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10624796 No.10624796 [Reply] [Original]

Good goy ^_^

>> No.10624816


good, plenty of people left to work our fields.

>> No.10624826
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Well see about that

>> No.10624831

We don't want them to invest now. They have to fomo in at the top of the asset bubble. That's how we know it's time to sell again

>> No.10624844

So 59% will? The normie money is coming boys

>> No.10624851

I’m sure plenty of people thought they would never need to use the Internet as well. Normies are stagnant retards who never expect things to change.

>> No.10624859

Dummies. I’ll be laughing once the value of bitcoin and lite coin go back up and skyrocket!

>> No.10624860

> 59% americans will invest in cryptocurrencies
since when are juice so weak at manipulating and shilling through media?
wtf is this... make for once a proper fud
I want to buy at $2000 and these fuckers are unironically unable to tank it

>> No.10624861

Yes but only after it goes up 200% from 20k

>> No.10624862

> tfw when we thought we were libertarians overthrowing the finance system with our shitcoins but the boomers who have more wisdom than us were right all along in putting their money in stocks with actual companies that make actual money

>> No.10624874


>> No.10624891

>actual companies that make actual money
>apple worth $1T
>vast majority of revenue derived from a single yearly release consumer electronic device that holds 19% of market share
>EPS thru the floor
>price held up by $1T worth of speculative purchase

>> No.10624894

How many Americans invest in Stocks?

>> No.10624904

Most people live on the edge of financial ruin and have something like less then a grand in their bank account. Of course they will never invest in crypto, but they'll be paid in it once it becomes the standard. 300k sats will be more than most peoples life's savings in a decade or two.

>> No.10624908

Like none of them. Investments are a meme.

>> No.10624925

So 59% will and the rest will probably change their mind or not have a choice because they will have to switch over to digital currencies.

>> No.10624933

apple is proof you really can re-sell chink shit for a markup if you put it in a nice box

>> No.10624934

yeah because Americans are retarded

>> No.10624950


The funny thing is when I first saw this post I got scared. Then after more thinking this is the most retarded headline I have actually ever read.

Of what? I'm sure they surveyed every American.

> won't EVER
Such just a wrong statement. That would be like asking people in 1999 if you would own a computer.

>> No.10624960

Wtf are you talking about ,pajeet?

>> No.10624965

Obviously not. That number is actually pretty low imo. Just think about how many Americans don’t even know how to invest in stocks? They rely on their employers or mutual funds. Once more ETFs and easier ways to purchase come around crypto will explode

>> No.10624976

Here's the article I should have linked it:

>> No.10624982

I mean if that's your business model more power to you. Still not worth $1T tho

>> No.10625227
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>mfw when theres millions of shitskins, niggers, and mehicanos walking around
>they have no clue what "blockchain" is
>they will probably die not knowing what a smart contract is
>they will just continue popping babies and towing their shopping carts around the laundromats

>> No.10626199

Females will never invest in Bitcoin and complain later about bitcoin gender inequality. They are more emotional than men regardless, let the men set the way for them, so they can follow like the bitches they are.

>> No.10626212


>> No.10626248

How many hamburgers are invested into stocks currently? I bet less than 5% of murica.

Fucken bum ass cucks.

>> No.10626267

It’s not called “investing” when your salary is paid in crypto

>> No.10626270


>> No.10626292



'speculate' would be the right word

>> No.10626296
File: 19 KB, 575x332, Hono_Tsunami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll all use XRP without knowing it everytime they spend and transfer their fiat cuck bux. All your boomers are belong to us.

>> No.10626311


less than 5% of the world population
fuck em

>> No.10626316

How many were polled?

>> No.10626866

can use them as fertilizer too, but then maybe the vegetables will have diseases

>> No.10626889

wait until Conventment comes around.

they won't need to invest since they'll be using the tech kek

>> No.10626998

All investment is speculation, saving money in the bank is speculation.

>> No.10627343

The rest of the world knows my fellow citizens are dumb and obese. Is it so shocking? 41% are largely mutt mutants who shart in Walmart.

>> No.10627368


>> No.10627427
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>> No.10627459

41% of Americans will FOMO hard into cryptocurrencies

>> No.10627494

I imagine those people don't fuck with stocks either. Who cares?

>> No.10627501

So secy

>> No.10627528

next run is gonna be glorious

the norms are gonna be complete disbelievers until 15k, peeking at 20k, getting trigger happy at 25k, and finally starting to bum rush at 30

we going to 60k+ in 6 months

>> No.10627561

these are the same 41% that just listen to retarded bankers and financial advisors

>buy snap IPO, great investment millennials love it - its the next google all the young kids use it just like when google first came out

my financial advisor before i dumped him. i asked him how would snap go about becoming profitable without alienating their users? u either force ads to not be able to be skipped which people would hate and you lose users or you keep ads skippable and never earn any real revenue to be profitable

learned to do things myself because those retards spoonfeed the masses even dumber shit

>> No.10627736

99.99% of Americans didn’t take that study.

>> No.10627776

>retarded bankers and financial advisors
>the ones who are actually successful are more retarded than the neets investing in internet monopoly money

cryptocurrency itself is worthless, the only thing that will be left when the bubble pops is blockchain technology

>> No.10627792

And your crypto capital gains will pay their diversity subsidies lmao

>> No.10627865


>cryptocurrency itself is worthless, the only thing that will be left when the bubble pops is blockchain technology

>muh blockhain good cryptocurrency bad

It's literally the other way around. People who say shit like that don't even understand the basics of the tech. Blockchain itself is basically useless without the cryptocurrency attached to it since it's the currency that makes decentralization possible.

You propably think centralized private blockchains are a good idea too right?

>> No.10627896

FOMO gets everyone in the end.

During the december bull run, I had my grandma who swore up and down that bitcoin was a ponzi that she wanted in. She didn't care if it was a literal ponzi, she wanted a piece of the action and felt like it would just keep going up in value.

So to all those 41% of Americans who would never invest, tell me you won't when you see new highs being broken constantly day after day. With 100 dollar moves every hour. Tell me you still wouldn't invest then and I'll give you $1,000 upfront.

>> No.10627905

Blockchains are ENTIRELY useless without attached currencies. For a blockchain to be secured by an external factor requires an oracle (trust), which defeats hte purpose of a blockchain. So you have to have an internal token issuance with value (currency) or you don't have an actual blockchain worth a fuck.

>muh private blockchain

folks are incomprehensibly retarded, as you say.

>> No.10627911

Explain to me what blockchain does without a crypto? Why cant a permissioned database be used? Imagine talking about something with this little knowledge. Found the nigger.

>> No.10627953

I noticed it before and during that time. Said it was a fad and put my money in stocks. Still don't see the point of this shit

>> No.10627955


Even Bill Gates unironically used the "blockchain good cryptocurrency bad" argument. He literally doesn't get it. Let that sink in. Almost no one even understand the basics of how this shit works yet they're FUD:ing it all day every day.

>> No.10628798

i would bet the percentage would be way higher if you asked if they would ever use linux. i would wager way over 90% would say that they won't ever use it.
guess what, everybody fucking uses linux without even knowing about it. your android phone? linux. your mac and iphone? a modified version of linux. your xbox, ps, smarttv? linux. basically every single server in the world? linux.
i expect something similar to happen with ccs. majority of people won't even know wtf they are, even less of them will know how blockchain works, but they will all be using it behind several layers of abstraction.

>> No.10628877
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>> No.10628987

A private blockchain is a permissioned or clustered database that is replicated amongst all servers (peers). It has its uses, but obviously is not decentralized. A supply chain blockchain solution, for example, could be a permissioned (consortium) blockchain that a company runs for themselves. They don’t need a cryptocurrency in this case, and it doesn’t need to be decentralized. The consensus doesn’t matter, either - you could literally use hyperledger Kafka or PoET for this.

>> No.10629276

you are retatded a private internal blockchain makes absolutely bo sense. blockchain is by nature a distributed ledger a way to sort out transaction order and balances in a decentralizdd way. if you would centralize it you can use better simpler cheaper techniques.

>> No.10629282

and you all thought you were early adopters? 41% of americans dont invest in the stock market either.

a bunch of worthless altcoins only good for speculating with are never going to go anywhere.

>> No.10629301

you guys act like this is a high number but i am sure that a similar percentage would say the same about stocks. most of the people i talk to say that stocks are "gambling".

>> No.10629313

Permissioned ledgers are used when a group doesn't trust any individual party in particular to maintain the ledger, but trusts that the group as a whole doesn't have so many bad actors that they can manipulate the ledger and defraud the other members of the group

>> No.10629324

Well americans are fucking dumb as fuck most of them think europe is a country

>> No.10629731

>when the dunning-kruger hits hard
you don't need to poll even 1% of the population to have a representative sample size
what should have alerted you is the number itself. 41% won't means 59% will, which is enormous positive sentiment for a speculative investment

>> No.10629766

its doesnt mean they will, just might

>> No.10629820

Americans are the scum of the earth, desu.

>> No.10629896

Pajeets are 80% in on crypto. Clearly that means 41% Americans are smarter than you retards on /biz/

>> No.10629966


Like the majority here did u mean?

>> No.10630373

just wait for the next bull run every retard will try to get in just like in 2017