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10656796 No.10656796 [Reply] [Original]

Is making a juicy return on crypto investments guaranteed if you hold until 2030?

I'd like to invest but I'm not too well schooled with it, there's like no chance the currencies will become useless and go the way of doge?

>> No.10656800

if you can hodl to 2030 you will buy up your entire town

>> No.10656856

Go all in on BCH or XMR, or 50/50 both.

>> No.10657040

If by crypto investments you mean BTC, then yes.
BCH is not going to last one more year.
Jihan sold his BTC for BCH and now there is nobody buying BCH so the price is going to tank once Jihan decides it was a bad idea.

ETH is too centralized already with their blockchain requiring 1TB, and growing too fast. won't last 5 years either.

All other projects are irrelevant, they might make you money, but never hold them for more than 3 months.

>> No.10657049

see this is what scares me, I've literally LITERALLY NO FUCKING JOKE read the exact opposite of everything you've said

>> No.10657068

Yes, it's called Dunning Krugger effect.
People hear something and they think they know everything, so they start to spout all the shit they heard. (or they are being deceptive on purpose).

It's a problem on the internet because all opinions sound just as valid. But they are not.
Do your own research, read what I posted, and understand it, then you will see that nothing will stop ETH from being only in a computer handled by vitalik, which can then be shut down by any government.

>> No.10657092

And don't forget that a BTC dev helped BCH not just crash and burn to the ground. If he hadn't acted, BCH's value would be 0 right now.

>> No.10657096


As you can see, people just get too attached to their coins and try to defend their wrong decisions. Thus losing money. Which is ok because it means more for me.

>> No.10657119

I'm buying BCH.

I'm fucking done with $3 fees to send $250 of bitcoin.

>> No.10657126

2030 is too long. stuff that got to trillions of marketcap can have become obsolete already by then.

>> No.10657221


>> No.10657274

If ETH is not going to "last 5 years" then it definitely won't be because of the blockchain size you dumb fuck

>> No.10657311

The ironic thing is that you seem to be suffering from a severe case of the dunning-Kruger effect. You are absolutely delusional if you think there won’t be a flippening.

>> No.10657331
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Replace "crypto" with bitcoin and you low IQ mongs will make it too.

>> No.10657383

There's no guaranteed thing man, maybe we discover some new technology that sends the whole crypto thing to 0. I think BTC is about as safe as you can go for crypto and that in 2030 you won't regret it, but the current value is mostly speculative, there's like 8 people using actually using all this shit. It's true that there can be other cryptos with more upside but be careful with that, because I think people are too anxious and overestimate their ability to judge fundamentals in this space.

Putting 10-25% of your INVESTMENT money in crypto is totally reasonable in my opinion, But if your plan is to hold 12 years, don't rush putting it all at once now.

>> No.10657644

I thought the flippening was going to happen last year?
wait, no, then it was going to happen when the difficulty change kicked in?
wait no, not then!, hmmm, when the difficulty algorithm changed in BCH?
you will see! the flippening is coming in 2019! no wait! in 2020!

>> No.10657650

op, if you're still here, you can check Andreas Antonopolous videos on youtube.

>> No.10657720
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>return on investments
Top zozzle. only invest what you can afford to lose