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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10643960 No.10643960 [Reply] [Original]

October is going to be a great month fellas. 8)

>> No.10644411

Though it’s not their main release, I’m pretty excited about the index fund. Hoping this 600 GVT takes me places.

>> No.10644614
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bought at $12

>> No.10644826


My DCA is ~$16. Still not sweating.

>> No.10645053

The traders tokens are securities. They “guarentee” profits. No USA firm is going to mess with that shit

>> No.10645092

Who "guarenteed" the profits tough? Shitty Managers have to bring in their own capital. If their trading strategy is shit nobody will invest their GVT tokens to them. Its more of a Darwinism kind of aspect. Nobody actually guarentees profit but good traders will obviously climb up the ladder and nobody wants to invest in shitty ones then...

>> No.10645238

I bought at $10 and $8 thinking it was the bottom. I still got a good deal so whatever

>> No.10646198

Bought 30kusd worth at 17.50
If this fucker touches 4s im buying another 5k worth

>> No.10646644

I asked about this a few months ago in telegram, they said the manager tokens cant be bought on exchanges and never leave the ecosystem or some shit like that.

>> No.10647128

This also contributes aswell - something that isnt interchangeble and traded on various exchanges cant thus be called a security - anf they also passed the Howey Test aswell

>> No.10647349


>> No.10647361

thats when my birthday is :)

>> No.10647412
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>> No.10647543
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dat ID