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File: 29 KB, 245x295, neo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10646538 No.10646538 [Reply] [Original]

I am financially ruined.

>> No.10646552

>90% down from ath

>> No.10646562

Should've sold in January, bought when it was Antshares and made tens of thousands. Still have the GAS just in case crypto is born again one day

>> No.10646594

It's only going to get worse. NEO is a total shit coin and garbage blockchain. It's headed sub $5

>> No.10646606

I made a little bit on this thing awhile.
What happened to it?

>> No.10646609

stop lying asshole

>> No.10646618

So is 99% of the market. It doesn't stop any coin from going to their ATH again.

Don't be an idiot

>> No.10646641

LOL neobagholders. Inb4 you bought low at $0.000001, the ultimate LARP of people getting roasted

>> No.10646656


Buy from chink, broke in a blink

>> No.10646674

I'm actually still in a profit because of trading neo ico's ;)

>> No.10646692

I've seen whales casually moving up and down 2000 neo walls like nothing accross various exchanges. Surely people holding so many coins will drive the price down forever and ruin themselves instead of eventually filling their bags and skyrocketing the price. That must be it.

>> No.10646735

you are a mental midget and you have no clue whatse you talking about. I'm buying NEOsheits now at every dip for the first time. eoy easily 8-16usd.

>> No.10646779

NEO is the most elaborate of the chink scam coins. They have enough working code to make it appear as though they're actually doing something, but if you look beyond the surface you'll see that they have made no effort to decentralize, and virtually no progress is being made on development.

>> No.10646789

What was the price when the name change from antshares to Neo?

>> No.10646868

stop this COPE.
everyone has been thinking that his coin is different and is just manipulated by evil whales for the past few months. And the harsh reality is they are pretty much all fucking worthless. They are worth as much as collectibles so maybe in 150 years it will be "cool" to hold some neo again but that;s about it

>> No.10646955

Not only this one, all promising alts have whales and bots tanking the prices. Just talking about neo because fuck you I'm not selling. Oh and drive to $1 if you can please, I'll get 3000 more.

>> No.10647006

I hope the obnoxious pedophile faggot that kept posting the lazy town girl last year fucking killed himself.

>> No.10647008

once it's at $1 the liquidity will be as good as Jesus coin on cryptopia etc
have fun with your bags, this is another cope for the bagholders bingo compilation

>> No.10647054


>> No.10647062
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Sadly yours only have one space for your one neuron to be able to solve it.

>> No.10647069

It's your fault for investing more than you can afford to lose in a super high risk asset, retard.

>> No.10647089
File: 41 KB, 512x512, 1501002998945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would anyone put money into this?

>> No.10647096
File: 65 KB, 600x600, 1520375976917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to Antshares soon then

>> No.10647370

>made tens of thousands
you haven't made shit until you sold it

>> No.10647449


To be honest, I'm not really that interested in the price right now, the tech is what appeals to me (I already deleted my blockfolio). I believe in the project, so the day to day price is of little concern to me. Besides, the entire market has suffered so this was to be expected... imagine you sold etherium at $10, and how you would be kicking yourself for that. I would argue this is a much needed correction and is bullish for the longer term. That said, I wish my pay check would come in sooner so I could make use of these panic sellers. Hopefully the price will stay down and I'll have some time to accumulate. For now the whales are keeping it low and there's a lot of baseless fud going around, most of it started by buyers who want to get in cheaper. The fundamentals are still great, the partnerships are legit, and there are some big updates coming soon, so just keep accumulating and check back this time next year!

>> No.10647497

This had a shitcoin smell about it from very early on.

>Chinese Ethereum is a Western meme and everybody knows it
>Why no github activity
>Nobody seems to be using this
>Crappy-looking software (OK that's no exception in this space)

So it mostly had its age, some existing code base and smug leddit "it has better tech" shitposting potheads going for it.

But even when the centralization details and bugs came out, and when it shat itself at 5 tps rather than the claimed thousands of tps, you still had a lot of time to get out.

You only have yourself to blame.

>> No.10647499


>> No.10648262

>But even when the centralization details and bugs came out, and when it shat itself at 5 tps rather than the claimed thousands of tps, you still had a lot of time to get out.
I actually sold my stack when that happened back at like $80. Took a small loss, but more than made it back in EOS. Second best trade I ever made after selling Nano at $15.

>> No.10648294

>coping this much to edit a photo that's basically a fact

>> No.10648337

Baghders should sell right now. Just admit you got chinked and move on. Sorry.

>> No.10648384

I know "China hustle" gets thrown around excessively here and I generally disagree with the whole "all Chinese are scammers" meme but.... this is literally the original China hustle of crypto. I was saying it when it was Antshares and I'm saying it now. The product is pointless, solves no problems, centralized, slow, zero adoption. Literally the only reason it exists is to scam young gweilos out of their allowance money.

>> No.10648411
File: 79 KB, 400x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im ruined.

>> No.10648422

Astounding that so many retards fell for this isn't it?

>> No.10648599


>> No.10648646

>In a market of few participants with massive financial inequality and zero regulation?
>how could this happen

>> No.10648694

every coin has shitty liquidity and zero regulation, I'm sure "the whales" are hee to get your coins from you. I've been hearing that since months about every possible shitcoin

>> No.10648714

>to get your coins from you
They'd have to break into my house, I guess.

>> No.10648750

sodl my last NEO's when it broke 30000 sats resistance. What conviced me to do it is their their recent AMA. They basicly said there that until NEO 3.0 arrives nothing will work on the platform, so that is like 2020. Absolutely ridiculous! This thing will go down to Antshares prices.
And what about the 5 million NEO spent?!!! WTF IS THAT?!!! They spent 400-500 million dollars in 7 months for what exactly?

"Da Hongfei: The competition in the public chain is fierce. Many public chains employ many developers to compete. NEO currently has seven core developers, dozens of full-time community developers and hundreds to thousands of surrounding developers. The core developers in China are Zhang Yiwen (co-founder of NEO) and Li Jianying (responsible compiler), and the remaining five core developers are overseas. There are few domestic talents, and our development is not enough. Now we are recruiting some potential people to cultivate ourselves."

You want to be the best and have a half billion dollars budget, but have only 2 fuckin devs one of which is the cofounder?

THEY HAVE TWO DEVELOPERS IN CHINA?!!! SPENT 500 000 000$ in six months???!!!

ON MARKETING HE SAID "Currently we are reviewing past marketing work and outcomes. Preliminary adjustment had been made in NGD internally. We welcome marketing talents to work for NEO and please shot us an email to hr@neo.org if you think you are the one we are looking for."



>> No.10648821
File: 699 KB, 1066x600, chinahustle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its only once you sell a shitcoin that you can take a realistic look at it. Compare the github of neo with an actual decent project like Ethereum or EOS. The website is so bad, the design is just awful and no effort made. The china hustle is real. $100 worth of neo in the beginning of 17 was worth approx $100,000 a year later. They've already made millions upon millions.

>> No.10648838

holy fuck the cope is so strong you had to make that pic. even had to make up the term 'bear shill' kek

>> No.10648845

NEO was never supposed to be a libertarian trojan horse to force freedom on China. That entire premise is fucked and a faulty metric for shitting all over the project. There's also the fact that NEO used to be a one man minimum viable product and 10 months of rebuilding were required to male it a modular, well understood minimum viable product with sufficient test coverage. It took that to get it to where NEO can add more bookkeepers without having to worry about taking weeks/months for every little tweek because overly decentralized network coordination is like herding cats.

NEO would be hopeless if they'd fully decentralized and HQ couldn't pull the majority of nodes to force updates immediately as required.

But yah, libertarian virtue signalling greater than remediation efforts. Libertarian virtue signalling super duper important to prove to China that NEO is super duper outside their walled garden and not open to implementing and deploying code to address regulatory frameworks.

Only Ethereum is anarchocapitalist enough to pass every purity test.

>> No.10649163

Sold my 1k bag of neo today. Left the generated gas as an insurance.

>> No.10649353

Womp womp. NEO is literally the safest bet in the space outside of BTC. They'll get their smart economy one way or the other and speculation will drive the rest of the price. Its the only other blockchain with Dapps besides ETH, you dont think people are gonna speculate on that? lol

>> No.10649420

Why hasn't there been any commits?

>> No.10649450
File: 110 KB, 821x672, Screenshot_2018-08-10_14-55-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its the only other blockchain with Dapps besides ETH
u wot m8

>> No.10649483

Vechain is the new neo. Absolute shitcoin yet the cult that promotes this coin swears it’s the real deal cuz muh Breyer

>> No.10649504


>> No.10649665

You can ask the creator of NEX. He'll explain it to you. Something to do with squashing and merging and most of the development being in neo-sharp. It does appear that he's telling the truth and not just shit talking an "in theory" game. The recent code sprint photos back up the story that the European contingent has succeeded in getting their superior reference implementation accepted by the sluggish Chinese group.

Again, NEO is complicated. It's the first time I've seen a Chinese company partly reverse taken over and legitimized by a European group. Couple this with the fact that NEO has actual DApps and nOS (Euro project) has something like 50 DApps launching on it that use NEO GAS and I think this is a verified serious project that is being steered by serious people who are going to keep NEO on track to become what the hype around it suggested.

This is without even counting on NEO getting traction in China.

The price is 100% going to go to shit though cause almost every crypto "investor" is a coked out faggot living in a van down by the river. They just waive their arms around, open a single web page, click zero links, ask zero questions, and make a bunch of claims that they've done due diligence and research.

There's just room for the price to improve once the market settles and people realize what's actually going on.

>> No.10649718

There is no western community backing Vechain. There are no western developers throwing 1000s of hours of their lives improving an legitimizing Vechain. Everything about Vechain is closed doors and questions. It is not "the new NEO". You're just a faggot who sees yellow and raises the roof like the Tron $1000 crowd.

Something to think about. NEO gets legitimized. It ends up actually working and functioning and running DApps and having a clear path to TPS and 3rd/4th gen features.

When China is ready, does it go with proven good, or does it jump on something like Tron or VeChain.

>> No.10649728

this, succinctly

>> No.10649740

this. just look at their github. its dead

>> No.10649971

Price is undervalued relative to other platforms that don't even have any utility yet, like TRON or ADA. However, price is overvalued for everything across the market in general so I could see it going down more for now. The potential for NEO when the market reverses look good.