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10659152 No.10659152[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any recovering addicts here? How do you deal with the bordom or being sober? Shifting my addiction to accumlating link hasn't helped

>> No.10659174

im trying to beat my pornaddiction and your picture isn't exactly helping

>> No.10659181

Not recovering. Tried and didn't like the world without.

>> No.10659200

Playing vidya and doing comfy things. Also, being sober opens up a lot of options to do mentally intensive stuff like making apps or games or whatever you always wanted to do.

t. alcoholic for 8 years

>> No.10659217

I quit porn for 100 days and 120 days a few times. Every girl on the street aged 14 - 45 was hot for me. It's quite distracting.

>> No.10659219

It's not easy. You must be humble. You must be disciplined. You are not perfect, you are not helpless either. I don't know what your interests are but you have to find an outlet to genuinely enjoy yourself, golf, video games, playing an instrument, or just maximizing your income and saving since this is /biz/ after all.

>> No.10659228

get into distance running
it clears you mind and you get a runners high for 15-30 minutes after

>> No.10659229


Play video games, watch movies/tv shows/documentaries, fap and shit post.

>> No.10659234

im kind of addicted on doing no thing. All day i just get baked and when i run out i just spend all day in my room. I also stopped caring for cleaning my room which probably pissed of jordan peterson, and its not that i have some bad history my life went pretty average and im happy about that since many got it way worse.

How do i pull my self from this pit? Ive done it once before but only becauese i crucially needed to change me life. Now that theres nothing vastly important i dont see a need to orient my self towards anything. Clean once every 2-3 months, laundary every 2 months as well.

Its my fault i know, but i just cant find the right motivation to kickckstart changing everything

>> No.10659243
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>> No.10659245

in all seriousness real AA actually works. not meetings or anything gay like that, but actual big book AA and sponsoring other addicts

>> No.10659249

long hikes, weights and gaming. also fear of another seizure.

>> No.10659265

At least it'll make you wealthy. Just don't go overboard when you finally make it

Same. If anyone has any tips on how to get past a week of nofap lmk. At exactly 7 days I get incredible urges

>> No.10659268

t. IVdopehead for 5 years

>> No.10659269

I was there aswell when I was an alcoholic. My house was a garbage bin. I don't know what it is, but if you get high or drunk, you care so much less about this. When you're sober, you want to have things organized and have your shit together.

1 or 2 weeks sober doesn't cut it, you need like 2 - 3 months before you find your way. Don't get too worried about fixing everything at one time, it'll get there gradually. Don't compete too much for now, just make sure you got the bare basics like income and a house for yourself.

After you get your shit together, you can start competing for "life"-stuff again.

>> No.10659290

>>10659269 is right. don't take on everything at once just build up slowly.

>> No.10659294
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Problem is when I'm sober nothing seems interesting, I have zero drive & can't even notice that there are interesting things to do idk

>> No.10659300

anyone else sober and would rather just get back into using?
I'm coming up on 2 years in late september and I was happier when I got high everyday

>> No.10659304

Also, the reason you like to get high / drunk so much has to do with some sort of a deeper cause you never resolved yet. Don't think too much about it, you'll know what it is when you're sober for a while. After you resolve that (usually it has something to do with your parents) you have solved your addiction. It's not as simple as being addicted, usually it's just an escape from the way your were raised.

Becoming an adult is usually resolving stuff that your parents screwed you over with. Some of us had a bad start, others a bit less. But your parents are usually not the holy beings you think they are.

>> No.10659327
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I've never gone more than 1 week at the most without fapping since I was 11. I'm 32 now. Is it even possible for me to stop? I've been fapping daily for 21 years now. Usually multiple times a day. 21 fucking years.

>> No.10659334

I know it doesn't at all seem interesting for now, but you probably want to quit for a reason. I can honestly promise you that things get better.

>> No.10659342

When you go a good while straight sober the enjoyment returns anon, believe in yourself

>> No.10659350

Hey, like I said, I've done nofap for 100 days and also 120 days, just got started fapping 2 days ago. If you have regular pussy, shit's like 10x easier. If you don't have one, it's only natural to want to fap. The biggest problem is porn, not masturbation alone.

>> No.10659364
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I've been sober a year now. I definitely have underlying issues and used it to cope. Now I'm wondering why the fuck I quit. Not trying to seem nihilistic, but I'm not sure if I'll be happier by staying sober. Can anyone here legitimately confirm they are content with themselves after quitting and using normal coping methods? I feel like hunter thompson, and I'd rather live in a constant confusion than deal with swine

>> No.10659371

I'm recovering from DEM TIDDIES

>> No.10659380

Iktf. I've been jerking it to extreme BDSM porn since 7th grade, currently 22. It didn't help that my last gf was into really kinky shit either... I've been struggling to get away from this degeneracy for months now. I've managed to reach several week-long nofap milestones, aiming to go further. Problem is once I catch a glimpse of something slightly suggestive about BDSM (you'd be surprised how many references to it there are in traditional media) I relapse for a good 5 days or so watching porn.

Is BDSM degenerate or is it natural? I don't even know anymore if it's who I am or if its programmed me. HELP.

>> No.10659386

Were the underlying issues dealt with in your sobriety? Deep-seated shit can still mess with you and throw you in that torrent of negativity and cast doubt into your heart.

>> No.10659387
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Thanks actually helps to hear that. The idea of being sober for 1 or even 2 months straight is like the anon above said about not fapping after it being a constant since 11yo. I feel like all I can do is wait for the interest in things to come then cause I've got no energy or motivation to go look for it

>> No.10659391

if you don't have kids, a meaningful job, a need to complete tasks for survival like living in the wilderness
then getting high is the best choice
we're only taught drugs are bad because it hurts mr goldbergstein's bottom line

>> No.10659392

idk i've got a strengthening amphetamine habit i need to kick

just 1 week of shit left to do and i can taper and quit

>> No.10659394

The thing is, if you can handle your addiction with your daily tasks and if it doesn't harm you in the long run, there's no problem in enjoying some substances. But being in a permanent state of confusion is gonna screw you over in the long run, there are almost no exceptions. That's why it's better to stay sober.

>> No.10659400

Anon you're really not helping my efforts at staying clean, cause these are my sentiments exactly.

>> No.10659404

Relinquish your vices one at a time, start with the substances and then bottleneck the fapping frequency. Supplements help a lot with it too like fish oil

>> No.10659425

Don't go back to whatever your poison is until you deal with those underlying problems. Otherwise, it's right back into the pit of despair. It took me two years before I really felt stable again. The first year was just me detoxing and going back to square one (playing catch up), the second year was growing from a now normal baseline (moving forward). It's worth it to stay sober longer.

>> No.10659432

I had the same thing with interracial gangbangs. Once I did nofap for 2 months, literally anything made me horny af. I started watching porn again, but now I was watching normal stuff like 10/10 bodies and just basically standard porn. However, once I started going on binges again, I went back to searching cuckold stuff.

100% this is programmed, it also doesn't help that most porn is black on white lately, so my brain connection with being horny with it just relapses. These fucking pornsites are fucking up our way of thinking.

>> No.10659434

Exercise. Pick up Hobbies that challenge a weaker part of you

>> No.10659440

Hi anon, I'm right there with you. Not sure where you're from but i've found the best thing to cure addiction is to deal with the anxiety that caused you to drink/use. For me CBD oil has been an incredible help in that it gives me the same effects as an anti-depressant or anti-anxiety drug without the mental fuzziness.

Find something whether it's the gym, or CBD oil, or building model airplanes that makes your mind slow down and not constantly worry about all the little things.

If life feels like it's piling up on you a really great tactic i've forced myself to do follow is "if it takes less than five minutes do it immediately"

addiction for me was all about shutting down the voices of doubt. i thought by using and drinking that I was evading the daily horror that was waking up on the morning to face a new day.

if you live in a city, literally go outside and walk around with headphones on with no plan. if you live in a rural area just sit outside. don't check your phone/email/crypto prices.

Hope this helps.

Stay well fren

>> No.10659443

Been to rehab twice. Am currently on suboxone. I can tell you, life wasn't really tremendously better in my times of being sober. If you're not an inherently happy person, getting sober isn't going to change you. I'm just pretty dismal and have been since a young age...so if you're similar, don't expect sobriety to change you.

>> No.10659459


> How do you deal with the bordom or being sober?

By realizing that being bored is still a better long term option than slowly chunking away at my mental health and cognition.

>> No.10659465

I feel you anon, but I have no intent of stopping with how it's helped me turn my entire life around; treating my adhd and depression/anxiety for 3 years now.

>> No.10659471

yeah i don't actually need it though i used it as a cognitive enhancer

>> No.10659482
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Most of it is PTSD from drug violence. I went to prison and got clean and now I live comfortably without working but I have literally zero drive to do anything, even stay awake at normal times or eat. I go to groups and regular therapy and take ((ssri)), and the trauma subsided but now i don't have a drive for success. I do not care about having a good career, I want to feel good. Maybe this is just a moment of weakness for me.
I have all my necessities. I have been a lot of places and technically don't need to do anything else to survive. I feel like the rollercoaster is over. When I was using, I could take advantage of the uppers to get work done, and the downers to cope.
I'm gonna trust you, I am gonna give me a real chance.
I dabbled in opiates but my real devil is benzos and psychs. I smoked weed every day and dosed acid too often. I did some cool shit with the energy.

I know I'm talking like a degenerate addict right now, but I frankly don't care. I am looking for concrete hope or a virtual comfort, nothing in between.

>> No.10659494

>if it takes less than 5 minutes do it immediately
I was going to say this is some A1 advice for procrastinating but then I immediately just thought of chugging liquor. Context is key lol

>> No.10659518

You can become a happier person, though. Stick it out bro, it's worth it. The drugs were just one layer of the misery. Getting them out of the way is just the first step. There's arguably way more challenge after getting sober, because you expect life to magically improve, but it doesn't happen automatically (or at least not quickly). You still have to keep at it to figure out how to be a "normal," emotionally stable person. You'll never be like a person who never used, but you'll be better than them. You have experiences no life-long sober person has ever had, struggles that they can't begin to describe, and that's your edge over them. Use that as your motivation.

>> No.10659525

reminder to get plenty of b1 if you drink!

you may already have wernicke’s encephalopathy and not know it

>> No.10659540

Thanks for the reassurance friend. Porn is poison.

>> No.10659553

1) Quit watching porn
2) whack it 1-3 times per week
Boom, you‘re on the road to becoming a healthy human being

>> No.10659563

nofap is a meme, faggot

>> No.10659571

being an high estrogen fucktard with no abs is more depressing than not being sober

>> No.10659573

Thanks helps to hear it. Gym is something I'm going to start again for sure

>> No.10659587

Examples of what you noticed was different?

>> No.10659589

Money is a good shift for the addiction. OP, I can't stand it. I'm bored out of my fucking mind, I can't sleep and everytime I think about things to do in life its just a fucking bore. Its like that intro of trainspotting thats basically how I feel quitting drugs. Try a shooting range, I don't have any here.

>> No.10659602

Like I said, any woman was hot. I had a shitload of free time on my hands, but I didn't notice a higher intelligence or superpowers (that part is definately a meme). However, I was less embarrassed about my "deep fantasies", because the only thing I was doing was just having sex and not binging into a dark world of fetishes.

>> No.10659618

People that go sober are literally miserable 99% of the time. The only time they are happy are when they're talking about the fun they had while abusing. That's at least the drunks. Can't speak for needle jabbers or crackheads

>> No.10659622

I believe there's 2 types of watching porn. One of them is an entire night with your deepest fetishes exploiting every single thought about it. And the other is just jerkin it. The first one is definately a sort of escapism or addiction. The second one is a bit less problematic, because after jerking off, you basically don't think about sex the entire time.

>> No.10659633

One thing that helped me was considering the length of my sobriety as something sacred. If I used even once, I would destroy a year(s) of sobriety in an instant. You can never take it back after you do it, but you can always do it if you haven't yet. I guess it made me easier to think "well I can always do it another time if I really want." And I just told myself that every time until eventually I didn't want to do it anymore. Of course, I'm talking specifically about the urges after a long time of using. In October will be 6 years since I last smoked meth or did other hardcore drugs (coke, ecstasy, LSD). I'm way happier now than I was even after 2 years of sobriety. It only gets better as you go along.

>> No.10659636

Yeah but there's some sort of enjoyment of just being sober and playing a comfy vidya you love till 3 in the morning without any responsibilities.

>> No.10659661

are we seriously going to have a boring topic about boring junkies instead of praising the milk truck
disappointed in you /biz/, would have thought this latest dump would have washed out the normies

>> No.10659670

>I've never gone more than 1 week at the most without fapping since I was 11
Good, going more than a week without cumming is unhealthy for your dick.

That being said you can over do it, and while you'd need to do it so much that most normies don't need to worry, you guys might.

>> No.10659695
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Does watching girls on Myfreecams count as porn? Asking for a friend...

>> No.10659696

Mmm beer, so good

>> No.10659775

I feel the same is fucking awful. This is why I started using cause the sober life is unbearable in its dullness.

>> No.10659776

I just masturbate and ERP in my free time. I'm unproductive as fuck if I don't but I haven't found anything besides sexual pleasure that can deal with stress the way drugs can.

>> No.10659804


I am 18 months sober from alcohol. I switched up to sugar which apparently is really common, still hits the same triggers in the brain.
After 3 months my head felt more clear and simple things like listening to what other people actually said and not misinterpreting it seemed easier.
I was already a bit of a gym addict too.
I stopped drinking because I move my brother and his wife in with me, they were on heroin and meth.
He had to leave her to get clean, which means I put her back on the street to find her own way... can only do so much for others and I dont like being stolen from.
He moved in with my parents and they have custody of his kids, I think that motivates him but he still screws up and drinks from time to time.

The key is finding something to occupy your time. You will never not be bored, its just not possible and you cant constantly be working either.
You probably want to get out of your own head and I get that, the cravings and you cant stop thinking about whatever it was you are addicted to, you havent said yet in the thread.
Its tough for awhile but it only takes 30 days to develop a new habit, so after that it should be easier.
Try reading books, its weird how you can escape for a few hours reading if you are into the story.

>> No.10659855

Did you have many wet dreams. Idk why but everytime I attempt to go nofap, I get a crazy amount of wetdreams, like 2-3 times a week, sometimes even twice a night.
Then I think I could just fap again since there is no difference

>> No.10659863


Sex addiction, physical fitness, coffee, and cigarette addictions work for most. Also Jesus. Addicts don't ever get cured, they just trade more damaging addictions for relatively safe ones.

>> No.10659874

There's nothing wrong with wet dreams dude. Like many say, it's mostly porn that is problematic. If you wanna jerk it, just jerk it.

>> No.10659911

Jesus christ those milkers!!!!

>> No.10659943
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By shooting up heroin

>> No.10659982

I make music but still procrastinate here on 4chan.
Try meeting people and finding a hobby.
Chain Link will help but it's only a bandage on the wound.
How many stinkys do you have?

>> No.10660001
