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10647688 No.10647688 [Reply] [Original]

1/3rd of XRP's MC Edition


https://dashboard.stellar.org/ - Stellar Network Information

Current Price: $0.20 (3364 Satoshi)
ATH: $0.93 on January 4th, 2018
Current CMC Ranking: #6

What’s happening?

>COINBASE LISTING - Currently Pending
>STRONGHOLD USD - IBM building Stellar dependent “stablecoin” pegged to USD
>http://stellar.expert (Analytics - it's back!) to
>http://www.Fairx.io (Pending trading site)
>http://www.StellarX.com (Pending trading site)
>http://www.Stellarterm.com (Stellar Decentralized Exchange)
>http://www.Stellarport.io (Stellar Decentralized Exchange)
>http://www.Lightyear.io (Stellar for-profit unit)

Benefits of Stellar:

>ICOs and smart-contracts. Not turing-complete like ETH, but far easier to use
>faster than all other networks (lightning set for 12/1/18)
>decentralized (in governance, coin distribution and validation)
>anyone can run a node
>war chest for developers and worldwide distribution
>transaction cost = effectively $0.00001
>strongly backed by IBM, Tempo
>Stellar just purchased Blockchain startup Chain for $500 million USD
>Stellar consensus protocol: 1000s tx/s (global scale)
>1% annual inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM (https://lumenaut.net/))
>compatible with ledger (https://www.stellar.org/account-viewer/#!/))
>LOBSTR mobile wallet for IOS and Android (https://lobstr.co/#start-section))

Popular ICOs on Stellar:
>Mobius (MOBI)
>Smartlands (SLT)
>Sureremit (RMT)

What’s the bottom line?
>Stellar is a fast, cheap and simple cryptocurrency that can function well for both fintech and everyday people. Stellar is ready to go right now. Not tomorrow, not in 2 years, and not hypothetically.

>Bitpanda - https://cryptovest.com/news/stellar-xlm-joining-roster-of-bitpanda-traded-assets/
>July Round Up - https://www.stellar.org/newsletters/stellar-monthly-roundup-july-2018/
>Why is Stellar Unique? - https://nulltx.com/what-makes-stellar-unique/

>> No.10647699
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Please anyone dump good XLM news in this thread

>> No.10647849
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>> No.10648009

bla bla just another shitcoin like the thousand others. Nothing special.. same old shit

>> No.10648010
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>> No.10648079

What happened to Facebook News?

>> No.10648107


Fake news homie. That's not why XLM is pumping tho

>> No.10648374

why then

>> No.10648552

Because no other altcoin comes close to it's level of development and 3rd party ecosystem

>> No.10648567

Except, you know, XLM's daddy

>> No.10648574

Oh yeah? What about ADA or ZIL? Faggot.

>> No.10648580


lol cripple.

>> No.10648630

Vechain gonna stomp on that shit. Buying coins that high rank is retarded, you'd be better off buying something well established like Monero.

>> No.10648652

They were both created the same year fag

>> No.10648673


>stealth IBM projects ["We haven't announced anything yet but it includes regulated financial institutions in a whole bunch of other jurisdictions," said Lund.]
>central bank digital currency (singapore most likely first)
>coinbase etf effect
>lightyear partnerships

show me another comparable list kikes. unlike those shitcoins that rely on the developer to do everything, stellar does its own development PLUS it has shit load of 3rd party ecosystem work. you cant. sell now and join the only altcoin winner at the end of this capitulation.

>> No.10648696
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>> No.10649602

we are going UP

>> No.10649619

How much will you need to make it?

>> No.10649775



>> No.10649803
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Stellar holding up well in the dump

>> No.10649858

Rank 3 eoy

>> No.10650111
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Stellar is now within 500 million of passing EOS

>> No.10650162

I'm in with 60 bucks

>> No.10650169

is this price a steal?

>> No.10650420

Current price is always a steal

>> No.10650466
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>> No.10650883

Does the Steller network support minable currencies? Like ETH with 0xBTC

>> No.10650909

Anything can be put in Stellar. Oil. Dominos Pizza Contracts. Sky miles. etc

>> No.10651014
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IBM is backing this muzzie coine, also this coine was approved by bahrain central bank as sharia compliant. alahu snackbar

>> No.10651038

Just a waiting game at this point

>> No.10651063
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gorgeous sdex

sign up goys; beta.stellarx.com

>> No.10651100
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It's happening!

>> No.10651315


I cant wait for this shit to go balls out