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10629535 No.10629535 [Reply] [Original]

Who here does coke to stay up and watch charts all night? Coke is truly the patrician drug. You become super focused, alert, confident, and talkative

>> No.10629543

You should buy 0xBTC sir. It is a good decision and will make you rich

>> No.10629552
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>he thinks his delusions of grandeur while coked out is confidence

>> No.10629559

No, Anon. The patrician choice of drug is Modafinil + Pregabalin. Coke is for beaners and chavs.

>> No.10629574
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What are the effects?

>> No.10629593

Modafinil gives you the edge and focus you desire. It makes you super productive. And it doesnt jack up your heart rate like other stims. Now, what you want with that is calmness, focus + calm = killer combo. I usually use L-theanine for the calm but I'm looking to pick up some pregabalin (pharma grade med used to treat anxiety) .....fuck coke. And yeah, I like my stims ....stopped doing drugs and ended with meth/coke. Switch it up.

>> No.10629615

Is it easy to get them both easily?

>> No.10629645

Modafinil is, you can order it online. pregabalin (checkout dragon ordance - you'll have to get the raw powder and cap it yourself)

>> No.10629670

have you experienced any weird effects from modafinil? i've read that it can cause hallucinations

>> No.10629688
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>not dropping 400ug
>not taking a brownie followed by a shot

>wake up 3 days later to 100,000 more.

You will never feel this lol.

>> No.10629698

lool, no. I can tell you how it took my mediocre brain and turned it into a money making machine. Quit my job a year after turned full time trader. I would hate life otherwise!

>> No.10629706

>How is acid for the first time? I've had a bad trip shrooms and want to do acid but am a little paranoid

brownie as in an edible

>> No.10629713

great. If you are business focused you will be left restless. You will move from one thing to the other quickly. Keep it up with edible and I topped it with shots and it was great.

Yes of course

>> No.10629722
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do not do 400ug first time lol.

>> No.10629738

Acid is the best god damn drug there is. On acid I feel truly alive and that everything in the world makes sense. Pure inner peace, the euphoria from that kinda bliss is in a completely different league than shallow good feels from something like coke.

>> No.10629739

didn't mean to green text. i got laid off back in october and have made enough trading to pay my bills so far. i do coke sporadically (sometimes once a week, sometimes i go a few months without) so i'm not addicted by any means. do you use both modafinil and pregabalin when you trade, or just the modafinil and then the pregabalin after to relax

>> No.10629745

designer drugs. Makes it legal from Canada. Keep it to two weeks.

>> No.10629762

You mean Lyrica? Lol you're getting high off fucking neuropathy drugs.

>> No.10629772

>getting high

man you don't get it

>> No.10629782
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what? i'm pretty fucked up on coke and alcohol and don't really understand your reply. you didn't' answer my question

>> No.10629824


bump for answer

>> No.10629832

Then explain it to me. I take gabapentin and it makes me feel like ass. It's pretty much the same shit but weaker

>> No.10629845

what do you mean feel like ass? what do you feel like?

>> No.10629847

>Investing while high on drugs
>Taking drugs in general

>> No.10629875
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like i pointed out in an earlier post, i've been succesful enough to live off of my trading for around 10 months. all while doing coke somewhat regularly

>> No.10629986

I just kinda feel weird and aggressive. I don't get "high" or relaxed. It also causes withdrawal if you stop suddenly.

>> No.10630087
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>not talking to machine elves to gain wealth to help out musk to colonize our solar system
>never gonna make it

>> No.10630112

Not shooting a speedball and watching the charts as the lines melt into the greatest bull indicator. Patrichians choice. You faggots can stay poor.

>> No.10630122

This is also good, fellow patrician, his much link?

>> No.10630175

How dangerous is a speedball? How much worse than coke and alchohol?

>> No.10630185

Alot worse than coke and alcohol. Just don't overdo the heroin dosage and you will be fine