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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 221 KB, 320x270, jordan_peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10648292 No.10648292 [Reply] [Original]

Clean your room and go outside.

>> No.10648377

>clean your room
>go outside
muh sense

>> No.10648390

juden Peterstein

>> No.10648402

Made me chuckle

>> No.10648404
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>> No.10648418

>parents: clean your room and go outside
>fuck you mom and dad, i do what i want
>bordan beterson: clean your room and go outside
>genius, this man changed my life

>> No.10648442

Lobsters don't even have rooms

>> No.10648445

He once took so many antidepressants he ODed. He unironically thinks eating only meat and no veggies is a good idea. The man is insane.

>> No.10648569


Is this AN ORDER?!
WHY are you giving me orders?
Are you literally HITLER?


Yea, it's the same thing all over again.

>Since late 2016, Peterson has been on a strict diet consisting only of meat and some vegetables, to control severe depression

But booiiii, does this shoe-less shoemaker love to tell others how to fix their lives and make money off of it.

>> No.10648586

Pass on the cleaning but good call I'm going to go smoke a bowl outside rn

>> No.10648609

so many people fall for his scam lmao

>> No.10648798

is this the retard who eats only beef salt and water to cure depression kek

>> No.10648849

Jordan Peterson changed my life for the better when I was at my lowest point. Reading 12 Rules for Life and listening to his podcast lectures were life-changing. I don't care what anyone on /biz/ says, Dr. Peterson is one of the greatest thinkers and psychologists of our time drawing an eclectic worldview derived from geniuses like Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, and Jesus Christ.

He is a hero.

>> No.10648877

Actually I respect him, he is really good speaker and destroys feminists and brainlets which I enjoy watching

>> No.10648972

is he still making $70k a month on patreon?

>> No.10649067

>he hates neets
>Frowns upon 4chan and biz
I unironically listen to his body and YouTube channel to cope.
>That's who justed I am

>> No.10649149

wash your penis son

>> No.10649197

Why would anyone listen to someone who can’t speak from personal experience. Brainlet

>> No.10649218

+1 but I was already out the tunnel looking back by 2016

>> No.10649238

>Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, and Jesus Christ
That sure is a "interesting" combo

>> No.10649295

Genius comes in all shapes and sizes anon

>> No.10649303


>> No.10649312
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i actually just cleaned my room and i was outside at least some in the last couple days

but i have to stare at my computer for hours on end if i ever wanna make it

but now that my room is clean i at least feel like i could get a lot more organized with my trading strategy as my head feels less cluttered now to

>> No.10649319

this but unironically

>> No.10649375
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan Peterson is a 'betterment tool' for most of us (normies).
If you have better ways to better yourself then good for you.

>> No.10649451


One would indeed listen to someone who successfully dealt with his own problems, instead of one who failed. It's like asking an obese guy an advice about losing weight. If he had a good advice he probably won't be fat.

>> No.10649649

In one of his lectures he said that one of the ways how to help a depressed individual is to tell him to get a job.
>i don't care if this job isn't perfect to you, just get a job!

according to him, a job (any job!) would "normalize" your sleeping schedule and that alone will make you feel better.

But what if this job makes me feel fucking miserable. What if I feel (much) worse working this job than while being unemployed? What if the job is so shit i can't even fucking sleep at night?

>oh, it doesn't matter, live isn't about being happy! It's about being responsible! if you are in pain it's good for you! Just read The Gulag Archipelago! It's all there!

I'm not even touching the part when he advises depressed people to get into an "intimate relationship" straight after finding a job.

So, first become a wage slave then become a pussy whipped wage slave. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE ME BETTER.
Because of 'muh 5 gorillion year old archetypes which exist inside you' and all that jazz.

First he would spend hours and hours discussing advantages of individualism and then just reduces everything to
>clean ur room, take a pill, get a job, get a gf (get fired, get cucked, slip back into depression, repeat again @ ad nauseum)

It's like glorified JUST B URSELF BRUH broscience. Any fucking boomer would tell you the same thing without having a fancy degree and being a psychology professor.

I wonder what kind of additional advice he is giving to his paid clients. Somehow i think it's something like
>give a manager a firm handshake and look him straight in the eye!

>> No.10649690

He was moving when this was taken, he said so in the Q&A.

But yet again, I guess.. someone isn't telling the truth.

>He unironically thinks eating only meat and no veggies is a good idea.

I don't need to say anything here.

>> No.10649720

You're either taking all of those points out of context on purpose, or you're just a retard. He isn't saying that's the solution for EVERYONE. There will always be an emo NEET who fares better by themselves. He's saying, a relationship, stable job, and settled home are better than complete disorder, and jacking off in your mom's basement 4 times a day. But goog try tho.

>> No.10649751

Fucking right wing charlatan peddling fascist mysticist bullshit, preying on insecure white men and scapegoating women and trans people for his own financial gain.

>> No.10649776
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>according to him, a job (any job!) would "normalize" your sleeping schedule and that alone will make you feel better.

i like a lot what he says.. mostly his analysis of the left.. but thats the most retarded shit ive ever heard.. maybe if it's chill and part time but literally the times ive been the most depressed and burn out and most self destructive is when i was wage slaving

i guess some people like doing it though... fucking weird though jobs literally suck the life out of me.. haha that's why crypto is so much better

fucking i would recc someone to go to /ic/ or /g/ and commit their life to a creative skill that can support them independently

before i started trading i was actually almost to the point where i could start using art to get paid but then i got into trading lol.. ironically the internet created a YUUUGE demand for art and video games to and you can sell portraits or just paintings to people.. funny how now it's easier to make money being a painter or artist in general than it is to make money as a musician.. unless you do live music but still the best artists are the ones that can put together their art with other stuff like web dev and animation or games

>> No.10649778
File: 90 KB, 957x621, 1525826389314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> +1
>most of us (normies)
You guys better be messing with me.

That's more or less my impression of him. I think he's a pretty honest dude but a useful tool for the whole intellectual dark web bullshit, a normiemaker.

>> No.10649787
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yeah but most millenials are special snowflakes now

honestly if i make enough money ill hire him just to follow me around and motivate me to do the little organizational shit i suck at lol

>> No.10649826

He's a smart guy. He sees an easy market to capitalize on and does it better than most. It doesn't matter if what he says has evidence because he isn't competing with other reasonable voices, he's competing with the batshit insane voices his market usually consumes. It's easy to appear brilliant to a consumer when that consumer only listens to image board retards and youtube conspiracy theorists.

Give the guy props but don't give him money. There are plenty of psuedo-intellectual virgins to do that.

>derived from geniuses like Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, and Jesus Christ
Putting JP on the level of Dostoevsky shows that you haven't read any Dostoevsky and probably just skimmed a wikipedia article one time.

>> No.10649835 [DELETED] 

>He isn't saying that's the solution for EVERYONE

Yes he literally does.
>These are the questions I ask to people who tell me that they are depressed: do you have a job? Do you have an intimate relationship? Do you have friends?

But sure, go on, continue to defend your internet idol. It's fucking hilarious. First he's getting fucking rich off of brainlets like you and, as if that wasn't enough, you also defend him online. For free. Can't make this shit up.

Apparently any washed up physiologist who is in mid-life crisis and wants to make some easy dosh can make it online these days, because retards like you are in abundance.

Fuck you don't even need to have a college diploma. Aaron Clarey (aka Captain Capitalism) proved that. He basically does the same online shirk thing on YT and his own site.
The only real difference is that he doesn't have a degree and doesn't present himself as a high intelectual. He just openly and bluntly states that he's making money off of people who need an online daddy. Apparently it's a literal gold mine apparently.

>> No.10649867

>He isn't saying that's the solution for EVERYONE

Yes he literally does.
>These are the questions I ask to people who tell me that they are depressed: do you have a job? Do you have an intimate relationship? Do you have friends?

But sure, go on, continue to defend your internet idol. It's fucking hilarious. First he's getting fucking rich off of brainlets like you and, as if that wasn't enough, you also defend him online. For free. You can't make this shit up.

Apparently any washed up physiologist who is in mid-life crisis and wants to make some easy dosh can make it online these days, because retards like you are in abundance.

Fuck you don't even need to be a psychologist. Aaron Clarey (aka Captain Capitalism) proved that. He basically does the same online shrink thing on YT and his own site.
The only real difference is that he doesn't have a degree in psychology and doesn't present himself as a high intelectual. He just openly and bluntly states that he's making money off of people who need an online daddy. Apparently it's a literal gold mine.

>> No.10649968

man, some people are just too far gone.

i think dr peterson's targeted demographics are people who are in the center with a little swaying of the spectrum. people who are of normie ilk. but for folks like you who are far too close to the edge, the help you need exceeds peterson's expertise.

good luck, man.

>> No.10650467
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>> No.10650479

don't worry, upcoming civil war will harden them up

always happens, history is cyclical pussies like that dont' make it

>> No.10650504
File: 932 KB, 1232x998, ybj1jxpd3bez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10650713

god I love akko so much

>> No.10651186

When did peterson say "go outside"? And why would i want to do that?

>> No.10651648


>> No.10652282

Clean my dick you fucking incel boomer

>> No.10653022


He has severe health complications if he eats anything else. He's slowly trying stuff out to see what he can eat but so far this is what's been working. He's not advocating a meat only diet. I have heard him advocate for low carb diets but that's reasonable.

>> No.10653179



>> No.10653329

Save your father from the belly of the beast.

>> No.10653384
