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File: 1.60 MB, 1600x1600, Schiff-fea-im.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10656433 No.10656433 [Reply] [Original]

This man singlehandedly destroys /biz/

>> No.10656565
File: 67 KB, 502x560, SchiffCopyPasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally writes his own copy pasta

>> No.10656601

I listen to him daily and then come here just to see for myself how retarded cryptards are. He's the first to admit that he wished he had jumped onboard the crypto bubble back when it was viable.

>> No.10656604
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>> No.10656621

He opened my eyes on crypto desu. I realized that you can't really do anything with most crypto aside from keep speculating. Which goes against the whole point of a currency.

>> No.10656629

He is one of the most reasonable market analysts out there. Probably the best. I listen to every episode of his podcasts but imo he is wrong on utility tokens and closed ecosystems. It's just a new business model that works fine.

>> No.10656649

>Micro trasanctions
>Decentralized governance
The boomer has points but he (and you) are wrong about the utility of crypto.

>> No.10656673
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>anno 2630
>flying cars, humans are multiplanetary species
>you go to some store (by go I mean, open website)
>you put your phone in front of the browser and scan code
>wallet opens up and you confirm transaction
>it gets confirmed instantly as lightning network works for hundreds of years
>you paid 2600 satoshi for your new sex android

>> No.10656703

I've begun to feel ill whenever I see a Jew nose.

>> No.10656708

You also get ill when your pretend money tanks.

>> No.10656745

i like schiff but he's a broken record, when you keep saying every day that there will be a big recession you'll be right everyone once in a while

if you kept your money in gold like he has said for the past like 20 years you wouldn't have made 1/10th of the money if you bought and sold stocks and bitcoin

>> No.10656748


Crypto is almost entirely speculative. There is a tiny portion who use it for what it's apparently designed for. And i doubt it's anywhere near the bottom where these people reside

>> No.10656757


Well if he's a broken record you still haven't been listening because he has always recommended commodity stocks

>> No.10656775

Hope you are right, I'm going all in and it would allow my DCA to be more impactful. I don't think you are, though.
Decentralized governance through budget allocation (dash, smartcash, etc) does not take full on adoption and is continuing to happen behind the scenes. ICO's already had a wave of adoption.
The most impactful things are still to come, that is for certain, but even the things that currently exist are not just pure speculation. You can play crypto as a purely speculative investment, no question there.

>> No.10656777

Schiff is the epitome of survivorship bias
He thinks gold is valuable because of its utility maybe he should buy steel?
Gold is the value datum everything degrades relative to gold
Crypto is the first currency that does not nees to be backed by gold to prove its supply its not being inflated.

>> No.10656793

Answer this honestly. Would you borrow money in cryptos like bitcoin? For example borrow bitcoins today to purchase a car, then pay it back in 5 years? Please answer.

>> No.10656819

so like gold

>> No.10656838
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proof he's jewish

>> No.10656839

Real answer? Stop living in debt.
SALT is a crypto answer as well.

>> No.10656845

The price will grow exponetially until global adoption, then it will grow at a rate defined by the icrease in gdp and rate of deflation
So no that would be stupid
But i would after global adoption

>> No.10656857

exactly except it has a finite supply unlike gold which has infinite supply.

>> No.10656863
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So you wouldn't. You proved Schiff's point that cryptos are mostly useless beyond speculation.

>> No.10656866

He's a real life example of shilling his bags. No amount of reasoning will ever change your mind if you have bags. In his case it's not shit coins, but gold.

>> No.10656878

I gave you an answer, the free market provides the services for you to sell your future from temporary comfort.
You shouldn't do it though.

>> No.10656887

Classic schiff follower with a lack of ability for nuance
I said i would take loans priced in crypto after it is an established currency, we're not there yet and that's exactly why you should be buying see adoption curve
Exponetial growth is evidence of its inevitable adoption, it will reach equilibrium with global adoption

>> No.10656896

Well the 'speculation' is that they will be used in the future. Current usecases are irrelevant. If new wealth will be created in the new ecosystems, they will already be priced in.

>> No.10656938
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Compared to this time last year
Bitcoin: +40%
Gold: -5%

Destroyed himself missing out on the real golden bullrun and lost money. If he was in crypto he would be shilling link.

p.s. Bitcoin is trash, XLM will destroy it.

>> No.10656953

Brutally mauled. No recovery possible

>> No.10656959

I like Peter and I have a ton of respect for him calling the 08 crisis, also happen to share many of his views. However he's extemely biased on this topic, he views crypto as competition to gold and silver and because of his business it's in his own interest to criticize it so heavily. Fact of the matter is you will be able to make more money buying crypto now than you ever will speculating on any other asset in your life if you have the patience to do so. Crypto is of course highly speculative AT THE MOMENT but if you question the validity of it's worth en masse I don't think you've done enough fundamental analysis or paid attention to the positioning that is going on just below the surface of the MSM. My personal hope is after the next impending crash DECENTRILIZATION and ANTI-INFLATIONARY will take their rightful place as principles to drive digital cash based crypto assets. Also as the tech matures and major hindrances like scalability, adoption, interoperability, and user ease are mitigated you will be able to start to see the use cases employed and after full on working decentrilized economic systems are being realized the potential will also be realized. The problem currently is the cart is way before the horse in terms of speculation versus working product. It's going to be YEARS (5-10) before you have multiple cryptos up and running to anywhere near the theorized potential. I'd like to see a giant purge of shitcoins but I'm not sure will be seeing that anytime soon given their ability to survive shitty markets. Just check CMC and see how many were released in the last 30 days... Disrupting and decentrilizing a world that has coalesced power, money, resources into centrilized frameworks will take a lot of time and might come under the control of the same ole same ole's who dominate the world now. Don't think for a second that I don't ponder daily if I'm investing in something akin to the world wide beast system prophesied in Revelation.

>> No.10656960

>Exponetial growth is evidence of its inevitable adoption
Do you really think nothing ever had an exponential growth curve and then just slowed down or dumped to hell and irrelevance forever?

Shit like this is barely a step above "muh lucky streak" gambler superstition.

>> No.10656964
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What can you do with XLM aside from speculation?

>> No.10656987

he was all in with verge with jeff lambert, and they paid mcaffee to promote xvg.

>> No.10656999
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If it wasnt exponential that would be evidence it was never going to be adopted.

I cant understand people who like gold but not bitcoin its intelectually iconsistent

>> No.10657028

he is a merchant dude he sells gold not hoards it i mean that's what he says but you can't believe merchants.

>> No.10657101

Just because almost all adopted things showed exponential growth curves does not mean that all things that show exponential growth curves will be adopted.

The correlation only goes one way.

>> No.10657109


>he fell for the store of value meme

>> No.10657133

The average person will never ever understand the value of crypto. Gold on the other hand has a value that's far easier to conceptualize. Doesn't matter how well designed your crypto is, it's always going to be a handful of nerds promoting it and everyone else just confused

>> No.10657144

I know, you brainlet its necessary but not sufficient
Bch is bitcoin

>> No.10657151

So everyone who understands gold has studied the process and business models of mining precious metals? They could reel off facts about which countries have which quantities?

>> No.10657185


You can find gold on the ground
You can get a job in gold mining without being smart
You can walk to the local mint and buy gold then sell it back to them the next day
The tax man can't see how much gold you buy and sell

There's nothing complicated about gold. Try explaining blockchain to the average person on the street

>> No.10657251

If people understood gold was money there would be no need for bitcoin
But it only takes a single generation using paper to forget

Thats why blockstream is trying to make bitcoin unusable so they can issue paper bitcoin (lightning network) and stop people being sovereign individuals again