anyone else just think about the constant string of mistakes that lead them to where they are right now?

>> No.10669741

>Tfw I actually WANT a office work, cubicle job.

Stop complaining.

>> No.10669759

i thought i did too until i started working 45 hour weeks

>> No.10669877

Looks like someone's due for a throttling.

>> No.10669898


>> No.10670130

>Stick to the script! Don't take no for an answer!
I feel like an asshole hanging up on these people because I know it's not like they're there for pleasure, but there are only so many times I can see goodbye. We need safe words to make this more efficient for everyone.

>> No.10670165

Utopia is pretty accurate as far as office shows go.

>> No.10670178


>> No.10670187

>I'm not interested, thank you
Then hang up. Too easy.

>> No.10670209
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>> No.10670282
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>afterwork drinks later - you comin'?

>> No.10670304
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>not making 6 figures working at home

I shit in my own toilet, drink my own coffee, cook lunch everyday and fap to my hearts content

>> No.10670326

this. i've also got CNBC in the background while i sit in my computer chair with a blanket as i code away. max comfy

>> No.10670327

what the fuck man
how the...
landscaping is super comfy

>> No.10670406

I do this, but they keep speaking and that makes me feel a bit like shit. But when I've tried to be more polite I just circle to waiting for my turn to say goodbye without having to be completely clear in a rude autistic way
> Thank you for your time I do not believe I will be interested in acquiring an ornithologic encyclopedia in this life or the next one, I hope you have a good rest of your existence in which we never meet again
That rule of don't take no just wastes everyone time, maybe don't take no if there's a chance.

>> No.10670408
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I just gotta get through till saturday... then no more putting dog shit in tubes for me. Just school

>> No.10670419

>tfw work has an open-plan bathroom without separate stalls

>> No.10670493

Reddit tier existence my man

>> No.10670505

I want to become a free lancer, what do I have to do? What area are you specialized in? Can I do freelance data science, that's what I know ?

>> No.10670507

>pokemon statues
i see reddit

>> No.10670525

tubed dog shits a great product though, all the benefits of having the dog shit, with none of the drawbacks of having a dog. you do good work and should feel proud. my whole family uses tubed dog shit now.

>> No.10670532

I only make 5 figures working from home. Sometimes it sucks because there's no one to talk to, but at the same time, after I do have to talk to someone (work-related) I get so annoyed that the silence is ok

>> No.10670580


>> No.10670608

It's my asian gf's

I have no fucking idea. I'm an accountant.

>> No.10670645

It's not supposed to mean anything it's office-speak.

>> No.10670809

I rarely tell them what I do, most of the time it seems they are indirectly asking me what I did but I usually quickly change the subject to work.

>> No.10670835



>> No.10670853
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Its not so bad if you work at BRAVE like me

>> No.10670920
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Lol I hear my wagie roommate's boss on conference calls saying ALL of this shit.

>> No.10670960

>on train home
>same asswipes using their phone
>hello.. HELO? CAN YOU HEAR ME??????????
>oh, sorry just went through a tunnel!

Seriously, you know there's shitloads of tunnels on this route, stop making phonecalls

>> No.10671019

Only one in use in my workplace is "offline," and that one makes sense given that a large portion of discussions occur via conference call
I'd stab someone if they were talking like that regularly

>> No.10671065

I will never understand this "my eyes are such pussies" meme. All my friends in high school would play 16 hours of video games on a giant flatscreen in pitch darkness every day in the summer. Everyone spends their off time with their nose buried in their smart phone. But now all of a sudden 8 hours looking at a monitor in a well-lit room is causing eye strain? Fuck off, it's all mental

>> No.10671095
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>> No.10671164

>sorry anon, I'll be at a processfix workshop all day

Wtf is a processfix workshop, and why does it take all day?

>> No.10671226

>Anon, could you help us organizing this meetup we're having? You're also interested in topic X, right?
>start is 7pm
>come in early to greet & welcome our guests
>please serve drinks during the talks
>also clean up the place afterwards
>no, of course it's not on company time! Think of it as a personal investment!

>> No.10671263

>t. enlightened wagecuck

>> No.10671659

>Early knock drinks
The fuck is that?

>> No.10671687

Haven't worked for 2 years and I'm honestly stoked that I can't even remember if people really say this anymore, but that's pretty funny if they do

>> No.10671707

You work in the 3rd grade?

>> No.10671732

>nice week-end bob ?
>you too anon enjoy
>tfw will sooner or mater end up with reflex sentences like bob

>> No.10671778

3 years and counting here. Can't believe I use to be a modern day SLAVE! Making half of what I use to make but this time I'm also budgeting so I'm pretty much making the same in the end.

>> No.10671821
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>> No.10671839

What desk is that?

>> No.10672207

Are you me

>> No.10672785
