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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 644 KB, 1316x1236, bagholderbingoexpandededition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10631217 No.10631217 [Reply] [Original]

>i apologise in advance to any boomers offended that it's not a correct bingo layout

>> No.10632347

>"Other coins are vastly overvalued, so ours should be too!"

you mean undervalued, no?

>"I regret telling my whole family to invest right now"

Not what a deluded bagholder would say, which i thought were the point of this.

>> No.10632405

It's supposed to 5x5 squares, you fucking mongoloid

>> No.10632406

36 year old boomer here.
It's cool, just needed to vent

>> No.10632427

So what can you actually say in defense of a project that won't hit the bingo? Apply the same thing to Samsung, Apple or pretty much any stock.

>> No.10632795


Bingo is supposed to be 5x5 you shit-chucking ape

>> No.10632802

>Down cost average
you absolute fucking brainlet. thats not what DCA means

>> No.10632841


sad and pathetic

>> No.10632845

I still have my fucking EBET bags even though I could have sold them at 5x. I was stupid enouh to think they are gonna go higher. Anyone wanna buy them off me?

>> No.10632980
File: 631 KB, 1595x1020, bagholderbingoexpanded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon, i didn't make the original image, but i've fixed it now

>> No.10633057

3rd row 1st
If you really believe, price is of noconcern.
t. unironically 100xed this year

>> No.10633202

No idea why people are so worried; the whole market is down and it's during this time period that prices are being manipulated by whales which proves how bullish these prices drops are. Think of it like a gift that the price is down so we can all accumulate more. Only wish I had more fiat to purchase more crypto...

This crypto has several partnerships which shows how strong it really is. All you need is patience as the mainnet will come soon enough. The fundamentals never have and never will change, and the price should not concern you if you believe in the project.

Honestly I highly recommend to delete your Blockfolio (it's what I did) and forget about crypto for a bit. Pay no mind to online forums and social media where there are copious amounts of people whom are paid to FUD.

I know this post is a bit lengthy, but I'd like to finish off by saying thank you to all of the panic sellers and see you this next next year. After all, it's all about the tech, not the money.