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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10629493 No.10629493 [Reply] [Original]

I’m a college student with $5k to my name. When school starts, I’ll be making maybe $100-$200 a week before expenses like gas. What can i do with my money sitting around and make more money?
Should i keep $1k on the side for daily expenses and then invest in the $4k

>> No.10629511
File: 462 KB, 800x534, AAF301F9-B14D-44B7-A37A-C22F41A8515C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should invest in 0xBTC.

It’s like bitcoin but on the Ethereum blockchain. It’s going to be worth a lot more in the future trust me. They are currently $0.77 each. When they go up to $100 which it will in less than a year, you will have more than 100x your money. This is like buying bitcoin or Ethereum at under $1.

OxBTC buy it.

>> No.10629518

you don't deserve those digits, you filthy currymunching nigger. fuck you.

OP. buy yourself some chainlink.

>> No.10629538

What is chainlink and how much does it cost? How much should I invest in?

>> No.10629545

Install Robinhood and buy AMD calls

>> No.10629549

Also, I downloaded an app called stash. Is it any good? I don’t know where to start.

>> No.10629555

Ignore that person. Chainlink is a tired old bag of shit from yesteryear that has a lot of bagholders.

You should buy 0XBTC.

Link will make you a bagholder, 0xBTC is what will make you rich

>> No.10629643

How do i know you know it will make me rich? How much should i invest?

>> No.10629663

Well, it’s a speculative investment. But I’ve made enough successful speculative investments in my lifetime that i’m Confident that 0xBTC is a correct choice.

Just look at the numbers. Link has a huge OVERSUPPLY, 0xBTC has a very LIMITED SUPPLY. The total market cap of link is INFLATED BEYOND ITS UTILITY (utility of link being absolutely nothing) whereas 0xBTC is HUGELY UNDERVALUED.

You should buy 0xBTC

>> No.10630031
File: 101 KB, 499x499, 617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he unironically falls for an INDIAN scam on /biz/

>> No.10630036

get around 50k and start a mushroom biz

>> No.10630064

Dude.... we are not fucking with you here. Put 3k into chainlink and do it relatively quickly. It's been memed for months and we have figured out all the connections.

Just put 3k into it fast. And keep it in there and don't sell when it 3 or 4 times. It's going inter stellar.

Once you buy then you can go back through Reddit threads on it and follow along with the daily constant biz threads on it. There's two of them right now and one has over 100 responses. That should tell you how big it is going to be on its face

>> No.10630090

Basically....... the reason bitcoin and ethereum aren't real world things is because you can't get data on and off the Blockchain. And you need to do that on a trustless way so big business can start using smart contracts to save billions.

Chainlink is the decentralized oracle that brings crypto to the real world.

Go check threads on the ICO... you needed like 100 eth just to buy in which means your regular joe six pack couldn't even invest and 4chan figured out this is the next big thing and we actually pooled our money together to take a chunk off the market and we've been fudding it for months here to keep regular people from finding about about it and getting rich

>> No.10630097

Don't listen to this asshole. But if you want to play it safe put 2k in each if you think this cocksucker is telling the truth

>> No.10630108
File: 69 KB, 464x591, 1531897702000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically shilling chainlink
>play it safe
>put 2k into a pajeet scam

>> No.10630253

buy Syscoin :D

>> No.10630265

0xBTC has nothing to do with Indians you deluded motherfucker

>> No.10630280

You aren't going to be making much with 5k. I would suggest investing it in something low-risk and saving it for business capital or a house down payment or something like that.

>> No.10630464
File: 69 KB, 204x291, 1533193920175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everyone is trying to push his own pyramid scheme and bait OP into it

>> No.10630816

Your goal should be to double it, and then double that, and then double that ...etc.

It's easier to double $4k by buying some drugs and selling it.

And then it's easier to double $8k doing something else ..etc.

>> No.10630835

Where to buy 0x where u wont get cucked?

>> No.10630851

0xBTC is available on mercatox exchange.

You will need to deposit bitcoin or ETH on to mercatox.

>> No.10630857

You’re in college? Assuming you aren’t a total speed buy a quarter pound of weed for like 600 bucks and sell it for ten a gram to kids in the dorms. You will make 3-400 profit doing it this way, if you cut deals to move it faster you will still make 150-250. If you’re a moral fag or pussy than just stay being a poor fag it might even get you laid since girls love drug dealers thanks to nigger culture.