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10645247 No.10645247 [Reply] [Original]

/g/ is laughing at us again

>> No.10645287

who cares? they are a bunch of neckbeards that just yell "muh botnet" at everything anyway. ignore them, we will make it fren.

>> No.10645439

>calls us neckbeards terrified of muh botnet
>meanwhile his entire subdeddit is nothing but FUD and crypto memes
Go back to pretending your internet money is ever going to amount to anything, boomer.

>> No.10645449

Also, how new are you? Did you not yet find out there are nice little colourful ovals called "ID" that you don't get on /b/ or /r9k/?

>> No.10645451

7Chan's /pco/ is laughing at us again.

>> No.10645459

Go back to tinkering with your WM, autist.

>> No.10646088

>Doesn't realize there are IDs
Jesus Christ