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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 166 KB, 749x800, 1533402781496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10647970 No.10647970 [Reply] [Original]

Shorts just got barted the fuck out.

>> No.10647987

I finally decided to cut losses and sell everything at 6k at a 95% loss, then went all in on a short at 6k cause i thought it was going to 5k or lower... I just got liquidated now it's all gone :(

>> No.10648094

Sorry weak hand, you just got BTFOd. Time to get a job.

>> No.10648100
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 1533757086022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pump is already subsidizing. Anyone who FOMO'd in was the intended target of the pump. If anyone thinks what's happening now is just natural market forces, they are retarded.

>> No.10648108

fuck you

>> No.10648113

subsiding not subsidizing*

>> No.10648150

Why are you so stupid and ugly, mentally and physically damaged both here and in reality? I have literally never seen you post anything remotely intelligent, original or funny here. All you do is shit up the place with you 8 syllable sentences and let everyone know it was indeed you who dropped that turd of a "thought" on this board.
Thanks to you I have started to advocate for euthanasia to be accessible without any specific reason to everyone, so you could freely end your existence on this planet, because you will NEVER EVER find happiness nor wealth with your cruel handicaps.
Everyone wishes you were dead, ESPECIALLY your family, nobody loves you and nobody likes the idea of having deranged cripple who only produces debt, misery and uncertainty in their family. They might never say it out loud but everytime they look at you they wish you would die already and would stop being a baggage of depression to them.
Maybe you think you are strong just by virtue of existing - but you couldn't be more wrong, the people around you tolerating your existence, the family of yours who carries you as an emotional and financial burden, the doctors pointlessly trying to cure you, THEY are strong. You however, are just a rotting, retarded waste of oxygen and protein.
Do one good and brave thing and end the suffering for them and for you.
Kill yourself

>> No.10648175
File: 10 KB, 300x180, Alessio-Rastani-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10648199


Sorry to hear that anon, but unfortunately this is what happens to the people who are betting against the next phase of humanities ascension. You must be punished.

If you take part in any transgression against the collective consciousness, you will pay a toll inevitably.

>> No.10648233

>that boomer pic

>> No.10648289

Don’t have a cow man

>> No.10648349
File: 519 KB, 1000x1000, 877072805871f31abe3fbd0cfe339137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive resources are going into this pump. I'm sure it's the big altcoin devs who are behind it... they must understand by now, even if most of /biz/ hasn't realized it yet, that the shitcoin market is going to be even more wrecked than it is now if Bitcoin drops to 5k or lower. I mean look at those shitcoins like NEO and LTC, they're already done. ETH isn't a shitcoin, but it's performing like one.

They won't be able to prop it up forever though. Manipulating the price of BTC by hundreds of dollars on spot price is probably very expensive, and at some point probably soon, they will have to give up on it unless they can really get dumbass people to FOMO in on a mass scale.

>> No.10648361

>still can't figure out how market manipulation works

lol, imagine being this stupid.

>> No.10648364

>ETH isn't a shitcoin
That's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.10648366

I mean, you could just disagree, but if you want to go full autist retard then you do you.

>> No.10648376

Don’t have a cow man

>> No.10648434

So so wrong lmao

>> No.10648915

well this generation of alt coins might suffer but im confident that pandora has been let out of the bag and cryptos will be like cock roaches.. even if bitcoin goes to 100 dollars they still have a real use case now and we will be able to trade them

>> No.10648938
File: 72 KB, 200x200, fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


new wannabe edgelord pasta?

>> No.10648947

moreover we might have a new generation of alts that actually provide better services and decentralization

>> No.10648964

Autism at its worst right here

>> No.10649064

Why are you so stupid and ugly, mentally and physically damaged both here and in reality? I have literally never seen you post anything remotely intelligent, original or funny here. All you do is shit up the place with you 8 syllable sentences and let everyone know it was indeed you who dropped that turd of a "thought" on this board.
Thanks to you I have started to advocate for euthanasia to be accessible without any specific reason to everyone, so you could freely end your existence on this planet, because you will NEVER EVER find happiness nor wealth with your cruel handicaps.
Everyone wishes you were dead, ESPECIALLY your family, nobody loves you and nobody likes the idea of having deranged cripple who only produces debt, misery and uncertainty in their family. They might never say it out loud but everytime they look at you they wish you would die already and would stop being a baggage of depression to them.
Maybe you think you are strong just by virtue of existing - but you couldn't be more wrong, the people around you tolerating your existence, the family of yours who carries you as an emotional and financial burden, the doctors pointlessly trying to cure you, THEY are strong. You however, are just a rotting, retarded waste of oxygen and protein.
Do one good and brave thing and end the suffering for them and for you.
Kill yourself

>> No.10649140
File: 39 KB, 550x546, those-eyebrows_o_902814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

srsly tho are u a real grill?

i need to kno for research purposes

>> No.10649161

yeah i shorted from 6500 to 6100 the first time come at me bruh

>> No.10649190

Unironically just added to my pasta folder before seeing >>10648938 comment

>> No.10649203
File: 37 KB, 299x197, 1523288043246 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just remember philakone went broke twice before making it

and alessio rastani got btfo during the dot come bubble

and keiser got wreckt on black friday in 87

a lot of the best traders go bankrupt multiple times before making it..

it sounds like you were playing with your emotions though.. you need a strategy that you can stick to... i suggest watching tutorial vids of the people i mentioned..

also thanks because you provided me some helpful links one time :)


>> No.10649206
File: 143 KB, 378x272, Marko_the_taxdodger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 out of 11 fully automated luxury shitting streets in downtown mumbai would agree with you, sir.

>> No.10649302

you're not RKG

>> No.10649323

um anon... that's not the real RKG.

>> No.10649325
File: 572 KB, 728x716, 1433752225502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also no photo of anime slut suffering
not RKG confirmed
me master detective

>> No.10649388


why you sell the bottom? just HODL bro

>> No.10649679
File: 55 KB, 480x389, 1532415419036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10649696

Haha yeah man I started in Crypto in January on reddit and then moved over here to the chan. Fitting in nicely so far. Does 4chan send me a username like on reddit?

>> No.10649738


You are a degenerate gambler. Your long and shorts are the casting of lots. Your luck will run out, and your losses will cascade each time you try to right your wrong.
