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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10659236 No.10659236 [Reply] [Original]

There is nothing inherently special about LINK besides the fact that /biz/ chose it.

It is literally just another shitcoin, like the rest of them.

There have been multiple threads in the last month about druggies holding LINK, 18 year olds holding LINK, newfags holding LINK, etc.

It is a meme. None of you are going to make it.

>> No.10659250

official telegram has 1k members

>> No.10659274

FUD has hit an all time low lol

>> No.10659281
File: 1.06 MB, 1918x1080, newlink2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's been multiple threads about people downplaying LINK. (See OP for example.) However, KEK WILL IT, that we should be freed from the bonds of wageslavery, that we should become the next cult of NEET digit worshippers. There is no escaping the singularity, too many meme magicians have focused their magick toward LINK adoption. Get fukt OP.

>> No.10659295
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Can't go to the wrong place as long as I go with frens.

>> No.10659335

some people will actually let this fud scare them into not buying link

>> No.10659338

You fuckers will accidentally fud LINK to the grave just because reddit and biz don't deserve it.

>> No.10659357

No they won't. This is such shit-tier fud that only a complete retard would believe it.

>> No.10659374

i dont think it matters what reddit and biz buy.. were nothing but a speck of dust compared to the institutional money thats pouring into the market

>> No.10659414

>>Price dropping on everything for 7 months

>Institutions pouring in

Kek he fell for it

>> No.10659423

Link is pumping because it pnd groups know that white trump supporters are literally the dumbest humans on Earth. They possess the hive mind set because that's the only time they feel strong. One of the few ways to make money during a bear market is to take advantage of the weak: link hodlers. Don't argue with me, I said what I said. Trump/Link supporters are lower I.Q. so they aren't able to process reality correctly and do what they are told by their inbred leaders

>> No.10659430
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Hello fren

>> No.10659499
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>the institutional money thats pouring into the market

>> No.10659531

Lmao the fud just keeps getting funnier...shit makes me laugh everytime thanks OP...maybe find something productive to do? Com on now..

>> No.10659572

ok but why do you think /biz/ chose it? out of the hundreds of shitcoins out there, why LINK? and why has it been so persistent, despite never really mooning? shilled for a year straight, just for keks?

>> No.10659596

Interesting fud, except most Link holders aren't selling, thus aren't bothered by a pnd. Only the few swing trading autists.

>> No.10659836
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Nice to see you fren

>> No.10659952

It's because of smartcontract.com. Nick Szabo is the man with the master plan for smart contracts. Fucking Sergey has nothing to do with the idea. He was a wee little boy when they were talked about.

Link holders are bettting on the oracles and offchain to onchain transfers. Not happening for Link, but another and other projects will get it done.

>> No.10660010
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I will grab the Link moon right out of the sky for you friend

>> No.10660028

It's dedicated neckbeards.
ChainLink literally have Telegram and Discord channels where they coordinate spamming this board with memes.

>> No.10660051

Perfect example of a complete moron.

>> No.10661076

This new 2500 timeline bullshit is actually well disguised FUD imo. The meme magic prediction was for $1000, our energy must be focused on the actual prophecy to become reality.

>> No.10661094

Literally everything says that if they can pull off what they say they want to with LINK it will be HUGE.

>> No.10661155

Exactly, a meme

>> No.10661168

Seriously though OP have you even read any of the white paper? Bring real world data onto the blockchain in a decentralized manner is the next logical step for crypto to for actual application. Chainlink is attempting to do that. This is why /biz/ is insane about it. A bunch of autists understand what the implications of this project are if done successfully. The risk reward is incredible. For less than $5000 you might be able to retire in 2 to 5 years. Also a possibility they fail and you lose your money. The point is no one else is attempting what Chainlink is trying. Decentralized currency, then decentralized blockchain platform, and then decentralized oracles. The circumstancial evidence with LINK being associated or involved with powerful and wealthy companies all over the planet is astounding.

>> No.10661496
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