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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10625345 No.10625345 [Reply] [Original]


These are super addicting and very entertainjng to watch
Unironically the police don't suck for police shootings, but because they actually violate your most basic rights.

1st Amendment audits are auditors taking video of courthouses, police stations, post offices, military installations from public sidewalks... and they show how the police are really like nazis who in many cases don't respect your 1st amendment rights.

HIGH DESERT COMMUNITY WATCH is the best at this because he gives them shit back whereas some auditors are meek.

He has hundreds of these videos.

News now Houston is another good one.

>> No.10625362

Then you sue the govt. like a lot of these guys do....

Here is a military guy physically attacking a auditor who won a settlement


>> No.10625374

And here is the FBI going hands on on News Now Houston for simply taking pics of FBI building on a publi sidewalk gathering matters of interest for the public.


>> No.10625400
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As a Link marine with over 40k Link..... I will be devoting 100% of my time to doing this for free after the singularity hits.

And will be donating any settlements won to No-Linkers

>> No.10625441

Lmao what a goofball

>> No.10625461

Hrs probably the best. He doesn't give shit back... but runs circles around them

>> No.10625466

The best one is in the original post that I made at the very top.

DEA agents literally slapping and punching citizens in the street simply minding their own business and taking pics

>> No.10625493

america is fucked

>> No.10625504

They are literal nazis....

Almost all of them are really good. Where they ask for you ID... even though you haven't committed a crime and some of them escalate and are funny.

News now Houston

High desert community watch

News now Patrick

And James Freeman.

All great auditors

>> No.10625516

Here is James freeman....

Simply taking pics inside the post office minding his own business and a gorilla female customer goes ape shit on him


>> No.10625531

And here is another of the US marshals going apeshit at him filming a building from a public sidewalk in Houston


>> No.10626116


>> No.10626130

This is truely business and finance

>> No.10626511

Hey op fuck off you retarded faggot.

>> No.10626525

You sound retarded.

>> No.10626545

A lot of these seem to happen in Texas.

>> No.10627094


>> No.10627204
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holy shit he gets frisked the first time, then he goes back with a fucking gun? this guy is a legend

>> No.10627232

I actually watch these aswell.. i like newsnowhouston.. jc playford also has some good stuff too.

>> No.10627521

I can't watch this for longer than a minute, I wish faggots like this would unironically get shot, fucking parasitic trash looking for handouts.

>> No.10627742

The video wasn't what I had expected. The "free press" reporter was just a douche who tried escalate the situation.

>> No.10627815
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the absolute state of burgers. do you guys get off over seeing shocking abuse of authority?

>> No.10627910

these are fucking pigs working this board
>these are not Americans, rather some shitty traitors with badges and history of school/home abuse in the past

>> No.10627912

Kek, yes I actually love seeing degenerates being culled by our personal Gestapo.
>inb4 just wait till you're on the other end
I'm not a nigger or white trash, I've never even been pulled over by a cop.

>> No.10627991

Where? You need to watch more

>> No.10628018

You are an idiot they are literally just filming and the fat guy walks up to him and gets in his face as if it's any of this business what a guy is doing on a sidewalkZ

Then the other guy literally starts hitting them!

You are retarded

>> No.10628125

Hey fuck you too, you're also a retarded faggot. I'm not a burger.

>> No.10628147
File: 363 KB, 921x922, neet money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10628149

id changed >>10626511