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10663451 No.10663451 [Reply] [Original]

Literally the only token worth anything, backed by PoW.
>Prove me Wrong, you can't.
Easy to mine with Windows, like 4 mouse clicks.

>> No.10663492

>backed by pow

>> No.10663556

Every single 0xBTC token has been and must be mined used SHA3 Proof of Work as a challenge in the Solidity Smart Contract

>> No.10663651
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GPU and CPU mining, think it's sitting around 50 cents a coin, will only go up. Although I do think there is one or two other minable tokens out there besides 0xbtc.

>> No.10663699

Mineable ERC20's? Besides for blatant clones like 0xBCH or scamcoins like Skorch I can't think of anything

>> No.10663705

shitty scamcoin

>> No.10663747

Are you always this wrong or just here on /biz/ ?

>> No.10663756


Don't you have a street to shit on?

>> No.10663778
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OP /biz/ isn't smart enough to understand proof of work, your best taking your 0x thread to a place with an IQ above the average Hatian.

>> No.10663817

Jesus fucking christ a 0xBTC retard again.

0xBTC's mining is just a minigame. It doesn't secure the network at all whatsoever. 0xBTC's security depends on Eth's security, and the hash power on 0xBTC literally does nothing but allow miners to play the retarded smart contract "mining".

>> No.10663889
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Only token worth anything
You like being wrong don't ya Anon, stay poor.

>> No.10663913

So what you're saying is that, like any good currency, you need to put work and resources in to get something out? AND the token is 51% attack immune? AND the token is immune from a death spiral? Sounds like it's got the whole package!

Also 0xBitcoin mining is being developed for relay network governance so this FUD can die, find something else.



>> No.10664472

Follow the top wallets. Accumulate.

>> No.10664514
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>> No.10664645

>itt pajeet bagholders

What purpose does it using Proof of Work serve? It's an ERC20, so it doesn't need it for security (it's secured by Ethereum miners). So token issuance? But since, again, it's not securing anything you could just write a mining-emulation function (similar to Proof of Stake) and randomly distribute the token to "miners", thus saving on burning electricity for now purpose. Just a most pathetic ponzi yet. You're NEVER getting your money back pajeets. Ever. No deluxe streets for you to shit in.

>> No.10664687

Why would anyone value a currency that was distributed to people who just received it randomly? PoW is supposed to cost resources. That's the point. You have to put resources in to get the currency. Your newly minted coins are proof of your work. It's the most fair way to distribute.

>> No.10664738


>getting tokens for free

AHAHAHAHA enjoy your ICO bags, friendo. 0xBitcoin is Real Money, like Bitcoin before it. This isn't a magic meme mooner coin, it's a slow-and-steady store of value that will gradually appreciate.

Take care,

- Sent from my iPhone 15

>> No.10665137

Wrong, wrong, also incorrect, and wrong. Wow 4 for 4. Least you are consistently wrong and poor.

>> No.10665168
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$10 eoy

>> No.10665765
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Really amazing potential, diamond in the rough.

>> No.10665866

Op you are in fact correct 0xBTC gets a lot of hate from bitcoin faggots because they feel threatened.

>> No.10666131
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Considering the actual market cap of BTC, the percentage of the financial markets (<%1) that BTC inhabits, 0xbtc can peacefully coexist. Why all the hate though? It's a legitimate fully transparent smart contract issuing currency. That alone is pretty fucking amazing. Welps, I'll keep mining (so fucking easy), stacking my PoW tokens, and trying to inform anons of it's potential. I'm no pajeet, in fact you'd probably never believe who I actually am, but on the internet we are all anons if we choose. Stay poor, I'll keep mining the next moon landing, up to you anons.

>> No.10666251

I don’t know, bitcoin fanatics have an irrational rabid hatred of anything with the letters “btc” in the name that isn’t bitcoin core.

Chainlinkers also hate any coin that threatens to become more of a meme than their shitlinks which quite frankly everyone’s thoroughly bored of by now.

>> No.10666446

omg proof of work is such a rare concept it's not like a thousand other pow shitcoins have come and gone!!!
it's going to be worth as much as bitcoin because u can mine it just like bitcoin!!

pajeet retards kys

>> No.10666548

No, 0xBTC will be different because it's secured by the largest and more ubiquitous smart contract platform. Instantly on creation it was 51% attack and death spiral resistant, as well as being compatible with all smart contracts (which includes DEX compatibility). Other PoW coins cannot claim this.

>> No.10666565

>There is a teapot orbiting Saturn
>prove me wrong
That’s what you sound like

>> No.10666610

>I’m a retard duuuhh

That’s what you sound like

>> No.10666628

How heavy are your bags, 0xbtcers? Bought at $4?

>> No.10666635
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Well you are fucked, immediately accept that others should manage your finances, health, and food intake. Look at yourself, you're fat. How does this anon know you are fat .... lol you aren't very smart are you? Think for once maybe you make it, doubt it though if I'm being realistic.

>> No.10666650

>Mined @ current energy costs

>> No.10666715

so, trying to unload your bags on unsuspecting bizraelis. wasn't there anything better to mine with your hardware?

>> No.10666724

please shhh

>> No.10666744


>> No.10666749

You should buy some. It’s going to go up in value quite soon.

>> No.10666785

keep an eye out for the next difficulty drop (~2 months) that should do the trick.

>> No.10666881
File: 281 KB, 2458x1260, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at 12.25.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no

>> No.10666909

>Literally a typical chart of any crypto that just starts out.

>it’s a scam guys


>> No.10666910

hahahahAHAHAHAHAH. Ah fuck. I really am sorry for anyone who bought this.
At least they can't have lost that much, anons much more cautious now that mania is over.

>> No.10666956

So the same (or actually a bit better) in the past month than nearly all other alts? Cool

>> No.10667051

Looks like it’s primed for a bit of a bump up looking at that chart.

>> No.10667448


You know you're going to be in the cringe compilation when 0xBTC hits $100, right? There's an anon that has been screenshotting fudders. You're going to really regret not buying at 50 cents.

>> No.10667473

really though this coin came months too late for you pajeets
q4 2017 would have been the perfect time to shill this. newbies in bull run hysteria would have loved it.
but now nah fuck off with your scams

>> No.10667481

added to my pajeet shill folder
but you won't have the balls to put your hand up and say "that was me", will you?

>> No.10667494

Where do you get the pajeets thing from?

>> No.10667794

Nope just mining to multiple wallets, like the OGs of Bitcoin did. Maybe one day "you'll get it" , comes with age [sip]. 0xbtc just feels right if you've been in the game like we've been since ~Nov'13 bro.

Stay poor pajeet

>> No.10667836
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I might be under water but I'm still holding because I know the value.

>> No.10667839

I agree that the approach is clever and it's a smart way for a new PoW coin to be secure from the start.
BUT it has to offer something more than that. The PoW tweak is just a short-term gimmick, what else does this coin bring to the table?

>> No.10667842

you could literally ban anyone that ever posts anything positive about 0xbtc and clear at least half of the shitskins off of this board. it's incredible

>> No.10667856

only pajeets make these lame ass shill threads

>> No.10667869

Pretty much this. It's hilarious that everyone on /biz/ hates Dero and yet even they think Dero is still better than 0xBTC.

And that says something.

>> No.10667892
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Speed, name (disregard feelings[feefees]), token with actual value, no ico, no premine, no scam. Just trying to share the wealth with fellow anons.

>> No.10668068

>No ico
>No premine
when was the last time this was used to shill a shitcoin? signatum I think it was.

>> No.10668069
File: 15 KB, 512x274, A2DF1CD0-28C4-4363-B397-E84FE90570D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the people who support cryptocurrency hate actual cryptocurrencies? For example: 0xBTC is a pure mined ERC20 token. There was no ICO, airdrop, or anything similar. Just like BTC it’s supply is scarce and the ONLY way to get it is to mine it. People support these coins and tokens that people magically mint or premine the hell out of when they have no mathematical cryptographic source. Every single ERC20 token, aside from 0xBTC, was magically created out of thin air, given to a human at some point who then distributed them. This isn’t currency, it’s play money. True cryptocurrencies are pure mined, they aren’t created out of thin air and given to people. It’s sad to see the direction this community has taken, I wish we could go back to the good ol’ days where people loved PoW.

Nowadays people just say that PoW is a waste of energy and should be stopped. How can you think that? Does it use any electricity or pollute the environment to run 100+ tin dump trucks hauling gold ore away for processing? Is that a “waste of energy”? No, it’s not. It takes energy and WORK to get a scarce resource. It’s PoW but I’m real life. PoW is the most proven, trustable way of distribution since the dawn of time. It’s the natural way it’s happened forever and the best way we’ve found yet. What if real life resources, like gold for instance, was at one point in the hand of one person; do you think that one person would distribute it fairly? Maybe they keep 1% of it (premine)? That’s not a currency. Utility tokens are fine in theory, but most of them have NO WORKING PRODUCTS and their price is derived purely from speculation and hype. Why is something like 0xBTC ignored? Another true crypto, yet everyone hates it because “oh it copies BTC’s name and it’s a fork/clone/scam”. Really guys? Have you read the smart contract yourself? (Read it here: https://etherscan.io/address/0xb6ed7644c69416d67b522e20bc294a9a9b405b31#code))

>> No.10668133

it's sad you have to use proof of work as a selling point. like that alone exludes it from being a worthless shitcoin.
even more sad when pajeets such as yourself act like you've been around for years, yet are totally oblivious of all the dead proof of work pnd shitcoins from 2013 onwards. it's almost as if you'd say whatever possible to fool crypto newbies into buying your bags.. so pathetic desu senpai

>> No.10668150

It’s because they are paid marketers and fellow travellers of dead out ICO shitcoins.

Don’t worry. They’ll get BTFo soon. 0xBTC is a FUD proof coin.

>> No.10668154

You’re missing the point, nigger.

>> No.10668158
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How much can i mine with a GTX 760?

>> No.10668162

it's more profitable to mine eth so do that instead

>> No.10668242


List one, ONE, of those previous PoW coins that resided on the Ethereum blockchain.

What's that? None of them interacted with smart contracts on the most popular blockchain computing platform?

Bummer dude! Better luck fudding next time.

0xBTC is the first minable Ethereum token and cannot be fudded.

>> No.10668260

It can't really be shilled either, since the project is finished. And I don't really see anyone actually using this token in the near future.

>> No.10668264

Mine ETH and then buy 0xBTC until the difficulty adjusts in about 1.5 months

>> No.10668268

It’s far from finished bro. The next stage is getting it adopted and used in Ethereum smart contracts which it is going to be

>> No.10668270

don't you see that the project being finished is an upside? You won't have to hope that some third world dev team somewhere actually gets some shit done, you know exactly what you're buying - the first pure mined currency on Ethereum.

>> No.10668318


Yes, the product is finished. I don't see how that's a bad thing. Now people shill it for its potential, and the ecosystem and projects that can build up around it, like Lavawallet and merged mining and DEX pairings.

Why wouldn't people use it? Why would I store my Ethereum wealth in ICO'd inflationary Ether, or any of the endless garbage ICO tokens, when I can use what is literally Bitcoin on Ethereum? This thing is solid as a rock, it's good money. What else would people use as store of value on the chain? Ether's future is entirely beholden to the whims of Team Vitalik. 0xBitcoin is locked forever and can never be changed.

>> No.10668381

>Ether's future is entirely beholden to the whims of Team Vitalik. 0xBitcoin is locked forever and can never be changed.

Good point

>> No.10668714


>> No.10668746

Why do you spread disinfo and fud, it's not even a good troll or larp, it's....just sad like your networth.

>> No.10668757

your posts are a literal parody, do you even read what you're writing?

if there was ever any doubt that "normies" have overtaken retail and crypto is mainstream, this should settle that.

>> No.10668792
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>> No.10668814

stop posting on biz about 0xbtc too many hatets here that deserve too stay poor...fucking crabs

>> No.10668824

I know the creator of this coin. Literally grew up with him, went to his house many times, ate pizza, LAN partied etc.

It's a shit coin, he even admits it and its a pet project with a "make-it-up-as-you-go" philosophy.

>> No.10668878

Mildly imaginative new FUD

>> No.10668920

with fud this shitty, you might as well be shilling it

>> No.10668948

i also know the creator its judgedoom he keeps fudding here so that he can accumulate more tokens for the cheap cheap

>> No.10668963

I know it's you, Joe, stop fucking telling the whole world about this.

>> No.10668990

The fucker owes me two hundred dollars.
Give me my money back you son of a bitch I've seen you spending in weed like I wouldn't find.

>> No.10669022

I don't have your money, man. I need this shit to pump to at least like $2 before I can pay it off and you're not exactly helping.

>> No.10669068


Was anything in my post untrue? No? That means it's true, which means you were BTFO.

Why are you so insistent on poverty? You tried to fud Monero too, didn't you?

>> No.10669087

How much can i make mining ETH? with my 760GTX?

>> No.10669141

Not very much at all, maybe 0.2ETh a month

>> No.10669790


>> No.10670094

When (if?) staking ever comes to ETH what does that mean for 0xbtc?

>> No.10670192

>Speed, name (disregard feelings[feefees]), token with actual value, no ico, no premine, no scam
So speed is the same as Eth is/will have. Thus you could just fork eth to have that speed.
Bitcoin name? Hardly a benefit
I get that the value comes from mining, but that alone is just a gimmick.
If anything, this coin just shows a new way for new coins to start off their PoW network securely, but in the end when they have grown enough, they need to become independent and bring something new to the table. We already have a Bitcoin that is very difficult to hack and could be used to store/exchange value.

>> No.10670220

A lot more miners migrating to it and a lot more attention.

Bitcoin can not interact with smart contracts though. Plus the mining is not just a gimmick, it makes the currency trustless and can also be used as a decentralized method of delegating authority. For example, the Lavanetwork will have its relayer selected via 0xBTC mining. It's basically programmable mining.

>> No.10670901

>0xbtc just feels right if you've been in the game like we've been since ~Nov'13 bro.

hahahaha KYS if you are that old in the game and still haven't made it
stay fucking poor, retard

>> No.10670943

oh so u guys intended to not use the key words so my filter won't work.. welp i guest i gonna block it by hand then... gud luck mate

>> No.10671867

this tbqh

>> No.10671942

x post best post