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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10631960 No.10631960 [Reply] [Original]

It says a lot about your investment when there are so many smart people who are also invested in the same project you are. I truly got this sense when I was at the NYC meetup where there were so many people that were clearly smarter than me lol. That saying which goes when you’re the smartest person in the room leave couldn’t have rung more true for me then and it continues to do so. This is clearly evidenced by the work our community is doing in designing the new website. We all believe in Vechain and the company’s vision. Out of everything, this thought makes me most comfortable in my investment and it should for everyone else as well.

>> No.10632556
File: 1.00 MB, 3024x4032, VeChain-driver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It says a lot about your investment when there are so many smart people who are also invested


> The latest cck tweet was talking about a few specific parties. Vechain as the Phoenix, us investors as pilgrims / warriors, and then the others that are fearful and will get rekt lol. My theory is that the vechain foundation is selling off massive amounts of ven to reduce the price ahead of Mainnet and allow all of us an opportunity to buy in at these incredibly low prices. Just as cck says, the warriors that seized the opportunity will enjoy the spoils of war. And those that are greedy or doubt the project will also sell off to stronger hands.


> “ALL will see the towering inferno that will mark the beginning of a new era.” We are about to see a parabolic shot upwards.
This just gave me the fucking chills


> The great walls of VEN have been known about forever. That means there have been whales trying to keep the price down. Seems like now they're in their death throes trying to dump the price before launch. And it looks like he failed, price recovered almost instantly.

> This and the entirely of the weeks movement is an obvious dump to push the price down. It's going to shoot up soon once they are done fucking with it. They probably will make 70%+

> Unless that "12th Týr of the past, the Erebus of Madness. This is the moment a boy becomes a man, chosen to swim in the golden rivers of asgard. Take up arms and witness our ascension" Means that DB Schenker dapp is something really huge.

> spoils of war = this has to be VTHO. He goes on to say that the warriors who seized the opportunity that was offered to them will enjoy the spoils of war, or something like that. Definitely about X Node holders and the spoils of VTHO

>> No.10632842

The plebbit Venfags legit make me feel kinda sad....like how it feels to meet actual retards. I don't know how else to describe it.

Regarding CCK, he's just messing with them at this point, and they're eating it up like a bunch of fucking zealots.
>rekt lol
oh, he must be talking about everyone else...not us who have been getting absolutely rekt.

>> No.10632854

>smart people
>held crypto through bear market
>held a Chinese scam coin through a bear market
Bagholders are funny

>> No.10633296

There’s literally no argument that this isn’t going to be the most successful coin in crypto

>> No.10633619

How about you've been lied to? Is that so hard an idea to entertain? This is a china hustle you fucking idiot.
Just because they say all thing big nice things..doesn't make it true. No enterprises are currently actually interested in running on this network....there will not be trillions of transactions happening. Not fucking happening.

>> No.10633626
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I was looking for what VenGang's reaction to IBM and Maersk's Blockchain and 94 companies creating a Supply Chain consortium. The response was that it was nothing to be concerned about since IBM doesn't have the breadth of experience Vechain has KEK

Literally the dumbest cult of people.

>> No.10633735

The value and efficiency that a public blockchain provides will eventually win over private consortium blockchains like Microsoft and IBM.

>> No.10633742
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>> No.10633850
File: 66 KB, 1024x682, VeChain4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the Blockchain Supply Chain space will take 5-10 years to mature and be adopted. I don't think we know that it will look like and who the leaders will be. Generally it's not companies like Microsoft and IBM when it comes to breakthrough tech.

It's usually innovators in the space and companies with thought leadership that will gain the confidence of enterprises. What I stated is the antithesis of what VeChain is. Vechain is just a supply chain meme that was a cash grab with the crypto ICO bubble off delusion moonboys.

>> No.10633958

VEN BRO reporting in. We are unironically going to make it.

>in b4 imagine being this retarted

>> No.10634033
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>11.5k clauses on transactions just today
>Price plummeting
Shit looks like a massive sell off. Curse Sunny for being so retarded on the marketing department