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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10663971 No.10663971 [Reply] [Original]

What's the economics of prostitution, Anon?
What's a fair price for a handjob, blow job, anal?
Does it vary from region to region, and how I can I make a solid business exploiting roasties?

>> No.10663993

In West Europe (France,Germany,Italy,Austria etc..) it's usually 250 euros for 1h with an escort (the majority come from Ukraine or Russia)

This obviously includes handjob and blowjob, anal may come with a 50 euros extra

>> No.10664002

it depends on how much meth they have done.

>> No.10664016
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I would pay £300 an hour for a girl to hit my balls, burn me with cigarettes, whisper in my ears and hug me at the end

>> No.10664026

I'll do that shit for free. Except the hug, that'll cost you.

>> No.10664031

Yeah fetishes are usually in the "extras", but some escorts actually do BDSM and other extreme stuff for free

>> No.10664040

You anon, are sick for wanting the balls smashed

>> No.10664054

germany is quite cheaper than that, can't say about the others you mentioned

>> No.10664065 [DELETED] 
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Its illegal here for some reason

>> No.10664069

Not worth the price of the kingdom of heaven, plus johns are beta as all hell. I think it's more about power than pleasure

>> No.10664101

>What's a fair price for a handjob, blow job, anal, ass to mouth?

>> No.10664102
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100€ for an hour in amsterdam
if you know russian, it will be around 50€ in moscow
don't know about thailand and murica

>> No.10664113


I'm part English and I'd definitely want my balls bathed in liquid nitrogen and shattered with a tiny hammer

for some reason

>> No.10664137


>> No.10664191 [DELETED] 
File: 1.44 MB, 600x336, gentle ballbust.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a few minutes of entertainment for her in exchange for possible lifelong chronic pain and the likelihood becoming infertile, all while she laughs in your face

>> No.10664200


Basically the sharp impact causes a massive braingasm. The guy in OP's vid must be very experienced....

Or, he is a survivor of testicular cancer and his genitals have been replaced by silicone type prosthesis

The more I watch the video the more I think maybe that might be true. I'd be blacking out. It hurts just to watch that

>> No.10664223
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>> No.10664227

I get that a mild BDSM can be arousing, but straight up body harm, no way in hell

>> No.10664233


How does this not cause genuine organ damage?

>> No.10664247

It does, these people feel so worthless, they are willing to become permanently disabled to feed their addiction

>> No.10664249

Well this thread has taken a sharp turn. I know how this goes. Getting the fuck out of here.

>> No.10664277
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Some people enjoy the permanent organ damage.

>> No.10664283
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>> No.10664287

Tell me this is not real. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.10664288


>> No.10664307


Are you new here? Oh anon, leave now and save yourself, the horrors we'll show you.....

>> No.10664330

100-250 euros. Usually teens that study and have agencies helping them are the most expensive

>> No.10664388
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>> No.10664389

why is there no blood if thats real

>> No.10664394

In Germany it's legal and there are 'sauna clubs' where girls take exactly 30/40/70€ for 20/30/60 minutes. Pretty much the same everywhere in Germany.

>> No.10664405
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>> No.10664426
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>> No.10664440 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10664460
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>> No.10664473


the absolute state of the UK

>> No.10664477 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10664483
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>> No.10664486

RKG, is that you??

>> No.10664488

>This thread

>> No.10664497
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>> No.10664545
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>> No.10664579

Wait... Does this means that we have no mods?
That actually explains blatant shill posts.

>> No.10664678

Depends. As someone who's whored around a lot I would say the fair price for a girl is $450 an hour.

You can go cheaper but you start getting girls who've had a high volume of guys. The number themselves mean nothing because they're whores but you have to start worrying about STDs a lot more with the high volume girls.

Anything over a thousand for a non-pornstar feels like a rip,the only benefit of it is the girls who charge that much are uber low volume, they don't really take new customers unless there's a guarantee of you being a regular and usually that requires putting down multiple hours worth of money so then you're paying 3k for a girl. These girls are incredible though, you're fucking a 9/10 minimum, no condoms, 90% of what you want on the table.

Ask me anything about whoring lol, love to reminisce.

>> No.10664861

I'm pretty blackpilled, but it still shocks me that they seemingly easily find women willing to do this shit.

>> No.10665110

How do you find pimps, or how do you become one? What are the most common methods to use if you're looking to prostitute girls? I remember one screencap about one guy on reddit who, in revenge for his wife who shamelessly offered to be in an open relationship, found other bulls for her to be fucked with. He was actually charging the guys (who'd then pose as his friends) to fuck his wife or something. Very clever

>> No.10665118
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All of your life arguments can be reduced to 1 hour of prescribed, "If I walk into that room will person A perform task B."

300 pounds of labor-economic weight to you equates as a girl to hit your balls, burn you with cigarettes, and whisper in your ears for an hour with 1 climax being the hug.

Είναι ότι ο Sir του προτιμήσεις / επιλογές;

>> No.10665129
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Fuck this thread

>> No.10665135
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High-volume girls are 'horrible' because they learn all the tricks of the profession that lonely men teach them. Over time they just use that to get either more money or make sessions go faster, because WHO is the professional in the room? The one paying or the one getting paid?

Why, pepe?

>> No.10665152

man fuck this thread wth

>> No.10665157

>What's a fair price for a handjob, blow job, anal?
We don't know because the Illuminati keep it in the black market.

>> No.10665192

Well, what does a black girl charge?

>> No.10665202

Has any anon here gone to Tijuana Mexico? Most specifically Hong Kong in Tijuana?

>> No.10665231

Black market as in illegal market, anything that is not out in the open is more dangerous and secretive

>> No.10665245

Illegal as in there is a group of people I can pay to enforce 'my' law? Tell me more...

>> No.10665287

I don't understand what you're saying.

>> No.10665317
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Well what the fuck is an illegal market? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard a person who wants to make money say out loud in public before.

>> No.10665374

>Well what the fuck is an illegal market?
An illegal market, like drugs, escorting, guns, gambling, is a market that's not regulated and taxed by the state because it's against the law to participate.

>> No.10665397
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Ah, you mean a market where you can't outbid or outsmart the populace you want to control the conversation in. Understood.

>pffft against the law, who the fuck cares about the Law when making money?

>> No.10665402

>>pffft against the law, who the fuck cares about the Law when making money?
People who are in prison

>> No.10665409

>Janitor applications are now being accepted
>see this thread
Maybe I should apply.

>> No.10665412

And I care about them because? Do you care about the starving in Africa?

>> No.10665429

Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.

>> No.10665442
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Do your part! Clean up 4chan! Janitor Start!

>Continues to manipulate the population at large because most humans are scared of being found, GODS on the other hand could give a fuuuuuck.

And to That Which Is Justice?

>> No.10665480

>Do your part! Clean up 4chan! Janitor Start!
That feeling when talking about serious issues requires a "janitor" because people are too immature to talk about it

>> No.10665492

Or a President to vindicate their countries concerns.

>> No.10665544

You need to be 18 to post here

>> No.10665603

best way to get sex for free is to fuck chicks on camera for porn.
The pornbux you get from subscriptions will pay for the bitches youre fucking.
The best part is the more you fuck the more chicks will come to you asking to be fucked to built their own catalog

>> No.10665612

jesus christ you white people are fucking weird

>> No.10665717


>> No.10665849
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>What's the economics of prostitution, Anon?
Various people need money, prostitution allows them to get more money quicker than wage cucking can if they're willing to get fucked and skirt the law.
>What's a fair price for a handjob, blow job, anal?
>Does it vary from region to region
It's $300-$500 an hour with a high-end female escort in burgerland, prices vary by location and what she's willing to do. I believe men make around the same for gay sex and less for fucking women, trannies make somewhere in between, low end hookers will charge considerably less (around $75-100 a fuck), and pornstars can charge exponentially more because it's brand name.
>how I can I make a solid business exploiting roasties?
Unless you have a lot of capital and operate in a legal place(ie some places in Nevada or outside burgerland), you can't. Most hookers work independent now and don't need a pimp because they had various tools so they don't need you for anything. With sesta-fosta it's also gotten significantly riskier and you're looking at getting hit with trafficking charges that'll land you in jail or cost more money than you'd make. Better off trying to go into porn than fuck with prostitution these days.

>> No.10667187

Natural selection at work.

>> No.10667567

In Mexico you can get a clean 10/10 for 250 USD, legally.

>> No.10667652

In Moscow 8/9/10 is 100$/150$/200$

>> No.10667771
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My opinion of women prostitution economics MORALFAGS FUCK OFF

Age highly influences how much im paying for the service

>10-12 being the most expensive age bracket
>13-17 being less expensive but the value plummets with age as the the taboo severity decreases with age
A girl turning 18 plummets her value because of the legal shit and being flooded to the market of other women competing with each other

Ex. I would pay $300 for a 18 year old vaginal sex, whereas, I would pay about $1000 for a 15 year old and $10000 for a 11 year old, but only about $200 for a 22 year old and $75 for a 30 year old.

Also: the services how much i want to pay as vaginal raw sex as the price baseline

In addition race also highly influences how much i want to pay, using whites as the price baseline

Any other opinions? if the prostitution market were to free up, this are the prices it will settle

>> No.10667780

not forget beauty and looks also highly influences how much i want to pay too like other anons itt said.

>> No.10667820

What race are you?

>> No.10667841

spic, your opinions may differ. However, I have strict beauty standards unlike nucucks here overpaying for shit women and fell for the sjw and feminist overlords not realizing what is the true market value.

>> No.10667859

When I went to mexico I was in a touristy area and didnt want to get thrown in jail and beheaded by the cartel so I stuck with the regulated stuff.

>> No.10667866

explains why your ratings for shitskins starts at 75%

>> No.10667932
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so fake and so gay.

price of ice cubes varies -- in Iceland you won't pay as much as you will pay in the Sahara desert.

also, people generally have standards. a standard prostitute may properly shower, yet reek like the unwiped bumhole of cthulhu.

also, no such thing as "fair price" exists. you will consider $100 in different ways, depending if you make 50K or 100K year, depending on the amount of days you can eat with $100, and so on.

finally, paying to use female body parts who tasted an insane amount of dicks, it's worse than buying an insanely expensive piece of toilet paper that wiped an insane amount of bumholes.

>solid business exploiting roasties?

that's the top kek line of your supreme faggotry, mr. Edgy Edgelord.

you're clearly expecting to find some place where little to no prostitutes work, then establish your ones and make easy profit. go on, faggot, have a taste of the multiple mafias already fighting to extract up to the last penny from every fuckin' area of the planet where prostitution can actually happen. please just tell us where you are, so that we can grab some popcorn and come to watch and laugh.

>tldr: OP is no more than your usual Edgy Summerfag, one of those who wasted their lifetime savings to buy BTC at 19.9k because "Hurr Durr 50K EOW Herp Derp!"

>> No.10667971

lol, look at this virgin armchair philosopher.

Sure, whores are used up. That's why you don't marry them. But cumming down the back of their throat as opposed to into a kleenix feels much better. Being around women in a sexual scenario boosts your testosterone and has other positive effects on your mind and body.

Obviously don't be stupid and catch something, if something is fishy looking just throat them until you nut and don't actually fuck them, but you shouldn't be paying for cheap hookers anyway, always get 300 and above even if you're in a poorer country.

If you haven't been laid in a while, just get a hooker and move on. This will take your mind off thinking about sex all the time.

>> No.10668037 [DELETED] 

I can't watch that.
Do you have any video with black guy? I feel no empathy to niggers.

>> No.10668060

nevermind, this one >>10664405 has a nigger, which makes it safe to watch.

>> No.10668091

I found a film studio in Bremen that will charge you 100-120 eur to participate in a gangbang scene with two " newcomer actresses". They sweet the deal by telling you that your face will be censored, take care of your hiv tests and you can receive an actor's cut from the film profits. But the studio is probably just making a bunch of dough from the participant's fee, while the posted porn scene online is a minor cover up with not so high monetary gains.

A great /biz/ plan, if you ask me.

>> No.10668388
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>thread about economics of prostitution
>random comment hints at wasted vajayjay's
>self-rated PUA gets triggered and shout "hurr durr virgin reeee"

yes, summer is so strong with this thread

>> No.10668442

Some of the best pussy I have ever had in my 20 years of mongering was from 45-50 y/o filipina maids who had squeezed out 5+ fuckin kids.

I say that having regularly fucked 16-20 year olds for years.

MILF pussy can be absolutely tip top tier if you can get past the age thing.

>> No.10668994

Jesus christ.
I had to go and watch an episode of always sunny to get that picture out of my head and then I came back and still had it on screen because I am a retard and forgot to close the window. Fuck you. Twice.