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File: 554 KB, 1080x1251, Screenshot_20180809-222004~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10627359 No.10627359 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10627375
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>> No.10627377
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>> No.10627390

>sell your bags, goy

>> No.10627403
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p-please sell, g-goy

>> No.10627404

They don't know shit. The actual probability that it goes to zero is 100%

>> No.10627406

"YALE" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. A socialist spawn pool gtfo OP.

>> No.10627407
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Evrything checks friendo

>> No.10627424

Not going to be worthless until we stop using it. Then bitcoin will always have value as a novelty. "Historically significant" blockchain.

>> No.10627429
File: 139 KB, 1080x462, Screenshot_20180809-232555_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. SELL

>> No.10627490

Freaking bookworm wants to chew on our juicy apple.

>> No.10627601
File: 158 KB, 727x560, wojak nasim gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit some guy said

>> No.10627633

how dumb are all of you fucks...assuming this Yale crackpot knows anything about anything (unsafe assumption), if the market is anywhere near efficient than the risk refelcted in the price and if BTC "makes it" it will appreciate hugely in value

>> No.10627808
File: 333 KB, 835x773, 42372358644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude markets are efficient, get the fuck in your in cubicle and work you piece of shit, trading is evil and even if you did trade and were successful, it doesn't provide any economic value like working in a factory or sending emails...I mean...Markets are NOT efficient, sell your worthless crypto right now you goyim scum!

>> No.10627830

Wrong, there will always be a float price whether that be in a private transaction or on an exchange. Therefore, unless all bitcoins are lost, the price can literally not hit zero.

>> No.10627854

Is this Wojill?

>> No.10627892
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>> No.10628323


>> No.10628351

Bitcoin will NEVER go back to ZERO

>> No.10628467
File: 40 KB, 745x151, Screenshot_20180810-133030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Common mud name
Trusting a literal mudnigger article.

>> No.10628495


wtf is that pile of crap?
the"author" is either a paid shill or he's incredibly stupid LMAO

>> No.10628649
File: 87 KB, 600x440, s5IoOl8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggots from ivy league unis have been yapping about worthless bitcoin for years now. quote in pic related was made in 2012.

>> No.10628658


Oh, so it's a jewish diversity xer.

>> No.10629149
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get off my board

>> No.10629174
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>> No.10629485

Why do we even listen to teachers? The existence of their profession relies on them unable to expand on their supposed profession.

>> No.10629521

there is always a place for experts, they have value in their knowledge and the dissemination of it. unfortunately they are also the barrier to growth as the investment of time, reputation, and theoretical contribution they have provided prevents new ideas to take root. oftentimes a generation needs to die off to truly progress. he is no different.

>> No.10630671

nah, things like math, physics, biology, etc. are fine, since they are real sciences. teachers and "experts" impede progress in areas that are not sciences, like literature, econ, entrepreneurship, etc. those faggots need to stop being leeches and gtfo

>> No.10630678

imagine being taught by this person, now you realize most of what you learnt is fucking useless

>> No.10630736
File: 28 KB, 326x326, y0lIRfi-_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for checking out my article! Please reach out if you have any comments or concerns.

>> No.10630747
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Entropy favours the bears

>> No.10630748

Even bitconnect is still $1 and it does nothing

>> No.10630834


Its blessed Nasim, may she rest in Valhalla, you culturally iliterate barbarian Hivite.

>> No.10630853

He's right though about bitcoin.
It's not a currency, it will never have widespread adoption. It's a commodity that currently lacks regulatory control beyond the market

>> No.10630867

He's right though about the internet.
It's just a bunch of hypertext markup, it will never have widespread adoption. It's a network that currently lacks regulatory control beyond the market

>> No.10630868
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>> No.10630875

>the only moral action is the minimization of entropy

You know what you got to do

>> No.10630921

idk, nigger, i bought some acid, shrooms, misc electronics and sold my car with btc.
sounds like a functioning currency to me.

>> No.10630981

CNBC isn't as bias as CNN, and are actually good for business news.

>> No.10632473

and that's a good thing

>> No.10632513

Long BTC, short Yale

>> No.10632776


add this to the list lmao

classic nocoiner cope

>> No.10632814

Did anyone actually read the fucking article?

2 Yale jews say that bitcoing has a .4% chance of going to zero.


You know what the chance of USD going to zero is? 100% once the chink wars begin and we lose because niggers outbred us and spics moved mexico into the US

>> No.10632934

Markets being efficient doesn’t mean bubbles based on hype don’t exist.

>> No.10632991

And when you buy 1000 internets you will get JUSTED

>> No.10633027

That’s 40%

>> No.10633037


I don't particularly like Bitcoin, or think it's very good, but these articles get so fucking boring

>> No.10633119

holy shit you dumb nigger.

.4 is 40% of 1 which is why you're referring to.

When the percentage sign is used, it's a percentage. Therefore .4% means .4 of 1%

>> No.10633146

no its 80% because two said it are you dumb

>> No.10633152
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"i can just use my credit card"

how will bitcoiners ever recover from this insult

>> No.10633225

>Yale economist
>20 years from now
>millions of people will have amassed enormous amounts of personal wealth
>Yale economist will still be...
>a Yale economist
See the problem here?