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10634849 No.10634849 [Reply] [Original]

Kek. Coinbase shut down a pickup artists account

Crypto is becoming a joke brahs.

>> No.10634886

It is based in San Francisco, right? Not surprised.

>> No.10634900

op thinks he's special, you just have shit luck

>> No.10634908

The jackass probably sent some coins directly from coinbase to some dark market website.

>> No.10634912
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>> No.10634915

Could be

>> No.10634921

Coinbase is a shit show.

>> No.10634925

just use kraken

>> No.10634952

He's banned in the UK for promoting hate speech so its probably terrorist related

>> No.10635041



>> No.10635080

>saying allah is gay is an ‘act of terrorism’

>> No.10635768

1984 is here. The hard left psychos never believed in free speech. They only used it to destroy Western Civilization. If you don't care about Roosh, then remember you are next, or very close to next. Unless you are a gay transgender Jew flirting with armed Jihad.

>> No.10635812

"I'm roosh and I expect no negative consequences for spewing toxic hate articles online!"

>> No.10635829

I was shut down with no response from them, same with Shkreli and a ton of other ppl if you look around online. Coinbase fanboys just say 'u must have used dark market, coinbase not at fault'.

>> No.10635865

> Saying something that is offensive deserves public shaming, criminal punishment, and being banned from business and financial spaces


>> No.10635889

>unironically using cuckbase

>> No.10635891

>people defending that literal retard roosh
absolute state of biz

>> No.10635892

First they came for Alex Jones, and I did not speak out because I was not Alex Jones

Then they came for Roosh, and I did not speak out because I was not Roosh...

>> No.10635896

Holy shit, my account was closed a few months back with absolutely no reason as to why. I was a customer for nearly 3 years as well. What the hell is going on with them?

>> No.10635897

this. the UK is a fucking pathetic husk of a once proud nation

>> No.10635915

>keeping money on an exchange

If you can't play the game properly then you deserve to lose.

>> No.10635927

Heres a video where he reads the letter he received when Teresa May banned him from the UK


Start at 6:54

>> No.10635964

holy fuck you right wing retards are so inconsistent, should private companies be able to deny service or not? has nothing to do with free speech being restricted by the government

>> No.10635989

>Believing that actions and speech should be consequence-free


>> No.10636004

Name ONE "toxic hate article" moron. In a civilized society you counter bad arguments with good arguments, you don't force them into silence. Fuck you totalitarian trash. If you are in Western Civilization, then get lost. You don't belong. A free debate is the very hallmark of Western Civilization.

>> No.10636043

Can private companies deny service to negros and gays? Are you OK with that, hypocrite?

These companies are utilities. They are de facto monopoly or duopoly. Would you be OK for electricity companies denying phone, plumbing and electricity to commies and feminists in the 60s? You are advocating mob rule, hard left moron.

>> No.10636065

>first they came for Alex Jones
lmao, as if. Almost to the day last year they came for Andrew Anglin, deplatforming him not only from various social media sites and payment processors, but from the internet itself. His domain was seized and even Cloudflare denied to host him.

Alex Jones had his mouth full of cock back then of course, but now that it's about him, he expects everybody to suddenly give a shit and speak out. Of course no one will want to put their necks on the line voluntarily and the definition of "right-wing extremist" will be widened year-by-year until only literal Marxists are allowed to take part in public discourse.

>> No.10636074

>nothing to do with free speech being restricted by the government
Free speech is a civilizational PRINCIPLE that is expressed legally and in other forms. It is a civilizational foundation. You can not have a functional democracy where this principle is routinely violated. Public or private. It does not matter.

>> No.10636084

freedom of association has not existed since the 1950's.
also the tech companies are built on the infrastructure paid for by the government.
they are monopolies and exist as public squares.
therefore they must be regulated as such, and cannot deprive people of their right to free speech or petition the government.

>> No.10636085


>Banned in Britain

Isn't this just a meme at this point? Isn't everything just banned by default in Britain at this point and the government there just picks a few things to unban.

>> No.10636128

>de facto monopoly or duopoly
>more exchanges out there than I can count on my hands

The absolute state of oppressed right-wingers

If you think being black is somehow equivalent to telling Roosh to fuck off for being a useless dickhead and violating a company policy that nobody bothers to read, you're fucking retarded

>> No.10636176

I live in the UK, I think we are approaching total collapse, brexit is going to kill the GBP off, Uk fags should load up on btc

>> No.10636188

>If you think being black is somehow equivalent to telling Roosh to fuck off for being a useless dickhead and violating a company policy that nobody bothers to read, you're fucking retarded
What if the violation of "company policy" is ONLY used against black, hard left moron? You idiots NEVER understood the principles of free speech. You always supported whatever commie third world hell hole you could find. Totalitarian trash. Get the hell out of Western Civilization. You don't belong.

>> No.10636223

not so alpha now

>> No.10636240
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Hes not a uselss dickhead he helped me bang a bunch of sloots

>> No.10636316

The principle of free speech is that any idea is allowed to be expressed and shared. It does not outline the nongovernmental consequences of expression. The idea that a non-government entity or individual has any obligation to put up with every douchebag who ends up on their premises is absolutely insane. It's not a public park, it's a fucking business. The only thing anti-discrimination laws (should) do is ensure that service is not denied to someone based on factors out of their control

But hey, I suppose if I don't adhere to your batshit crazy interpretation, I am literally fucking Stalin. Please don't invest in crypto if you're this much of a deranged hick

>> No.10636346

Who else thinks Roosh has a sick beard? 24 years old and my facial hair doesn't even fully connect yet from cheeks to chin. Fucking Persian genes man.

>> No.10636356

Can't find any truth on this, why exactly was he banned?

>> No.10636423

There is no actual reason. He writes a blog / guide on how to fuck sluts, talks about men’s issues, and has written some pretty bad satire that’s been taken out of context and paraded in the media.

They mostly just don’t like him.

>> No.10636441

women ruin everything

>> No.10636443

whites espousing pro-white positions get shut down constantly by Big Jew
non-whites expressing racial pride do not get shut down by Big Jew
therefore Big Jew is violating anti-discrimination laws based on skin color

>> No.10636500

Where does the soi leak from?

>> No.10636518

That's retarded. Goes to show how crypto has become a parody of itself. Fucking gatekeepers like this are pretty much against everything crypto started out as

>> No.10636560

Wait what happens to the funds in his account... He gets them right/?? wtf???

>> No.10636561
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Coinbase was always nigger shit.

>> No.10636572

hes fucking 43 you retard

>> No.10636574


t. naive retard age 19

>> No.10636577

Free speech is a principle that must be found both in the private as well as the public sphere for a democracy as well as science to function. It is the very foundation of Western Civilization that set us apart from mob rule and totalitarian oppression found in other civilizations. Free speech granted by the government is the bare minimum. Your ramble that political discrimination is OK, because that is something within your control is insane and makes no logical sense. But OK, let's discriminate against you hard left psychos then. Deny you service to every hospital, restaurant etc. Let the civil war begin. Will be great to not see you ugly, unintelligent and unwashed Marxists. Let's kick your asses out of our lives. But democracy is then dead in the West. Let's vote to kick you hard left pscyhos and immigrants out of Western Civilization. I was prepared to behave civilized and protect democracy, but when you leftie animals clearly will not do the same, then so be it. Now, fuck off douchebag.

>> No.10636579
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If you think Blacks are magically "equal" you're fucking retarded.

>> No.10636581 [DELETED] 
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>the government should step in and press the business into compliance when we feel like it, but not when their policies already align with our agenda

>> No.10636596

He has had the beard ever since he got social media pictures which was in his early twenties. Also he is 39 not 43.

>> No.10636600


>> No.10636601
File: 387 KB, 1080x1163, Screenshot_20180810-164149_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10636619


>> No.10636658

Abstract thinking is clearly not your thing, ape.

>> No.10636690

binance would never do this
chinks are based

>> No.10636716

>hurr durr muh cringe
>if you don't like people being censored for not sharing my shitty world ideology then you are CRINGE haha
I would love it if you got foot fungus or something

>> No.10636722



>> No.10636754

>using a jewish exchange
What did he expect. Should have been using Gemini run by Chad twins instead of that kike exchange.

>> No.10636766

Please tell me every leftist on /biz/ is LARP and not serious

>> No.10636776

who the fuck is talking about politics

>> No.10636786

>freedom of speech, a fundamental right upon which all other rights are built on is ‘cringe’

>> No.10636795


A lot of "I'm with her" looking people in that pic

>> No.10636797

found the jew. lol. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hate articles)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

>> No.10636798

Oh, he’s being sassy but he has a point. The u.k. has defacto blasphemy laws protecting Islam from criticism, a clear violation of freedom of speech.

>> No.10636823


wait, is this the same roosh that wrote bang poland talking about trying to fuck polish whores?

good fucking riddance. if he goes back he's going to get his ass kicked

>> No.10636826


Never seen this dude before but he makes some sweet points. Especially yanking the right to vote.

>> No.10637106
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>free speech? of course we practice that goyim. you're free to say anything you like
>but if you say something we don't like we'll kill you
>freedom of speech is not freedom of consequence after all, goyim!
>what kind of things we don't like? oh, we'll let you know after you say them.

>> No.10637209

>who the fuck is talking about politics
Are you deranged? Do you have zero clue why they denied him service?

>> No.10637264

t. too stupid to understand the core principle that underpin a well functioning civilization in sharp contrast to ALL hell hole civilizations outside Western Civilization. There is a reason why ALL the whole hell holes outside Western Civilization are flooding us.

>> No.10637283
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The amount of moral hysteria around roosh is fucking insane.

It's time to rebuild civilization boys--based on crypto. Get the fuck out of the west. If you liberal larps and faggots don't think this doesn't mean they're coming for any and every male with an ounce of testosterone in their blood stream, just kill yourselves now and make it quick.

>> No.10637394

fucking cucks, go suck jewish cock you basedboy fags

>> No.10637439

Roosh is a ugly sandnigger untermensch hard COPING pathetic incel cockroach that is probably going to kill himself in a few years.

I unironically support anything bad done to him.

>> No.10637442
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Ha he put out a list of companies that shut him down thus far

>> No.10637557

everyone point and laugh at this idiot for contradicting himself so hard

>> No.10637571

literally no one is white

welcome to the future

>> No.10637631

Too stupid to make a single valid argument. Let me guess, hard left stoner, right? You have to go home. You don't belong.

>> No.10637657

>muh hate articles
friendly reminder western media outlets subsidized by western taxpayers openly write articles celebrating the demographic death of white people
think coinbase is censoring any NYT writer?

>> No.10637671

Roosh wants to keep the shitskin scum out of Europe while completely neglecting the fact that he is in fact a sandnigger from outside Europe.

I agree with him though but he should include himself in those statements as he is nothing but another dune coon and should be deported back to his native middle-east.

>> No.10637686

What is more scary than rooshs shutdown is that one of the biggest crypto sites is run by a team of thots. Isn't there an imminent danger of shit just breaking down one day?
What do these useless whores even do there because everyone knows that women can't program for shit?
Fuck, I'm actually worried about my coins on there now. This is probably what the Jews planned all along, for its to be frozen out of our crypto when hyperinflation finally hits the West hard, just like they freeze any 3rd world dictator who doesn't fall in line.

>> No.10637736


I don't want people like him walking the streets of my country if he's going to spew hateful rhetoric. muslims dont need to suffer at the hands of tyrannical speech like that, it's just not british and at odds with the clear fact that they are peaceful and kind people.

>> No.10637759

alright fine let's get rigorous so everyone can see how explicitly dumb you are being right now.

In this post >>10636004 you made the following statements:
>I believe it is wrong to silence those based on their beliefs.
>I believe you should get lost based on your beliefs.

For your own sake, I hope you can see how you've contradicted yourself. For someone who holds debate as virtuous as you do, you sure have weak reasoning skills.

>> No.10637836

Go protest outside of Paul Ryan's offices and see how much your amazing, civilized right wing politicians care about free speech. If you're principled, you should be raining fire into to the streets right about now.

On second thought, just kill yourself. We'd be better off without you. When the actual far left manages to take power later on, remember that people like you created the environment necessary for them to thrive. Clinton was about to wipe out every Ocasio-Cortez shitstain in her party and keep them pacified. Now look at what's happening. You don't realize it yet, but you helped doom us all.

>> No.10637896

> he doesn't understand the difference between a protocol and a company using the protocol

This is literally like saying: "lmao, youtube just banned Alex Jones. Told you IPv4 is a joke."

>> No.10637913

Your simplistic garbage reveals an IQ of low 80s.
>I believe it is wrong to silence those based on their beliefs.
I do not. Outside well functioning democracies, I have no problem with undemocratic animals being undemocratic animals.
>I believe you should get lost based on your beliefs.
Shutting down free speech in a democracy is not an act of belief, you moron. Arguing for limitation of free speech would be a belief statement. I have no problem with that. Arguing for shutting down free speech is anti-Democratic, and thus anti Western Civilization. Subversion of the best functioning civilization the world has ever seen is a violation of basic human rights and have nothing to do with "belief".


>> No.10637921

False equivalency. Dude has had his coins frozen. Alex Jones has been deplatformed but I presume still has access to his money.

>> No.10637923

Don’t worry, civil war will sort this out

>> No.10637929

this actually, Trump was just a temporary bandaid of the Jew York Mafia to keep the Right pacified until they never hold majority vote ever again

>> No.10637933

im okay with this, private corporation

>> No.10637944

I have no clue what you are talking about. All you have is some incoherent rambling. Present a logically sound argument, you fucking hard left moron.

>> No.10637948

wtf? They stole his money then? How the fuck is that legal?

>> No.10637985

you are fucking retarded.
read who you just replied to dumbfuck.

>> No.10637993

Try reading it again. Other people are having a pretty easy time with it.

Or just keep being a neanderthal with no comprehension skills. Your call. You'll get it eventually champ.

>> No.10638000

Nice cope

>> No.10638006

>Go protest outside of Paul Ryan's offices and see how much your amazing, civilized right wing politicians care about free speech
I am European, and what the hell is this leftie word salad supposed to mean anyway? I shall go outside some office and see something, blah, blah. Are you totally uncapable of having abstract thinking? Do we always have to end up in the monkey cage in the Zoo with you commie cunts? You walking street, me see, you, Paul Ryan say. blah, blahm,

>> No.10638010

I just checked his Twitter to find out wtf is going on
They're letting his move his balance out at least so that's good. But future use of cb is banned to him. Honestly fuck coinbase, he can go binance now. Chinks won't pull sjw shit, not unless Jews somehow figure out a way of reducing their IQ to America's.

>> No.10638017

You unironically should be drawn and quartered

>> No.10638033

Formulate a logically sound argument, ape. I don't care that your fellow low-IQ apes understand your ramble.

>> No.10638035

I don't use Coinbase so I don't really give a shit apart from wanting coinbase to pump certain coins with normies

you could also try Gemini if you like the security of American exchanges vs Chinese

>> No.10638054

The whole point of crypto is to avoid shit like this from happening.
If you are using a centralized exchange to keep your money, you are begging for things like this to happen.

And if you are celebrating this you are fucking retarded.

>> No.10638057

Then you try to convert that leftie garbage to a logically sound argument. Go ahead fuckface.

>> No.10638063

The sad fact for me is that the word America (and to an extent western Europe) is now interchangeable with Israel.

>> No.10638068

Sorry, I assumed you, an ardent defender of free speech, would actually live in a country that supports your priciples.

I also made a horrible assumption in thinking that you actually read the news. But in case you don't know, several students were arrested for a lawful protest outside of his office a few months ago. Regardless of whether or not you agree with their views, the action of demonstration was lawful.

Stay mad cavedweller. Once you understand the condition the US is in, you'll realize how utterly fucking boned everyone is for voting hard right. Don't make the same mistake. Stop pandering to extremists.

>> No.10638118

This. But he hasnt lost his crypto. And if this gets picked up on /pol/ and becomes widespread, people are going to start leaving coinbase. I know I am, whereas I had left my coins on cb/gdax/cbpro until now. Trust is everything, I think any sane crypto company knows that, and won't take a chance by fucking over even one whiny roosh. Coinbase is fucked if this gets out. Binance should be funding a campaign to give Rooshv media coverage, they could kill these Jewish fuckers very quickly.

>> No.10638119

>But in case you don't know, several students were arrested for a lawful protest outside of his office a few months ago.
Of course you leftie morons are unable to have a principled debate about anything, so you have to divert into some garbage that happened to you or your mum or your fellow apes or whatever. Clearly you idiots have zero understanding of how a civilized society functions and what principles are underpinned them. Democracy came from Europe and you are no fucking American. Go home. You don't belong.

>> No.10638136

"toxic hate"

kys. ever heard of free speech?

>> No.10638145

Because it is, I plan on leaving, just lacking finances to do so right now. UK, France, Canada, America, and Australia are going to become non-white. There will still be some money but they won't be the countries they were, if that makes sense. Very strange to witness something change in character but remain in name. I'm hoping other parts of Western Europe can still be saved.

>> No.10638167


Oi, you got a license to be so ateful on ta interwebs?

>> No.10638180

I give zero shits where democracy came from when Britain is becoming a totalitarian hellscape where freedom of speech is actually violated. And let's not get started with all of the EU nations who can't keep immigration under control worth jack shit. You've missed the point so many times that I'm wondering why the hell I'm even here. Have fun accomplishing nothing pal.

>> No.10638201

they don't WANT to keep immigration under control. they are under economic pressure from the banks who actually own your countries.

UN literally made a report about this called Replacement Migration.

Sounds fake? No: http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/migration/migration.htm

>> No.10638215

Hate speech and violence isn't protected

>> No.10638216

I'm nonwhite myself and line in western Europe and the fact that this country is going to be nonwhite majority in my lifetime bothers me very much

>> No.10638228

>when Britain is becoming a totalitarian hellscape where freedom of speech is actually violated
Thanks to hard left commie cunts like you.

You have no argument. You clearly have no mature understanding of free speech and democracy. Go celebrate in the streets, trash. Don't blame us when you wake up in a third world hell hole, that is where you leftie cunts are taking us. Enjoy suppressing free speech you bastard.

>> No.10638230

you're part of the problem cunt, fuck off

>> No.10638243


>> No.10638262

They got hacked and have 20,000 BTC stolen, there goes your diverse thot team

>> No.10638263
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>> No.10638270


>> No.10638372

Roosh being persian is doing more good for white people than the white cucks themselves

>> No.10638417

Persians are Aryan anyway.

>> No.10638422

>Fuck, I'm actually worried about my coins on there now
That's funny because I'm actually worried that you are a brain dead retart.

>> No.10638504

honorary allies

>> No.10638621

Is Gemini any good? Winklevoss anyone?

>> No.10638934
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This makes me think this really isn't a free speech issue but rather something else.

>> No.10638968

First Alex Jones. Now Roosh's. They also did it to Wikileaks. Coinbase is shutting people out

>> No.10639014


>> No.10639024

I don't use American exchanges

>> No.10639038

It seems safe though

>> No.10639074


How the fuck are private companies utilities. Lmao.

Spoken like a fucking Socialist striaght out of a liberal arts degree.

>> No.10639220

ALL utilities started out as private companies before we got socialism and they nationalized nearly all utilities in nearly all nations in the West, you fucking moron. Even bridges were often private up until modern times. Nowhere did we have cases were someone was denied water, use of roads, electricity, harbor etc due to their political opinions or even their religion. This is something we got from modern hysterical left in combination with white hating third world immigrants.

You argue like a moron, educated by (((pop culture))). What education do you have, if any?

>> No.10639236
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how do I short coinbase?

>> No.10639265
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Sets a rather nasty precedent, doesn't it?

>> No.10639276

>free to speak but if you say the wrong thing you get punished


>> No.10639318

>How the fuck are private companies utilities. Lmao.
If a service:
1. Is vital (electricity, communication, water etc)
2. Has few, if any, alternatives (use another bridge, railroad etc)
3. Has a very high entry barrier (build your own power plant)

If all three criteria are met, the provider should be regulated. It is even worse when de facto monopoly providers in different markets are operating coordinated against targeted individuals and organizations.

Go learn basic history of freedom, you ignorant idiot.

>> No.10639343

so are you inclined to believe that if you call insult someone or say something otherwise disagreeable to someone, that they should not react at all? that when freely expressing oneself other people should just listen and do nothing?

what kind of fucked up world do you want to live in?

>> No.10639349

Whatever. It's not like I ever used or ever had any intention of using Coinbase in the first place.

>> No.10639407

whos got pictures of that big titty white girl

>> No.10640156

>some faggot cuck gets his account shut down

wow congrats, you used a centralised service

>> No.10640677
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This one?