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10664201 No.10664201 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10664213
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You could always hijack a plane and do a barrel roll

>> No.10664214
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Get to bed soon son, it's getting late.

>> No.10664225




>> No.10664226
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I want to kms

>> No.10664358
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>> No.10664383

I am in fact commuting to work at this moment

>> No.10664407


My condolences

>> No.10664420
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I’m already at work anons, I work night shifts and it’s alreadt start of the week for me. Someone end me pls

>> No.10664422
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>> No.10664437

Reported to your boss

>> No.10664513
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>tfw trying to take off for weeks now
>Keep getting denied every single time because my job is so understaffed we can barely manage the amount of work we're getting
>Have to stay overtime almost every single day just to get the work done
>Get yelled at for staying overtime
>If I don't I get yelled at for not getting the work done
>Might have to call out sick just to get longer then one day off for once this summer because shithead boss can't force me to come in if I'm ill
>Might have to go to the doctor and fake illness just to get my bigboy slip saying I was sick like a fucking kindergardener so I don't get in trouble

>> No.10664546


You have your boss by the balls. Just get another offer. Wageslavery 101

>> No.10664582
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I can't do another week of this

How am I supposed to do this for 35 more years?

>> No.10664641

Dude same. I almost walked out the front door on Friday. I have another month until I'm promoted. I don't know if I can make it. One wrong word and I think I will get up and leave. Once I'm promoted I have until January to save and then I'm taking a break. IF I don't take a leave of absence from work before then.

>> No.10664663

Quit anon

>> No.10664724

>tfw programmer, make six figures

>> No.10664757


Programming is propably the cuckiest wagecuck job there is. You're basically expected to work for free(on your own projects) if you don't good luck getting hired lol. How KEKED do you have to be to think that's a good spot to be in lol.

>> No.10664773


I couldn't imagine a worse fate than being a programmer.

>> No.10664780
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>T H U N D E R


>> No.10664782

programming is saturated

new programmers coming into the market aren't getting paid a fucking thing and expected to have a full portfolio of impressive projects just to get hired at 50-60k

you probably got into the field when it was not as shit - 5-10+ years ago

>> No.10664802



>> No.10664834

Taking comp sci right now, thinking really hard about changing my major because of things happening to the industry, such as (but not limited to) this >>10664782
Also I just don't want to fucking work at a tech company, treated like a fucking cog in the corporate machine. Hate the interviews and generally just hate dealing with HR, but I know that I will have to face these things no matter what major I graduate with.
If Chainlink doesn't take us to the moon then I don't really know what I'm going to do. I just want to be free...

>> No.10664849

don't switch majors you will regret it guaranteed
cs is the gold standard for majors
if you're already going to college you may as well go cs
even if you don't want to do programming it can transfer into IT/engineering as a whole

>> No.10664862

It's literally all Indians now. I'm not exaggerating. 95% of gigs are filled with Indians. Again, I'm not exaggerating.

Get out while you still can. Faggots who write emails all day make more.

>> No.10664866

Don’t change degree comp sci is still one of the best degrees, just do a minor in mayh to open yourself up to better masters programs, you could master in finance, econ, math, physics, elec. engineering, a whole bunch of shit.
t. Someone who regrets transferring out of comp sci

>> No.10664870

Yeah I know it's probably my best bet, I think I just have some problems with authority that need to be addressed, maybe I should take therapy. I like the major itself...

>> No.10664879

>6 figures
>for free

This buttmad cope is visible from space.

>> No.10664991


Fell for the CS meme and yea, I thought about switching from CS too but ended up graduating anyway since I didn't know what the fuck else I would switch to. Not sure if I regret it or not but all the jobs available seem fucking retarded to me. I've literally never seen a job where I wouldn't end up just looking at the clock every 5 minutes waiting to get out and eventually just feeling like killing myself. And yea like someone already mentioned here, they expect you to come in with a degree + an impressive portfolio of projects, even for really low level positions, or you won't even get into the interview stage.

>> No.10665145

Save. Save like your life depends on it, because it does.


>> No.10665259

this does not make me feel good about HODLing from 450k portfolio to 50k portfolio. I guess I would have been set huh. I'm a 24 y/o NEET

>> No.10665307

Well you had to save in the first place to buy whatever crypto got you to $450k in the first place. That's a habit you want to keep and maintain.

As for having been set, well, that would've only earned you like $15k a year so you'd need a cheap, paid off house at the very least.

>> No.10665424

I threw 2k at some meme coins in early 2017 and got lucky. Guess I'm fucked then,.

>> No.10665460

2k to 50k is still damn good from most investment perspectives.
Diversify that shit and buy some index funds.
If you still want to keep in the crypto space, limit overall investment to 10% of overall portfolio.

>> No.10665750

Lmao dude why the fuck didn't you sell

You could have cashed out the 450k, thrown it in some low-risk ETF and got an extra 5-15k a MONTH for doing absolutely nothing. (Assuming 2-4% yields which is fucking nothing for an ETF)

You could have retired and lived a humble life living off of passive income that earned you more than what 50% of the United States makes working 40 hours a week.

>> No.10665760

Why ETF and not index fund?

>> No.10665787

ETFs typically save you in the long run because they are more tax efficient then mutual funds. They're pretty much the same thing though.

>> No.10665927

>low-risk ETF and got an extra 5-15k a MONTH
I dont understand the math behind this...I was under the impression that with index funds and ETFs, 10% gain per year was amazing...where did you get this 5-15k per month figure?

>> No.10665947

from out of his ass

>> No.10665992

EVERY market is like this now, same thing happened to me as a mechanical engineer. only STEM degrees that aren't over saturated with high gpas and experience are Electrical Engineering (good luck making it) and Nuclear Engineering but again good luck making it. we're all fucked.

>> No.10666010

120kish would have gone to taxes. But yeah. I knew nothing about stocks and then my friend brought up an ETF after I had lost most of it.

I can't believe how fucking dumb I was. It felt like monopoly money at the time. I've never had more than 5k to my name, no bills, no major responsibilities. And I never anticipated losing 90% of it. I feel like my whole life just got pissed away. A boon from God that will never be seen again.

>> No.10666017


Even my weekends suck now. My life is so boring and work is so boring. Everything is boring and there's nothing I can do to fix that.

>> No.10666164


stick with it man, focus on the things you can use the fiat for on payday

>> No.10666199

I start my work week on Sundays so I can get it over with sooner. I gave up trying to work on Fridays. most people are checked out mentally or leave early. If I work hard enough, my work week is over by Wednesday
I feel kind of guilty about not working on Wed-Sat too, that's more money I could be making, but this is because my parents worked every single day of their lives until they died, so I feel like I have to do the same.

>> No.10666248

This is the biggest misstatement on biz. The programming sector needs a shit load of people. Indians don't know how to fucking code. Don't deter people from coding. Everything is technological these days, moron.

>> No.10666274

As someone in programming our applicants are always Indians.

We have a new position with 12 applicant. 11 are Indians and 1 white guy that sucks.

>> No.10666292

Does your employer accept remote work or something? Where the fuck in America would you find a ratio of 11:1 indians to whities?

>> No.10666361

Yes if you’re sociable and technical you can go into tech sales or solutions engineering and get more money and you don’t feel like a code monkey.

>> No.10666396
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>Have to wake up at 5:20 AM

>> No.10666416

No remote.

We are out in the middle of nowhere. They are all willing to relocate from all over the country. Also 100% of them have a Masters degree.

>> No.10666430

they bought their bachelor's online

>> No.10666433

Question. Why do so many Indians resort to programming? Why do so many Indians live in America?

>> No.10666437

3% yield on 450k is like 13.5k a year, not a month

>> No.10666445 [DELETED] 

And thank me later


>> No.10666447

big tech companies conspired against american workers to try and suppress tech wages. Look up Eric Weinstein talking about this

>> No.10666468

This is actually infuriating. Why does America suppress the wages of their own people? It sounds so fucking stupid. There's nothing more annoying than calling customer support and some non-English speaking motherfucker answers. I don't give a shit if they are Indian, but the fact that companies have to resort to hiring people who are willing to work for pennies get their shit done. It's business I get it but it's still fucking dumb.

>> No.10666473
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I gotta get up at 4am and typically have to stay until 8-9pm. the money is good but its killing me since Its outside in 105 degree weather. I get to spend a lot of time shitposting on my phone, but still.

>> No.10666493

>want to quit
>Look at job offerings in City
>Not really qualified for anything
>Think about killing myself

Maybe I just need more schooling???

>> No.10666507

I did a writeup in /g/wdg about it.

Basically Indians working freelance for 3.50 an hour make 12x what the average Indian makes. It's like an American making 385k a year. This is why they do programming. Imagine if you could make 385k a year just by learning something that takes a year or two to get good at.

They get jobs in the US to send back home. Even sending a hundred dollars home a month would help their families bigtime. They can also make way more by working here than they could if they worked remote.

>> No.10666526

Why do so many American employers hire Indians and not their own kind?

>> No.10666538

waking up late sucks though

>> No.10666551



rootless cosmopolitans

>> No.10666552

Either they don't have experience working with Indian programmers yet and are trying to save money or diversity quotas.

>> No.10666563

As a wagie, what can I do to avoid companies full of Indians? Or, what the fuck should I do if I would like to get a decent paying job outside of manual labor?

>> No.10666585

you can't. they are now few and far in between. very rare to find a shop that doesn't have Indians in it. and once one Indian gets in, all bets are off. they will soon have every cousin, niece and long lost friend working there too.

get into business I suppose. be some office fag who makes spread sheets all day and goes to meetings. you need a strong tolerance for social BS though

>> No.10666637

thanks for the advice, anon.
>and once one Indian gets in, all bets are off. they will soon have every cousin, niece and long lost friend working there too.
>long lost friend
This is some funny shit. These Indians really need to get the fuck out of our jobs. Did this new paradigm shift with America being filled with foreign employees recently happen? I am a Zoomer.

>> No.10666673

I hope not. The higherups are thinking about hiring one of the Indians.

Just imagining them stinking up the hallway and refusing to interact with everyone else socially..

>> No.10666674

15k a month means ur reigning in 40% ytd??

>> No.10666726

So start a business, faggot

>> No.10666730
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It's been going on in tech for quite some time. I know major tech companies who were doing this 15 years ago, but there were still a ton of white guys. But since Obama it has gotten really bad. I'm talking nothing but Indians at some places.

I would stay out of tech honestly if you're looking for new employment. I'm in tech now and thinking I need to get out. The only purpose I could see for you wanting to enter is to maintain some semblance of white presence and keeping up to date with what is happening for political reasons. But you're going to fight tooth and nail against Indian favoritism.

>> No.10666752

>Indian favoritism
lol ever consider they're just better than you? Get cucked
lmao @ whites suddenly caring about 'muh discrimination'

>> No.10666767

The problem will fix itself one way or another so I don't really care

>> No.10666784

Boomers started it but in 2010 the Indians came in full force.

>> No.10666801

Union Electrician here. Working as a foreman for my shop.

I am actually looking forward to work tomorrow. I get to decide how things are done and can fuck off half the day if I want to.

The nations infastrucure is crumbling faster than we can rebuild it and the facts are this:

1. The old timers that built this country are all but retired.

2. Guys like me, physically fit, experienced in the trade and reliable are extremely hard to come by.

Union penison. Union annuitiy. Union healthcare plan. The best part, there is nothing you neets can do about my easy money because you all need electricity to access the only world you understand and none of you neets know the first thing about electrical installations. hahahhahha. Pay up so I can keep living the easy union life.

>> No.10666838

Question. I'm slightly interested in that profession. What the fuck are the odds of getting electrocuted?
This was very informative. Indians all look the same.
How do we stay away from them?

>> No.10666841

No, they're really not better. If the US wanted quality it would do a tech visa scheme with China, but it didn't, because wages would be higher even if China would agree with it (which will never happen).

Top UK universities are absolutely filled with Chinese in STEM, not sure about the US but I'm guessing it's the same

>> No.10666867

Absolutely based

>> No.10666891

i have noticed that american infrastructure in a lot of areas is complete shit. the fuck is going on exactly? are contractors just siphoning all the cash they can away from projects and leaving them unfinished?

>> No.10666900
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>They're better than you
No that is bullshit. All of the Indian tech workers write very messy, unnecessary long code that can be easily simplified by someone competent to be at least 50% shorter, but as long as it gets the job done, lots of places don't give a fuck. It's a big problem. I interviewed at a place recently and they were so blown away by the fact that my code was so clean and I followed simple syntax standards. I am now their strongest candidate and am probably gonna get the job. Fuck these streetshitters.

>> No.10666921
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>have to be up in 5 hours
>still can't fall alseep because full of dread

>> No.10666923

it's a form of welfare

on my daily commute there is always one major road under construction. they never have any intention of just making one entire route complete and drivable, there always has to be one section being worked on. the gov sells the projects to the lowest bidder. and so the lowest bidder drags their feet and takes 10x as long to complete the project because it keeps their guys employed.

a large portion of the US economy is propped up through government contracts in this way

>> No.10666928

Anyone else eats lunch in their car?

>> No.10666932

I've started drinking a beer or two on Sunday evenings/nights before bed. Helps to calm me down. Not to get drunk or even buzzed but just to calm down a bit.

>> No.10666955


it's easy to spot the low iq folks

>> No.10667010

I slam half a bottle of whiskey 5 days a week for the same reason.

>> No.10667013



>> No.10667105

Ce n'est rien

I have to wake up at 3 am every day, 2am on the days we get the truck, 2 fucking AM

>> No.10667199

Schooling is not the answer

>> No.10667345

We’ve all got 6 figures - How many RSUs are you sitting on?

>> No.10668108

what the fuck? just leave the shithole ur not an actual slave, stop being a bitch and leave

>> No.10668456
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>I feel like my whole life just got pissed away. A boon from God that will never be seen again.
There is still one last chance, fren.

>> No.10668531

>Work at a boathouse. Always giving clients shit. >Eating ala carté from the restaurant. Hitting on >bikini chicks. Work clothes flip flops tshirt and >shorts. Bang some milfs from my workplace. >Sometimes don´t even shower before work.

>> No.10668725

What is then

>> No.10668783


>> No.10668957

>tfw had a choice between CS and electrical engineering when was choosing trade school years ago
>ended up picking CS even though got an offer for EE too
That was 10 years ago and was the most regrettable decision I made in my life. Now I trade shitcoins instead.
That being said I also see a lot of pajeets in EE but who would have ever guessed 99.9% of india and pakistan would literally all choose to do programming and IT. Really destroyed the whole sphere.

>> No.10668968
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I feel you man. It doesn't matter if you take CS, finance, law or whatever. You will always end up working at some gay ass corportate job with a bunch of nu-males or tryhard monkeys LARPing as Patrick Bateman. You'll brag about your six figures, from which the state takes almost 50% and you use the rest to buy stupid shit you don't want or need. You talk about going running and your new patagonia jacket with your co-workers. You lease a new Mercedes you end up complaining about all day. At work you have to engage in retarded office politics and the company basically expects you to put workplace above everything else. Sports? They have a badminton court! Your kids? Just put them into the company daycare! Housing? We get great 1 room apartments for you! Afterwork activity? Get hammered on sugary cocktails after work at the bar!
That's how you spend your 20s. Sitting infront of a PC all day, doing stupid shit you wouldn't do if it didn't pay "muh 100k".

Honestly the only (realistic) way to escape or win at this retarded rat race we live in today is to become self employed or through investments. Yeah, you'll work the same hours or even more but at least it's your own thing and you don't have to spend 20 years wearing a mask and going up other peoples asses. Doesn't even have to be some gay tec shit, just do whatever you want.
Obviously there are other way like becoming some kind of professional athlete, actor or winning the lottery but those are almost unattainable.

>B-But I'm happy at my corporate job!
One question: Imagine we live in some sort of star trec society where everything like rent and food is taken care of would you really choose sitting at a desk all day, in some suit you don't want to wear and working on some meaningless numbers someone put on your desk? 90% of people would rather engage in something with humans, animals or some creative endeavor (artistically or handcraft).

>cs is the gold standard for majors
pic related

>> No.10669015

Their code is as messy as their fucking curry, they are rude and speak bad english.
I wish the fed would increase interest rates by +3% so the fucking useless tech companies kill themselves fast

>> No.10669024

> That being said I also see a lot of pajeets in EE but who would have ever guessed 99.9% of india and pakistan would literally all choose to do programming and IT. Really destroyed the whole sphere.
That's not the real problem. The problem is the government that allows non-natives into the country. It's very simple. Wages are determined by who we allow to participate in the labor force. If you allow women and immigrants than you will suppress wages.

> That was 10 years ago and was the most regrettable decision I made in my life.
I am almost finishing my CS degree, why would you say it was regrettable to study CS and what would you advise me to move into or do?

>> No.10669041

Why is discrimination bad? Indians don't belong in America, the UK, France or Germany. You're guests. When you come to our countries we will discriminate against you. Because once Indians enter upper management they discriminate against non-Indians, and the jobs in our countries should first go to the people of that respective country. The only reason you are in a first world country is because our governments are in bed with big multinational companies who are promoting immigration into our countries so to keep wages down.

If I moved to India I would be discriminated against in regards to employment.

>> No.10669104

>That's not the real problem.
It is a problem because we live in a world where (((they))) want open borders and world government, so no matter how much you try to deny it you need to come to terms with the fact that you're in a job race against the whole world not just your country. And since india and pakistan are 2nd and 3rd in terms of world population (and soon overtaking china for 1st and 2nd spots) and fact that IT careers are by the most popular picks for them in those countries, you gotta weight your options.
>I am almost finishing my CS degree, why would you say it was regrettable to study CS and what would you advise me to move into or do?
I wouldn't advise you to change because you're close to finishing and grass might be greener but you will still have other problems in other fields.
I say it because of the same reasons this thread is listed with. Once 1 pajeet gets in he brings his whole family to work there, the whole place gets run down with them like vermin. This has been happening for many years already because of that wages in the IT sector are extremely competitive unless you're senior (you're not since you will just be a grad). Prepare to work close to minimum wage for years even with your degrees and have rooms stank with curry.

>> No.10669884

Just because this is the way it is doesn't mean it's ethical

>> No.10670396
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>muh pajeets are bad
>assigns no blame to the managers who hire them

Indians are actually ok. A lot I've found to be borderline autistic and their code often high school tier but they will get there. The fact that some idiot hires someone who doesnt know what they are doing and then said person proceeds to hire MORE people who dont know what they are doing should tell you a lot. But instead lets all blame some pajeets who actually managed to learn to code and move half way around the would without a working toilet.


>> No.10670984
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>You're basically expected to work for free
>on your own projects
>own projects
Bitch, that's called a hobby. You ever heard of the concept?
My day job allows me to get mentorship from my team and improve my programming skills like I would have never been able to on my own. I do all of this just so that I can use them for my (actually) fun, own projects. The crazy pay is only a secondary benefit.
>inb4 my excitement will wear out over the years

>> No.10671484

I hope you brainlets keep believing this. Other great meme is "everything is going to be offshored to Pajeets". Repeat these everywhere you go, thanks.

>> No.10671549

Companies like IBM are tanking really hard due near-sighted recruitment policies.