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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 261 KB, 768x507, Pyramid_of_Capitalist_System-feat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10650979 No.10650979 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you believe in capitalism? Nearly all intellectuals are socialists. Business won't really exist once automation replaces all jobs. Won't socialism be the next stage of economic systems?

>> No.10651008

I work in a Govt hospital. Public things are terribly stagnant and inefficient. Everyone cares about their own small feuds. I really hope Google starts creating techno-hospitals and saving thousands.

>> No.10651034

Socialism interferes with natural selection. It's probably best not to mess with that.

>> No.10651039


Businesses will exist, workers won't exist

>> No.10651045
File: 68 KB, 760x918, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Business won't really exist once automation replaces all jobs.
haha thank god I'm using capitalism to be part of the ones doing the automating

learn to code or stay poor faggot

>> No.10651050
File: 827 KB, 1000x559, ancapvsmarx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an ancap board
get the fuck out faggot

>> No.10651064

Good luck having a viable economy where only programmers are employed.

>> No.10651103

Intellectuals are socialist because they live off government grants in academia and have never actually worked in the private sector in their life

>> No.10651118

The world is changing whether you like it or not. Your philosophy degree is worthless just like you. Adapt or die loser.

>> No.10651120

7pbp, show me a socialist "thinker" who holds down a job besides writing and leeching off research grants

>> No.10651122

Nearly all intellectuals lives on the government teat.

>> No.10651136

Epic strawman. Again, tell me how you could have a viable (capitalist) economy where only programmers are employed.

>> No.10651140
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>> No.10651141

Because my dead grandfather left me a ton of cash and I've used that to coast by in life very easily without a care in the world. Feels good.

>> No.10651143

Private hospitals are total shitshows designed to make money instead of doing what they're supposed to.

>> No.10651171

>Good luck having a viable economy where only programmers are employed.
even though it will never come to that, at least I'd still have a job lol

>> No.10651178

>Nearly all intellectuals are socialists

That's because there are some ideas so stupid only an intellectual could believe them.

>> No.10651183

that pic is retarded. it doesnt show capitalism. it shows feudalism

>> No.10651187


People's finances struggle in modern society not because of automation but because of the epic burden of public debt and inflation, both of which also lead to private debt.

This burden is not privately generated, it's socially generated from socialist policies.

>> No.10651194

I'm not an intellectual. At a family level, maybe friends, I may lean towards socialism, move further and I don't expect loyalties or benefits, so capitalism becomes what I can believe in beyond theoretical models. As far as I'm concerned, we're living in anarchocapitalism since we were living in the water and market forces make most efficient band of warlords move shit and call it something different. We could save a lot without warlords, but they like to exist and shit.

>> No.10651202

That's how socialists view capitalism

>> No.10651218

Unless you're an exceptional programmer, you still wouldn't be totally safe. Once artificial intelligence becomes advanced enough, the need for programmers will decline.

>> No.10651395

Absolutely NO intellectuals are socialist.

>> No.10651432

>Business won't really exist once automation replaces all jobs

since the antique people "feared" this. what will happen is that there will be more entertainer and sport jobs.

>> No.10651433

first of all, crypto will bring capitalism back
second of all, machines will continue to be made and will increasingly do more of our work—but this will all still be in capitalism, and as such, the race to produce the most efficient machines will go on
living costs will absolutely plummet, meaning that people won't need to do anywhere near as much work in order to earn enough money to live a basic life
people who produce things that people really want to buy will make the most money, and that money will buy them more things than ever

socialism is literally status quo complacency
if you adopt socialism in times where producing food is hard, then everyone will have a hard time finding food to eat for a very long time, if the system doesn't totally fail after a few years (or months)
if you adopt socialism when producing food is very easy because the entire farming and food preparation process is automated, then people will have an easy time getting their food (at least, until the machines fail)
in either case, a collective acceptance of the status quo becomes the enforced normal, and the development of technology moves along extremely slowly from the point of wealth redistribution onward
your civilization, like all civilizations, can become more powerful—but unlike a capitalist society in which people are in a race to the top, your society never makes it to the stars, let alone deals with all of the diseases and whatnot that may cause humans problems

of course, this is merely a simple example—but for anyone who doesn't get it, they can eat shorts
i ain't explaining it any more

>> No.10651451
File: 46 KB, 620x438, froggie5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible to be capitalist and socialist. Some things should be socialized, but most things should be free to own privately. It's not one or the other, in my opinion.

>> No.10651488

kys im not going to work hard just so some faggot can leech off me in the name of fairness

Almost everything we have now is possible through a free, capitalistic market where innovation, risk taking and perfect execution are rewarded

>> No.10651492

I’m an intellectual with a graduate degree from one of the best universities in the world and I’m a socialist. You’re right about automation. I invest in cryptocurrencies because it’s a marginally more free form of resource distribution than being exploited by an employer, but it’d ideally be unnecessary if basic income was implemented.

I code for a living but it’s as a freelancer, I have no interest in making someone else richer. I pay my taxes and actively work with socialist parties to try and implement policies that will take care of people who aren’t as rich or intelligent as me but who are no less deserving of a good life.

>> No.10651502

They make money by doing what they're supposed to better than the competition.

>> No.10651503

hey OP, why don't you stop using the things capitalists made and i'll stop using the things socialists made?

now get the fuck off my internet and trash your AC, computer, house, etc.

>> No.10651508


Because I'm better than you and I should be rewarded for that.

>> No.10651511

>Nearly everyone who lives in a fantasy world is a socialist
Color me surprised.

>> No.10651543

What is the point you're trying to make? I never said only programmers will be employed. I'm just stating fact that supply and demand for different jobs changes over time and that you should adapt rather than complaining on the internet that you can't get a job with your history degree. You socialists are all the same. Idealistic retards without the faintest concept of even basic economics.

>> No.10651638

Leftists make memes about morons like you. All of the things that you named off were developed largely through public research and government programs.

>> No.10651644

Another epic strawman.

>> No.10651645
File: 82 KB, 642x960, 18447448_833288373490054_6702284106265986771_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The calculation-argument btfo's all arguments based on supercomputers, and all variations.
I don't trust a robo judge would be more impartial. Either it learns, and is capable of bias, or it doesn't, and is subject to the same bias as the programmers. You may be able to mitigate this problem but likewise, you can mitigate the same problem in judges and officials.
Same thing goes to automation, with such a gigantic amount of supply any little contribution you give will be enough for you to go by
Furthermore pointing guns to people that are only using their property on peace and entering in agreements with others is not ethical in any way, shape or form
Stay mad tankies

>> No.10651677

This. Public hospitals have very bad service. Being publicly funded, the workers there have a sense of entitlement. They treat almost everyone like shit except if you're a kid because the doctors are pedophiles.

>> No.10651703

Pretty sure the development of the modern computer had nothing to do with government. Even the mechanical computers that came earlier were private ventures.

>> No.10652053

>some things should NOT be free to own privately
Why are you even on this board, go back to your fucking capeshit threads.