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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 452 KB, 2048x1513, Trump 1985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10628178 No.10628178 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Trump so tacky with his wealth? Other billionaires don't act like this.

>> No.10628186

Why do you care you fucking mong?

>> No.10628187

cause niggers who get rich dont floss their cash around and wear gold chains n shieeeeeeeeeeeet?

>> No.10628195

Buy 0xBTC you boring bastard

>> No.10628198

Just shut up and thank him from saving us from the globalist kikes and SJW faggots

>> No.10628210

the original nigger

>> No.10628214

he does it to make you butthurt

>> No.10628222

1) He's low IQ
2) He was given money, he didn't earn it. Any mongoloid with daddy's money buying real estate in the 80's in NYC is filthy rich right now
3) He's a classic narcissist. Only really pays any attention to himself and therefore has no idea what's going on around him. So what you see is 100% genuine Trump, all the time. People think it's a gimmick.. but no, that's really him. And he thinks it's awesome.

>> No.10628227

that's the fucking cash vault of his newly opened casino

>> No.10628231


It's literally all he has going for him. You think he would be president right now if he wasn't rich? Fuck no. People assume he must be smart because he's rich and he has no real evidence that he actually is smart so he has to let everyone know he's rich.

>> No.10628235

> multiple kids by multiple wives
> mega penis on 5th ave
> gold penthouse
Why don’t niggers love him?

>> No.10628246

my jewish friends talk like that about him.

>> No.10628251


I bet you cant name one thing hes done that wasnt smart

>> No.10628257

I also want to point out he mostly neutered himself. If he had JUST collected real estate instead of trying his hand at business (and failing multiple times) he'd be many times wealthier... or if he had just put his money into an S&P index fund he'd be like 3x richer than he is now. Guy is a classic case of "got lucky buying real estate in an amazing market without meaning to because what he really wanted to do was be a hotel and casino mogul" . He then failed at everything he actually attempted but was able to fall back on the real estate to claw his way out of debt, selling the majority of his hotels and casinos. He still has zero successful businesses, and is president of the united states. His daughter is also a failed businesswoman, despite having daddy's capital to play with. What a joke of a family.

>> No.10628258


go buy property in Detroit, New York wasnt much different in those days

>> No.10628259

Trump got to be President because of money.

Arnold got to be an actor and governor of California because of steroids.

A woman who looks prettier with bigger (fake) breasts makes more money than women who don't.

Life simply isn't fair.

>> No.10628260

I like him. But he’s not the best business man. He is a great president though

>> No.10628263

Enjoy your delusions and hatred. Blue wave will set the ship straight.

>> No.10628266

Yea mine does too. Weird how high IQ jews and high IQ non jews both dislike Trump, but low IQs tend to be into him, huh?

>> No.10628269

Why are you even on 4chin

>> No.10628270

They did until his racist ways were uncovered

>> No.10628275


Because his brand is about hyper wealth. Its self perpetuating.

Trump tower is luxurious. Not shitty.

Now the brand is associated with nativism, cheap Chinese shit and mail order slavs brides. He should have stayed in his place.

>> No.10628276


>> No.10628278

>live in a penthouse with gold everything
>"h-he would have been richer if he lived like a monk and never spent anything"

That argument shouldn't hold water on /biz/ of all places.

>> No.10628281

That's not true, NY has always been a port city. Detroit was a car manufacturing city and we don't make anything here anymore. NY originally grew b/c of Ellis Island then became known as the "melting pot" which continued to bring people from all over. It's one of the largest import/export cities in the world, is now the capital of finance & houses 8 million+ people. Detroit is just a shithole that died.

>> No.10628283

Trump tower is actually shit. Idk if you’ve been there but it’s not nice. It’s well marketed

>> No.10628285

I mean, you aren't really wrong that he fucked up his businesses in the 90s

But he's looking after American interests so most people that support him are willing to overlook those faults

>> No.10628287

I'm not a fan of the gold everywhere (too gaudy imo) but to each their own

>> No.10628288

seething poltard. You realize there are more people like me than you in the USA, right?

>> No.10628292

/pol/ fags have invaded

>> No.10628293

Because he's not a billionaire. He's LARPing

>> No.10628295

he got to the presidency thanks to relentless shilling and the "The apprentice" which people took at face value (instead of reality TV satire)

>> No.10628298


Gilded is the word

>> No.10628299

This, Trump tower is the laughing stock of the real estate world and always has been. It's gaudy as fuck and tasteless in every way. "Luxury" is only a word Trump himself would use to describe it.

>> No.10628308

I mean the thread is about why Trump is so tacky. All I did was answer the question. It's the poltards who want to bring politics here.

>> No.10628322

and steve bannon, who pretty much created his platform.

>> No.10628327
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His only business that ever made money was letting others put his name on things. Ads, lots of hotels built by others and they pay him to call it "Trump Hotel" or something. Same things he's doing as president. He's basically channelling the will of the right wing insurgency as best as possible and claiming the dividends of being president.

>> No.10628340
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then why you trans losers didn't win? eh pablo why you didn't win the election?
dumb fucking nigger too stupid to press the hillary button eh? in the oven you go filthy jew!

>> No.10628356


NY was a crime ridden shithole and Trump almost singlehandledly resurrected it

>> No.10628359

Your president will be lucky to make it through his full term, you lunatic fringies have driven most of the country towards democratic candidates for the midterms and a lot of politicians want him out. Lose the majority and I'd bet anything they impeach him. Enjoy your reign of supreme idiocy while it lasts, Hitler.

>> No.10628364

imagine actually believing this

imagine actually being enough a gullible cult of personality retard to believe this

>> No.10628375
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not gonna happen homo
we win next time too

>> No.10628379

Literally had segregation/racial filtering at one of his properties iirc
doesn't get much more racist than that

>> No.10628390

What the fuck are you on? He buys some buildings and you think he changed NY from being a crime ridden shithole? Giuliani deserves the credit for that. Trump was riding the wave like all the other now billionaire NY real estate moguls at the time.

>> No.10628398

I know you don't actually believe that, unless you have zero contact with the outside world.

>> No.10628411

Because Trump is a brand majorly as well. He's not a business man, he's a business, man.

>> No.10628412

Objectively, Trump is killing it. You're then one not in reality, fren.

>> No.10628425


potus get out of biz...

>> No.10628432

potus get out of biz...

>> No.10628453

I'll give you some shitcoin dust after he wins again, anon. I know the recent losses really upset you and I want to do what I can so that you don't neck yourself.

>> No.10628468

Trump is a humble person.

>> No.10628469

He was a party boy socialite

>> No.10628474
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sure thing kike

>> No.10628478

When did biz get filled with libtards? It’s all fun and games until comrade Bernie takes 90% of your wages so Tyrone can have 19 kids and not pay for any of them

>> No.10628483

Certified 132 iq here. I've never met anyone I didn't think was retarded who didn't support Trump.

>> No.10628500


>> No.10628503

Wow, so many smart people in this thread who aren't billionaires, don't own tons of real estate all over the world, and who aren't POTUS. But they're definitely smarter than that guy, pfft, don't you know everyone says [unsubstantiated rumors, FUD, and blatant slander from the fake news]? He can't even get the economy growing again, NOBODY can, didn't you know that? Obama and Krugman said so! And they're like super smart, smarter than that guy who won POTUS with zero prior political or military experience, the first ever in the history of USA.

All you humble geniuses, I've got a bridge I can sell you, but only because you've so impressed me with your knowledge of how the world really works.

>> No.10628515

Just being objective here but he has one of the lowest approval ratings in history. He's even alienated many republicans.
That's pretty bearish for trump imo

>> No.10628525

this must be bait

>> No.10628527

kvetch harder you filthy kike

>> No.10628533

>implying Trump wasn't elected to btfo everybody including the republican party and people who approve of things

>> No.10628534
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they said this since day one, you seen how that turned out for the democucks
trump will win again and finally deport all your favorite mexicans.

>> No.10628536

You can go to /pol is you want to throw shit.

>> No.10628537

this is so ludicrously insane that i almost felt the need to refute it. I then realized this was biz and most of you are complete fucking losers with no future. This is why you voted for trump you pathetic morons.

>> No.10628546

You clearly have never lived in NYC. 'cause that isnt even remotely true.

>> No.10628548

>have retarded, simplistic opinion
>get called out on it

>> No.10628550

how fucking deep is your basement you retard

shit tier bait m80

>> No.10628555

His approval ratings are decidedly average, and very impressive given the non-stop hate he gets from the media. Post your numbers.

>> No.10628562


You faggots say he never earned his wealth when he spearheaded several multi billion developments all over the city when no one else was willing to, restoring confidence and inspiring further investment and development around them.

>> No.10628572
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>imagine not only being this historically inept but then also being obstinate and unable to learn either

>> No.10628576

Niggers did love him until the jews told them they should hate him

>> No.10628577

Are there markets for the next election yet? Reassuring that there are deluded people like you to take money from.

>> No.10628583

They are like women. They do as they are told. It’s been breed into them

>> No.10628589

Retard detected. Plenty of high iq folks voted for him.

>> No.10628591

You think that Trump "single-handedly" saved New York from the 80s to now when there's obviously a large array of factors (including the decline in violent crime country-wide) that made NYC better.

There is no learning anything from you, you are a 105 with a simplistic view of the world.

Inviting hero-worshipping redditor retards to 4chan was a mistake.

>> No.10628595


my bad that was meant for >>10628515

>> No.10628615

The only person that said that was you, stop inventing arguments in your own head

>> No.10628623

Looks pretty below average to me m8
>inb4 538 has a liberal bias

I have no problem with a republican president. I have a problem with presidents who destroy foreign relations and start trade wars. I have a problem with a president who has actually made it more difficult for my girlfriend to get a work visa (she's from china, lived here 10 years).
Literally all I care about is universal health care, which almost every first world country has at this point. There's not an excuse anymore.

>> No.10628628

>The only person that said that was you.
No, you fucking retard. Look at >>10628356

>NY was a crime ridden shithole and Trump almost singlehandledly resurrected it

>> No.10628640

>if he just put it all in an index fund
So sick of this BS. People on /biz/ should know better.

>> No.10628647

drumph is an moran lol hes a loser and he deserve nothin not like me

>> No.10628646

How's your public debt going.

>> No.10628653
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>Why is Trump so tacky with his wealth? Other billionaires don't act like this.

Because he is a Con Man.
He scammed so many investors out of their money. They literally hate him in the financial sector.

>> No.10628657

That's not what led to the decrease in crime in NYC, crime has been on the decline for 27 years. 17 of those years can be attributed to post 9/11 policies and the expansion of the NYPD to becoming one of the largest armed forces in the world. The other 10 can be attributed to nationwide decreases in crime and the Clinton crime reforms in 94(which led to a bunch of other problems but w/e).

He's getting about the same amount of hate from Liberal media that Obama got from Conservative media.

>> No.10628661
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>universal health care
You don't belong on /biz/

>> No.10628667


>> No.10628670


I should have added crime ridden, bankrupt shithole.

The city literally couldnt even borrow money and Trump came in like Mack Daddy saving everyone asses

>> No.10628673

I'm not sure, ask trump. He's the one giving massive tax cuts and trying (or succeeded? I don't keep up) to abolish the estate tax. Which only helps wealthy people.

>> No.10628674

Allot of Internationals browse /biz/ where they have Universal Coverage senpai.

>> No.10628682

That whole great britain/England thing was one big fucked dog
He once gave a speech to a branch of the military and fifteen minutes in someone had to remind him which one because he had gotten the wrong one.and didn't recognize the uniforms in front of him
He knowingly and actively appointed a half dozen people to his immediate cabinet who have recently plead guilty or are on trial for major crimes.

He's a genuine idiot, and he was one before old man polyps started showing up in his brain and asshole

>> No.10628684

Having and wanting are not the same thing.

>> No.10628686

Don't backpedal you fucking mongoloid. You're a brainlet unable to understand nuance or complexity, so you attribute things to 'hero' and 'villain' rather than actually work to understand the world.


>> No.10628687

I'm sorry that you're an open borders socialist. But I'm happy that you're not in power. America first, deal with it.

>> No.10628688
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was that me you sad cunt????

Trump was a massive catalyst in the re-gentrification of NY, sad liberal cunts such as yourself would't accept he had any part in it either way, ignore your history some more

>> No.10628693

The Taj

>> No.10628695

You were defending it and getting mad at me for attacking his simplistic statement, so obviously you agreed with some portion of his statement.

>> No.10628703

Literally cheaper than paying premiums each month, I'm not sure why anyone would be opposed to it..
Also the recent study which was supposed to paint medicare for all in a negative light actually proved it would be cheaper than the current system:

No one deserves to go bankrupt because they were diagnosed with a serious illness.

>> No.10628704
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LMAO you forgot to change your VPN location before samefagging you fucking massive sad cunt

>> No.10628707

Also look at those weightings, consistently shaving 3-5 points from the approval numbers and leaving the disapproval around 52%. Brilliant Nate Bronze, who failed to predict 2016, at it again. Bravo, Nate.

>> No.10628712


>Leftard thought he found the grammatical mistake that would lead him to victory

You fucking idiots cant see the forest for the trees, I wasnt implying Trump solved the crime problem singlehandly you fuckhead.

>> No.10628713

>what are double posts
>I don't know what samefagging is
Fuck off back to r*ddit newfag

>> No.10628717

I'm not an open borders socialist, man. My girlfriend has lived here for 10 years, in other countries she'd have residency at this point.
Refer to >>10628703 about health care.

>> No.10628718

This document is working under the assumption people are talking about the 1 million which isn't true. http://fortune.com/2015/08/20/donald-trump-index-funds/

It's disappointing that in 30 years and with as much leverage that he has in so many industries he only grew a billion dollar fortune to about 4 billions dollars. Not even factoring the fact that 1 dollar in 87/88 is 2.2 dollars today so his returns are pretty fucking bad lol.

>> No.10628720

What grammatical mistake was I attacking you fucking retard? I was attacking your moronic choice of words and simplistic thinking.

Also, you have 0 evidence that I am a leftist. I am not. The fact that you classify anyone who disagrees with you as a "leftist" automatically is evidence of your low IQ.

>> No.10628722

>He's getting about the same amount of hate from Liberal media that Obama got from Conservative media.
First of all, no, not even close.
Second, the Liberal media is MUCH more powerful than the conservative media, which was confined to Fox News and Talk Radio for the entirety of Obama's presidency. Alt-media online only got big at the very end of Obama's presidency and was more concerned with Trump's campaign than negging on Obama.

>> No.10628726
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>jew libscum
>calling others newfag

You're not very bright are you

>> No.10628731

>anyone who attacks my retardation is a liberal and a jew!!!
You are a r*dditor newfag. Go look at my first post in this thread. Simple-minded binary-thinking moron.

>> No.10628739

>No one deserves to go bankrupt because they were diagnosed with a serious illness.
Nobody who is diagnosed with a serious illness is entitled to my money to deal with it. Everybody dies, yes it's very tragic, so sad, but move on. If you want to live in a society with universal state-provided healthcare, move to one.

>> No.10628759


straight into a 3rd world, I live in commiefornia and jesus fuck is it getting worse with these democrats running it

>> No.10628760
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Listen sweetie, you seem a bit upset so I'll make this clear for you as you've either forgot where in your sperg of autistic rage or are genuinely from reddit(would explain why you resent it and keep directing others there).

Most of 4chan swings right, /biz/ is basically /alt pol/ and this is a daily reminder that 4chan is a nationalist social forum, always had been, just accept it or move on you'll be significantly happier elsewhere

>> No.10628762

You're whining about your girlfriend, who is not American, having a hard time getting a work visa. America first, I really don't care. She can go back to China and bring you with her.

Sick people have no right to my money, and it's not the role of the government to provide healthcare. If you want state provided healthcare, go somewhere that has it.

>> No.10628777

Such a sad way to go through life man. It isn't just their money, it's their families, who are most likely footing the hospital bills. You have entire families who go bankrupt trying to afford chemo treatment, which is wildly overpriced because of big pharma. Shit's like $80 a pill.

I hope some day you reconsider your position.

>> No.10628778

Everyone I know hates Trump. He is obnoxious as fuck but I don't dislike him. I knew a few stupid rich alpha males in my life that were typically in upper management. Did they needed to be smart to do their job? No because you couldn't fuck with them. They had a strong will, could present themselves in meetings and could deal with people very well. The real job was done by me and other underlings. A president is only a symbol anyway, most of the job is done by his staff.

>> No.10628804

>Most of 4chan swings right, /biz/ is basically /alt pol/ and this is a daily reminder that 4chan is a nationalist social forum, always had been, just accept it or move on you'll be significantly happier elsewhere
I am right wing too. I just hate brainlets that can't think properly and resort to black-and-white all-or-nothing thinking as a coping mechanism.

I also hate brainlets that can't read, which includes you. Being around you low-IQ niggers is insufferable. Have a nice day.

>> No.10628812

1 billion to 4 billion in 30 years is approximately 4.75% growth annually. Rather than comparing him to a market index (unrealistic), I challenge you to find an investor who's done that well without blowing up over 30 years.

For the record, I can think of one investment group and one individual who has likely done better, but neither publish their numbers.

>> No.10628823

Jesus lmao, I bought into crypto last year and held all the way until now and I still did better than that.

>> No.10628835


Black and White thinking is what gets shit done in this world, thats how real men think, not in endless circular arguments like a female does

This is how Trump thinks, he sees a problem, bang, he fucking solves it, not goes on some 4 year philosophical tirade weighing up the pros and cons and who will be happy and who will be offended and all this shit

>> No.10628840

Sure, former chairman of the math department at my alma matter James Simons blew those numbers out. Not even thinking outside the box here, that was pretty easy.

>> No.10628843

On a more positive note boys can we appreciate how hard LINK is mooning

>> No.10628848
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>claims to be right
>doesn't support the only candidate that hasn't bent the knee

all of my j u s t

>> No.10628853
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>> No.10628858

Medicare for all will eventually pass. Every year it polls better and better. When it does and you inevitably bitch about it non-stop just remember... you must move to another country.

>> No.10628861

Every body dies. Everybody, no exceptions. Some people go with grace and some go out wasting as much money as possible to get one more day on a respirator, confined to a hospital bed, leaving their loved ones with massive debt. The problem isn't that healthcare is too expensive (although it is, thanks to government meddling), the problem is that people, if given the option to spend someone else's money, will spend every last penny they can get on dragging out their death.

For everyone else, the young and seemingly healthy, insurance for catastrophic illnesses is actually affordable. Or, wait, it WAS affordable, until Mr. "If you like your plan you can keep it" got involved and required that every plan cover everything. Oopsie. Add on top of that an obesity crisis fueled mainly by disinfo from government propaganda (the health pyramid) and subsidized carbohydrates (mainly corn, but also others) making everyone a fatass and increasing healthcare needs among what should be the young and healthy.

You can't let your compassion govern your wallet, and I will not let your compassion govern mine. I'm keeping my money.

>> No.10628863

>comparing performance over 1 year in a highly-speculative asset class that experienced a massive bubble to a 30-year career that includes diversified holdings of of multiple asset classes and spanned multiple economic climates/market regimes
retard alert

>> No.10628874

Feel free to point out where I said I don't support Trump.

You can't because you are a mongoloid, unable to read.

>> No.10628880

Knee jerk reactions aren’t helping. Look at the retarded tariffs. Way to solve the “problem” of having cheap goods to consume!

>> No.10628881

>i need lots of time to be able to think in a sophisticated manner
>black and white thinking is how I get things done!
Low IQ detected.

>> No.10628883
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>> No.10628886

i cannot believe people ITT think trump is actually a billionaire. holy shit you might as well "moo" at this point you fucking cattle.

>> No.10628895

This. Where those tax returns at, eh?

>> No.10628899

I probably will to be honest. Medicare sucks, you just don't realize it because you haven't looked at how much the MONTHLY cost of it is (yes, you pay a monthly tax to be on medicare, and it's a lot).

I don't know him but fair enough.

Noted, but don't be fooled by randomness: your chart doesn't show the MILLIONS of traders and businessmen who blew up in those 30 years. If a million people flip a coin 10 times, a shitload of them will get 10 heads in a row but it doesn't make them pro-coin-flippers. It makes them lucky.

>> No.10628901

Wow you said it yourself and it still went over your head somehow, bravo. Hint hint, the bubble popped already, bucko

>> No.10628903

Democracy is tyranny of the majority. It hasn't been around for long and it won't be around for much longer. Would you advocate for such policies in South Africa?

>> No.10628904

Because he's a narcissist. And dumb poor rednecks think a billionaire actually gives a shit about them.

>> No.10628916

1. Trump is winning the tarriff fights, because
2. America's trade imbalance gives us a massive advantage in tit for tat tariff increases, and
3. The American economy is incredibly insulated from the rest of the world. Barring oil imports and exports, less than 8% of our economic activity in a given year is a result of foreign trade (mainly on the import side, way less on the export side). For another country, say Germany, it's more like 30% of their GDP is the result of foreign trade. For China it's even more. We can play the trade war game forever and never even notice (have you noticed anything get more expensive? I haven't.)

>> No.10628920

>Noted, but don't be fooled by randomness: your chart doesn't show the MILLIONS of traders and businessmen who blew up in those 30 years. If a million people flip a coin 10 times, a shitload of them will get 10 heads in a row but it doesn't make them pro-coin-flippers. It makes them lucky.
So success is all just random, eh? Well hey, you said it, not me.

>> No.10628924

>The bubble popped already
Mostly, yes, but it's debatable whether it has finished popping yet.

>> No.10628928

It doesn’t suck though. Countries with universal healthcare pay far less per capita and receive better care.

>> No.10628941
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>So success is all just random, eh? Well hey, you said it, not me.
LMAO, this is amazing. That's EXACTLY the response Taleb got when he started talking about his recently published book, Fooled by Randomness. Word for word.
>so what you're saying is, success is all just random, eh?

>> No.10628945


Saying conservative media is limited to just Fox News and Talk Radio is retarded because it implies those numbers are small. Fox News viewership nearly beats out both MSNBC and CNN combined, talk radio numbers exceed 100+ million listeners across the country. Also you're not factoring in local news which is predominantly controlled by conservative Sinclair in most places in the country.

Your claim on Alt-media is incorrect as well, Brietbart and the rest of its ilk were definitely shitting on Obama all day everyday. Brietbart and a lot of the alt-right news outlets didn't even transition to fully supporting Trump until it was relatively clear he was the front runner anyway.

So just to recap, Conservatives have the largest Cable news network, most of talk radio, most of the local television stations, and Liberals have MSNBC and CNN(lol) and Hollywood.

Think Conservatives win here kek.

I question how you're here, talking about economics, but you don't know about James Simmons or Renaissance Technologies? Literally the best investing portfolio of all time and you don't know about it on a board built primarily around investing lol.

>> No.10628946

>What a joke of a family.
Still more successful than you and your family will ever be though lol

>> No.10628949

Has trump ever been cucked?

>> No.10628954

>pay less per capita
citation needed
>better care
No, and also citation needed.

And it really doesn't matter, because you don't have a right to my money and I'll resist socialist to the day I die. It's my money and I'm keeping it.

>> No.10628955
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>> No.10628959

>I question how you're here, talking about economics, but you don't know about James Simmons or Renaissance Technologies?
I mean, he's pretty secretive about his methods and shuns publicity but yeah, that's kind of questionable IMO.

How do you know who Taleb is but not RenTech?

>> No.10628963

My only holdings are alts that aren't even in the top 100, lol. Except for EXRN which I have like 3m of for some reason

>> No.10628965

yeah by marla maples lul

>> No.10628968

no one will answer you. these people are the absolute dumbest this country has to offer.

They have never left their small festering shithole of olive garden/cheesecake factory suburban hellscapes unless they "splurge" for a carnival cruise. there is no helping them. their misery is the fuel that elected an actual retard who promised them retribution against an enemy they meet eye to eye every day in their bathroom mirror. they are dumb and empty and angry that no one cares about them.

they trusted an orange moron to change their lives. that's literally all there is to it.

>> No.10628975

>James Simmons or Renaissance Technologies? Literally the best investing portfolio of all time
Oh! No, that's the group I was thinking of. The individual I was thinking of was NN Taleb. I just didn't recognize the name you dropped, I thought it was some random professor you knew personally.

I challenge you that I'm talking about economics. I find the idea offensive. I'm talking about the business acumen of DJT and arguing against the open borders socialist in this thread trying to make an appeal to emotion about all da sad sick people who just need billions of tax dollars to lay around in hospital beds for another decade, rather than just dying gracefully.

>> No.10628976
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Act like what?

>> No.10628979

You forgot to add "DRUMPF" to the end of your post.

>> No.10628982

I didn't recognize the name. I thought it was just some random math professor the anon was referring to.

>> No.10628983

>LMAO, this is amazing. That's EXACTLY the response Taleb got when he started talking about his recently published book, Fooled by Randomness. Word for word.
Funny that the phrasing was so similar but that IS the conclusion that can be drawn from that. If Bill fucking Gates' success can be attributed to random chance then, well...I'm gonna start buying lotto tickets

>> No.10628998

nah, no stupid misspellings needed. the guy is, and always has been, an absolute blow hard with zero proof of any success. the idea that anyone would look at him for any sort of cogent policy for the future of this country is pathetic. it's ok that you were conned, but you're all too "cucked" to admit it. drain the swamp guys... drain that swamp...

>> No.10629003

>Noted, but don't be fooled by randomness: your chart doesn't show the MILLIONS of traders and businessmen who blew up in those 30 years. If a million people flip a coin 10 times, a shitload of them will get 10 heads in a row but it doesn't make them pro-coin-flippers. It makes them lucky.

How many of those people who failed started out with 1 billion dollars and a bunch of real estate in the most valuable real-estate market in the world(actually maybe second, I figure the Bay Area has eclipsed NYC by now).

I was thinking the exact same thing. Maybe I'm biased though, I went to Stony Brook and lived on Long Island all my life so maybe I'm overestimating how much someone should know about Simmons.

It's not even the people in "suburban hellscape", I live in what would be considered that and we're still all doing fine. Everyone I know is genuine middle class/rich and we're all about keeping our money so none of us are complaining about Trump dicking the average American. I laugh at the "working class" poor that make up most of this country who somehow thought electing a selfish billionaire was in their best interest lol.

>> No.10629005
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>> No.10629013

Tariffs are a tax on the American people. Trade deficits are not inherently bad. Why the fuck am I explaining this to a grown adult?

>> No.10629019

the notion that Trump would make these stupid people rich is the greatest con i've witnessed in my life.

>> No.10629020

more fancy words from a liberal

>> No.10629023

Okay retard. Defense and policing are a socialized good? How do you justify those things?

>> No.10629030

I encourage you to read the Incerto, just find them free online if you're hurting for money. I'll give you the barest explanation of Taleb's point for each book:

Fooled By Randomness:
>Everyone can look like a genius in a bull market, but you can only tell when someone is good when times are tough, and really when they've been through multiple bear markets
The Black Swan:
It's impossible to estimate the probability of rare events occurring, and it's foolish in the extreme to expose yourself to risk in the tails of distributions.
>More on tail risks, how to identify your exposure to tail risks, and how to position yourself to profit from rare events (ie, become antifragile)
Skin in the Game:
>the only proper way to structure society is to insist on skin in the game, to prevent people from profiting by exposing others to risks.

Look up "ergodicity" and Gambler's Ruin.

>> No.10629031


Ah I understand not necessarily recognizing the name, fair enough.

I'm a conservative so I don't think your argument is wrong really, I just don't think glorifying trump or having a persecution complex about the liberal media is doing any of your valid points any favors.

>> No.10629033

Hear hear.
My dad has never been outside of the country. He's 50. Like what the fuck. And no surprise he voted trump even though he's generally a really nice guy.

>> No.10629034

i wonder how many trump supporters know the meaning of hubris...

>> No.10629035

>the idea that anyone would look to him for cogent policy
This right here us the problem with you cucks. You are desperate for someone to tell you what to think and do. Trump is doing what people want and that's why they like him. See this post >>10628327

>> No.10629036

Citation for per capita spending: https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-spending-u-s-compare-countries/#item-average-wealthy-countries-spend-half-much-per-person-health-u-s-spends

>> No.10629037

>zero proof of any success
He's POTUS and you're not...

>> No.10629042


Obama is the reason you can't afford a house, a car, or get a home loan.

what's next? Do you want to have to lease your computer anon?

>> No.10629046

>more fancy words from a liberal

proving the point you fucking dolt....

>> No.10629056

And worse care: https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/quality-u-s-healthcare-system-compare-countries/#item-mortality-rates-fallen-steadily-u-s-comparable-countries

I’m glad I could educate an ignorant person today!

>> No.10629061

it's amazing how trump supporters view domestic and international policy like it's fucking street fighter 2. stay depressed. stay stressed. stay sad.

>> No.10629066

I had an official IQ test for a job application where i scored 153,

I don't know anyone high IQ that doesn't support him.

I know a lot of people who think they are smart and have naive ideas about feeding all the hungry people in the world and letting everyone into America for a better life who hate him though.

If you don't genuinely understand that america does not have enough wealth to share an american lifestyle with the rest of the world, you are retarded.

>> No.10629068
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Trump wins, and anyone who isn't on his side loses. That's the new game. The unemployment rate is the lowest it's ever been, other nations respect us again and ISIS is basically non existent these days. You retards watch too many movies and fake news, and dont understand that globalist kikes who stand to gain from Americas economy suffering are in control of our media.

Trump is kicking ass, and you're just a loser holding bags.

>> No.10629072
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Government is a necessary evil for very limited roles: defense of the nation and enforcement of rights internally (ie, right to property) are two of those roles.

>> No.10629075

>Not blaming corporate greed

>> No.10629076

i hope you're paid to write this... otherwise it's really fucking sad.

>> No.10629085


Nassim Taleb supports him, and that guy is a literal genius who has made billions as an options trader. Also see Peter thiel, James woods (actual certified genius), Christopher Langan (LITERALLY the highest IQ on earth), etc.

>> No.10629087

You're repeating literal shill talking points and expecting to get traction.

Those aren't real numbers, those aren't really republicans, your narrative is fake and you are fake news.

>> No.10629088

Interesting. I’m just curious. Do you support public education?

>> No.10629089

Guys this is a really stupid argument.

>> No.10629092

Lol. Keep drinking the kool aid, man

>> No.10629102

I'll fucking kill you and everyone who thinks like you if I get the chance, traitor.
>t. drunk but honest

>> No.10629103

>t. 109
How would you even know?

>> No.10629110

Government regulations on healthcare, hospital administration, and health insurance have ballooned costs. Additionally, malpractice insurance plays a part as lawsuits are very common, but are not allowed nearly as much in Europe.

I appreciate you finding a source to back up your claim, but I'm not going to dig deep into that data to figure out exactly what statistical methods they're using and why exactly there's a difference in outcomes. I do know, however, that I don't want to pay more money to get better outcomes nation-wide, and I'll resist it to my death.

>> No.10629115

The last two years have been some of the funniest of my entire life, watching working class conservatives try and justify voting for the man with intense mental gymnastics is hilarious. Nothing funnier than when I hear stories of Trump voters who get cucked by circumstance and reamed even harder because of his policies.

>> No.10629119

Yea this. The man could literally be Satan himself and everyone who voted would vote again (and more) just cuz he is going to war with the SJWs, shadow govt etc
I didn't vote for him first time around (the libertarian yard) but will literally fucking campaign for him ... or die in battle by his side at this point.
Could give two ducks of he wants to wear a suit made out of $100 bills. Starting to think he triggers haters into going insane by acting stupid after he beats them lmao

>> No.10629122

relax i'm not saying you're an idiot.

>> No.10629130

No. Government run schools have been a disaster for education in America. Read John Taylor Gatto. Literacy is down, children are taught obedience and not to be intellectually curious. It's just absolutely terrible.

That's not to say that local communities can't pool together resources and have effective schools (like charter schools). But the scale matters (another Talebism). I think it's not possible to have a good school/school system in anything larger than a small city or large town.

>> No.10629136

you're the patsy my dude...

>> No.10629142

>>Everyone can look like a genius in a bull market, but you can only tell when someone is good when times are tough, and really when they've been through multiple bear markets
Ok, so you think everyone who has done better than Trump just hasn't experienced multiple bear markets, somehow. Even though some of them have been operating just as long or longer.

>> No.10629143

that's bigger rich, not actually wealthy. all of a sudden they have more money than they've ever had and they literally don't know how to spend it fast enough. that's not wealth.

>> No.10629148

I'm saying you are.

>> No.10629159

be well

>> No.10629166

pay less money for better outcomes...

>> No.10629168

I remember when we used to pretend to be retarded for lolz and now we're giving an actual retard nuclear codes because he's "triggering" people lol. I don't get this at all, I live in a conservative community adjacent the most liberal place in the entire world and don't encounter any problems with SJW or the shadow government. Is middle America being forcefully raped by trannies and actually having frogs turn gay?

>> No.10629171

Finland has the highest test scores and they only have public schools..

>> No.10629173

they believe they are despite zero evidence.

>> No.10629177

If you honestly don’t think the government should be responsible for educating its citizens you are insane. There is a reason public education has been seen in nearly every natural society... I swear the libertarian philosophy is so unpractical it is to the point of autism. It just isn’t possible.

>> No.10629178

even singapore, a single party state with incredible education, is laughing at the stupidity of America.

>> No.10629180

Better point, and what I really meant:
Trump is about #20 out of 30 on your graph. Looks below average. My point was, don't be fooled, that's a chart of winners and they're in the top 0.001% of investors/businesspeople. Millions lost everything in the intervening years and went back on salary. Trump didn't, despite some very public mis-steps.

Trump isn't #20 out of 30, he's number 20 out of millions, and he's the number 1 most powerful person in the world today. That's not random. That's nothing to scoff at.

>> No.10629186

wait do you actually believe that Trump is #20 on a list of the wealthiest people in the world?

>> No.10629192

Conservatives are morons. I live in the middle of Denver, a very liberal city. I haven’t even seen a tranny in months..

>> No.10629197
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Guess they just need more public schools in Africa.

>> No.10629207

your blatant racism aside, you are correct. Africa does need better public schools.

>> No.10629211

Is this an argument? Is this what you think an argument looks like?

>> No.10629212

>If you honestly don’t think the government should be responsible for educating its citizens you are insane.
It shouldn't take you more than a moment to see how that completely subverts democracy and will lead to endless government expansion, as did happen historically.

>There is a reason public education has been seen in nearly every natural society... I swear the libertarian philosophy is so unpractical it is to the point of autism. It just isn’t possible.
It worked great in America up until WW1. Seriously do read John Taylor Gatto.

>> No.10629225
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>> No.10629236
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>> No.10629247

That chart doesn't have tons of people on it........

If we take forbes word for it he's #544 on a list of verified wealth, while starting out with an amount of inherited money that would have put him much higher than 544.

As a conservative I don't agree with that statement as a generality, but I will definitely say that all the lower class conservatives or people who complain about SJW, Liberal Media, and any other buzzwords are retarded.

>> No.10629255

So your idea is to reduce the economies of scale provided by one decision maker. And have several small community sized governments in charge of schooling? So there would be no standardization of curriculum or testing?

>> No.10629259

The funny thing is that you simply can't have a debate with a libertarian without them making multiple concessions throughout along the lines of "well ok, THAT govt. program works, ok THAT one works, ok THAT program is fine..." as they eventually realize that things like the USPS are so great that there just isn't room for debate. I see it every time I see a libertarian try to make their case.

Of course, those were actual people with actual faces, here on 4chan "debate" lacks the stark nakedness of a face-to-face conversation due to anonymity, and as a result you get people arguing for insanely goofy shit up to and including monarchy with a "God-appointed" king, slave states, etc. (not making this shit up, I've seen both)

>> No.10629266


>> No.10629267

true not all conservatives. In fact there are many conservative ideas I hold.Let me rephrase.. a huge percentage of enthusiastic trump voters are morons.

>> No.10629273

>while starting out with an amount of inherited money that would have put him much higher than 544.
Wrong. He also didn't "start out" with inherited money, he started developing property on his own (with loans from banks) as part of his father's company (using the name to get his foot in the door).

>> No.10629280


This. I voted for fucking Bernie, and now I'm a hardcore right wing trump supporter shilling the guy enough that half of my friends are starting to come around. Dems are fucked, so is white western civ but were buying time with trump

>> No.10629284

this is wrong

>> No.10629285

Arguing with people with actual faces is worse, because people feel social pressure to stop talking or concede points, rather than focusing on the argument. In person debates often devolve into who can speak louder or in a more dominant way, rather than who has better points.

>> No.10629290

So I'm supposed to get assmad, and completely torpedo my country because some college students believe something stupid?

Who fucking cares?

100% agree

>> No.10629292

stop acting like you weren't always a white supremacist. you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.10629294

I espouse all my ideas in public as well. People don't know what to make of me, especially when I open with
>the right to bear arms includes nuclear weapons and literally any thing or material, including bricks of cocaine, because they can be used as a weapon. The government has no right to regulate with what kind of property someone can own or possess.
Most people stop asking my opinion after a while, or only when they want to hear me say something "outrageous".

>> No.10629298

All the butthurt, deluded replies but you're still right.

>> No.10629303

I got my info from reading Art of the Deal and Trump's wikipedia page, care to enlighten me how exactly I'm wrong and back it up with a source?

>> No.10629309

Confederates lost the civil war and Jesus was a Jew.

>> No.10629316

not the case in my experience, online people feel zero need to ever concede any points because it means nothing to them. At least in real life they have to kinda care a little bit or else they risk offending somebody they talk to.
Because if you notice that the other person doesnt care about anything you say, you will leave.
Online you dont know, they could be laughing and trolling but the text would never show it.

>> No.10629328

Where have you come from? Stick around a little longer and your insanity might start wearing off.

>> No.10629330

>I got my info from reading Art of the Deal and Trump's wikipedia page, care to enlighten me how exactly I'm wrong and back it up with a source?

you already did the research

>> No.10629336

no thanks, i'm not interested in buying any snake oil

>> No.10629340

The point of a debate in my opinion isn't necessarily to get someone to concede points, but rather to convince people observing the discussion that your argument is stronger.

If the other guy is refusing to admit he's wrong when you've made it clear, then people will notice that and it can change their opinions. They could just be trolling, but if your goal is the support your point of view rather than defeating them, it shouldn't make a huge difference.

>> No.10629347

Trump is a literal brainlet who leads a cult of personality. He's destined to fall, it's only a matter of time that his vanity, greed and narcissism catches up to him.
Regardless, after all is said and done he will be forever villifed and remembered as one of the most divisive and destructive presidents in the history of our country.

>> No.10629349

>doesn't even want to make it
Unsurprising that you advocate for politics that takes everyone backwards.

>> No.10629351

Basically this, I see it all the time, too. People are little cocksuckers (one of the few places the "both sides" cop-out is actually the case) when they're in their in-group or talking to just their audience, but in a face-to-face debate, there's an expectiation of cordiality and ideas are actually scrutinized (civilly) so both parties are basically, you know, actually tolerable.

>> No.10629352

They think you're stupid, man.

>> No.10629358

now these worthless liberals are on 4chan repeating their copy paste opinions, holy shit why cant these people just fuck off

>> No.10629367
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Imagine having a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome this bad. Thank god we live in a republic and these people don't have any real political power.

>> No.10629374

There's definitely some advantages to having a face-to-face debate, I just don't think it's the best way to arrive at the truth compared to writing. It's too easy for someone to forget something on the spot, or word things poorly, etc. Someone might be totally correct, but a skilled public debater could put them on the spot and embarrass them despite being factually wrong.

>> No.10629380

Yeah I'm glad democrats never win elections due to their lack of political power, long may it be so brother. Semper fi.

>> No.10629391

pot --> kettle --> black . --> etc

>> No.10629393

Ideally, every idea put forth would be analyzed based on available data but we both know that doesn't happen in a debate of any kind.

>> No.10629397

Moron, Arnold was lifting more at 16 years old naturally than you will ever lift with roids

>> No.10629399

The real derangement is infantile minded individuals like yourself with zero self awareness, zero ability to be skeptical of anything Trump says or does, and zero ability to criticize Trump when criticism is due. You're in a cult, I understand it's hard to see this when you're so invested in it, but if you dared to challenge your own cognitive biases it would be plain to see how wrapped up you are in it.
Trumplets have long left the realm of rational discussion and polite discord, I really wish you guys would come back into the fold, but you're too far gone into the madness and insanity of ultra-partisan politics fueled entirely by shitty memes and cognitive dissonance.

>> No.10629401

Jesus Christ, stop taking this obvious bait

>> No.10629403

Their opinions don't matter because I'm richer than them and I'm "in the club" (upper management). They're basically forced to interact with me at this point.

Would you rather reach a consensus where everyone is happy and you sing kumbayah, but your conclusion is wrong, or would you rather have endless flamewars and gorespam, but your conclusion winds up being as close to correct as possible because literally every possible counterargument has been thrown at it?

Cordiality is overrated. Civility has its place, but not where results matter.

>> No.10629413

True. I've been interested in researching the ideal way to handle arguments. Reading about dialectics seems like a good start.

>> No.10629427

> Someone might be totally correct, but a skilled public debater could put them on the spot and embarrass them despite being factually wrong.

except this happens way worse online when people are downvoted, yes even on 4chan downvoting exists when retards just post negative responses without any argument attached

>> No.10629428
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We're all gonna make it, brother.

Wew lad, I definitely have some criticisms of Trump, but they're not the same criticisms you have.

>> No.10629429

Also I've been here for like 12 years now. Doubt most Trump supporters here can say that, yet I still get called a shill daily for simply expressing my opinion that dares stray from the circle-jerk of Trumplet newfags that started posting in 2015. The sad thing I've watched the Trump cult turn more and more insane as time has gone by. It started off mostly as ironic shitposting as most things do, and it was fun watching Trump make people butthurt and I laughed along with everyone else, because I never thought how damaging it would truly be if this idiot was elected president, and he was and I regret all of that stupid shitposting. The night the election was over I was gloating and laughing at all the shillary supporters crying, then I tried to fall asleep and realized that this guy literally is in almost complete opposition to every single political stance I have outside of a bare few, and that he's incredibly uneducated, uninformed and out of touch with the issues that mattered the most to me, such as science education, space exploration and climate science.

He's a disaster of a president, you could write volumes of books explaining how destructive his policies are in the long term, especially his environmental policies and the people he has appointed to head scientific positions in the federal government.

>> No.10629442

I'll be glad to see you gone. This crash has been improving things here dramatically. I just want to know what exactly you're doing here?

>> No.10629450

Waste of time and serious risk of becoming a marxist after Hegel confuses the shit out of you.
Better idea: realize that political arguments don't matter, and don't argue about things that do matter. Simply act. That is, unless like me you take pleasure in meaningless arguments.

If you still insist on learning to convince people of things, read Carnegie's How To Win Friends and Influence People. It works.

>> No.10629456

Yeah, you're right. 4chan definitely isn't ideal in that regard. Though I would say there's less consequence here than other places. You can ignore negative responses, compared to reddit where your post is hidden (though they can drown your post with inane replies).

>> No.10629457

That's not down voting. (you)s are attention while down votes get you buried.

>> No.10629459

>Would you rather reach a consensus where everyone is happy and you sing kumbayah, but your conclusion is wrong, or would you rather have endless flamewars and gorespam, but your conclusion winds up being as close to correct as possible because literally every possible counterargument has been thrown at it?
You know damn well that we've never had either.

>> No.10629460

>yes even on 4chan downvoting exists when retards just post negative responses without any argument attached
Wrong, go back to r*ddit. How do you not understand the (You) economy?

>> No.10629471
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Thanks fren, I'll check it out. I'm less interested in convincing people than I am in logically establishing truth, but persuasion is always a useful thing to learn.

>> No.10629478

well for your sake I hope that you are trolling because these inane contentless self aggrandizing posts are weird

>> No.10629483

What's he done with "science education"? Curriculums are set at the state level.
We're getting space exploration and even a space force, quit whining.
Climate science is mostly charlatanism, sorry you never dug deep enough into the data to realize that. Plus pollution is going down anyway due to growth in renewables (mainly driven by free market) and technological developments (for example, Tesla electric cars).

>> No.10629503

t: Steve Bannon

>> No.10629508

It's epistemically impossible to logically establish truth. Watch the Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris videos to see the argument in real time, or read Taleb's Incerto for the mathematical proof that you can't use logic to determine reality (particularly The Black Swan).

The best you can do is kind of figure out what's going on right here and now, and then position yourself to minimize your exposure to negative tail risks and maximize your exposure to positive tail opportunities. It matters much less how the world actually is than how the world affects you.

>> No.10629519

>taking epistemology serious

shiggydiggy mah niggy

>> No.10629525

mate do not go down that route, it is never gonna happen.
There is never enough truth to convince somebody, ever. You are not perfect, you will not have perfect knowledge on anything.
One bit of extra information could flip your entire worldview. You are considering making a hobby or even a life path out of something that is fragile and worthless.
Here is how you convince people:
1. be more successful than them

I fell for the debate meme when I was young and it ruined my life, what an utterly worthless activity.

>> No.10629540

We can establish some truths though, right? To use a trite example, 1+1=2. At the very least you can prove that some arguments are more rational than others.

I'll take a look at those, you've made me curious at any rate.

>> No.10629542

Have fun wasting time on post-mondernist nonsense, then. I'll be enjoying my lambo signed by Taleb.

>I fell for the debate meme when I was young and it ruined my life, what an utterly worthless activity.
It's okay, you're with friends now. Just don't forget, you're here forever. This is your home now.

>> No.10629566

Envy truly is the most horrible beast of them all.

>> No.10629576

You're probably right. It's more about satisfying my own curiosity than any practical goal. In the end, success is the most reliable way to convince people. It's shocking how much people's attitudes towards you can change after telling them you've made it.

>> No.10629577

Formal logic and math work, but only in the realms of logic and math. The real world is not nearly so amenable to logic. In fact the reason the scientific revolution even happened is because people threw out Aristotelian logic and started just experimenting with shit and deriving rules from the evidence, rather than trying to logic everything out from axioms.

>> No.10629690
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>SJW faggots
this is actually true

Thank you Trump!

>> No.10629866

The story I've heard is that Trump and his father were always treated as uncouth, new money, slobs from Queens by the rich Manhattan old money. So instead of trying to fit in Trump played it up to an extreme as massive fuck you to the upper crust assholes who treated him like dirt. He plays a character, "Donny from Queens". Flamboyant, arrogant, flaunts his money constantly with oversized suits, ties, and personality. A lot of his motivation for things he does seems to be revenge and pissing people off.

>> No.10629900

Aren't a lot of us pouring money into crypto while suriviving off oatmeal and beans?

>> No.10629924

do you think he lets his daughter suck dick?

>> No.10629931
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Damn, I wonder how much is in that safe

>> No.10629942

Can't wait for him to bankrupt America and exit scam when he realizes nobody will bail him out this time

>> No.10630011

america was already bankrupt long before he got in.

>> No.10630086


because he's not a billionaire

>> No.10630170


I will conceed that he doesn't seem to give a fuck about the environment, but none of that will matter if the USA gets completely overrun by Mexcians anyway

>> No.10630182
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The fucking delusional faggot
Trump IS the kike

>> No.10630186

It's like attracting girls with money. A billionaire who looks and lives like the average /r9k/ poster still isn't going ot have a lot of women. Meanwhile a millionaire who drives a royce, wears expensive clothes, and flaunts himself is going to attract more women. Trump is doing this, but instead of attracting women he's attracting fame. His whole shtick is being famous because he's rich. If he didn't flaunt it then no one would know who he was.

>> No.10630343

reminder that he was bailed out of his failures by the Rothschilds

>Ross, then an investment banker working for Rothschild Inc., helped bondholders negotiate with Trump, whose finances were unraveling. The final deal reduced Trump's ownership stake in the Taj but left him in charge, and bondholders were unhappy when Ross presented the plan.

>> No.10630456

t. thinks 110-120 is "high iq"

>> No.10630518

because he's not a billionaire brainlet

trump is literally like a nigger whose throwing around fake cash in his rap video

>> No.10630599

He's higher up than Obama during the same moment in his first term, and has the third highest in-party approval of ANY Republican President. As long the economy goes well, and he doesn't get in any wars, he will easily have two terms and two more Supreme Court picks.

>> No.10630669

Because he's not actually rich. No one with actual money does shit like this. Also, he's shallow and stupid. He's completely embarrassed the US. If we fuck up again and elect some clown after him, the US is unironically over.

>> No.10630679

Hahaha. Delusional. I'd bet my right fucking arm this retard has no chance at a second term.

>> No.10630691

so do it then, talk is cheap. go on a betting site and bet against Trump

>> No.10630741

Please bet your life savings on Trump not winning a second term :)

>> No.10630770

I frankly don't see anyone decent the Dems can run against them. Watch as they try running Clinton again despite being responsible for the biggest choke in American political history.

>> No.10630774

This do you know how many rap songs had niggers talking about being the hood Donald trump? There was literally a ray schramud or whatever those bogs names are song called “up like Donald trump”. Should be a huge eye opener to how retarded people are and how they will blindly follow whatever the electric Jew tells them.

>> No.10631427

Already have. Unless Russia helps this fuck out again, he has no chance.

>> No.10631438

Because he makes money off of his image

>> No.10631474

Jealousy really destroys a person. Just look at this sad shell of his former self. He's still rich as fuck, and president, and here you are... with $10 in your bank account. Free yourself, forget about people who are more successful than you, and just be happy...

>> No.10631490

I'm not going to disagree with you here. The Dems are fucking disaster and embarrassment as well. Trump is running the country like any of his many failed businesses (what a surprise btw), but has alienated so many people other than his stupid, poor, white racist voters that he has no chance. Idk what the dems will do. If they trot Hillary out there again, they will lose. I hope they aren't that dumb, but might be.

At this point, after picking the guy from the Apprentice to lead the free world, we just can't fuck up again. I don't give a fuck if it's a dem or repub, they just can't be a dumb piece of shit like Trump.

>> No.10631509


amen - need to stop this shitshow

>> No.10631618


>> No.10631648


kek, why the fuck would someone care about negative responses on an anon board?

Its good to consider other views, but have some god damn confidence in your beliefs and change because of adequate evidence - not because some neet basement dweller says 'your a low iq faggot'. Otherwise your opinion didn't matter much in the first place.

>> No.10631715

Only on the crumbling flyover coast and in cancerous, parasite-riddled cities.

>> No.10631969

Trump carries big dick energy with him. All the other famous billionaires (Gates, Zuck) are low test beta tech nerds

>> No.10631994

I'm applying to be a 4chan Janitor .

>> No.10632018


Majority doesn't mean anything when millions of illegals vote

>> No.10632032

Uh huh, i'd like to see the net worth comparison to see how well that 'big dick energy' compares to the low test beta tech nerds.

>> No.10632047

Oh, and bluster + lies about net worth don't count.

>> No.10632253
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