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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 278x278, Sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10622326 No.10622326 [Reply] [Original]

That's fucking funny because I also had a similar experience with this asshole. I saw Sergey at a Second hand store Moscow yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, Cyka blyet, mudila?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like eleven Flannel shirts and two additional flannel shirts in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter although he managed to unnoticeably stuff few flannel shirts in his pants.

When she took one of the flannel shirts and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and angrily told her that he was horny and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think Chainlinks oracles are working anyway. After she scanned each flannel shirt and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly and asking if it's possible to pay in the "new disruptive technology called Link".

>> No.10622335

My dad works at Swift, and he had Sergey over for dinner once. Sergey showed up with his own bag of Big Macs, and loudly yawned every time my parents offered him some of the food my mom spent an hour cooking. Then he asked to be excused to the restroom. About 45 minutes later we knocked to see if anything was wrong, no answer, so we opened the door and found that the toilet was clogged and Sergey had escaped through the window. The window was broken though because he had to wiggle and squeeze his fat body through it

>> No.10622359

My dad works at PwC France and he's never heard of "Request Network"
His boss gets weird emails with pictures of monkeys eating cheese though from some IP in Asia though

>> No.10622439
File: 279 KB, 1164x1048, 1526386228533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Sergey alright!

>> No.10622621

Jason Parser? He’s Rory’s dad. He’s got a problem with Sergey because when Rory and Sergey were friends when they were younger, Sergey used to raid the cupboards and eat everything in the house. It cost Jason Parser a lot of money to replace all the food Sergey used to eat. The final straw was when Sergey was staying at Rory’s one night and stole his car when they were 15 to sneak out to a McDonald’s drivethru. Rory’s dad Jason thinks Sergey is a bad influence on his son and does anything he can to stop them being friends or working together. Why do you think we haven’t heard from Sergey in so long? Jason Parser has been staying with Rory and Sergey has been in hiding shitting his pants.

>> No.10622648


>> No.10622672
File: 160 KB, 393x393, 1517484799338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are going to call us lucky. They are going to say there is no way we knew how big it would be. Unfortunately, many are going to sell at $10, $50, $100. To those that don't, the world is yours.

We saw the potential. We dealt with the fud. We deserve what is coming. There is no crypto project that comes close. We are in this together and we will make it.

>> No.10623523


>> No.10623562

Top fucking lol

>> No.10623580


>> No.10623670

Sergey has ruined my family. Last summer, I approached the miserable fat fuck in the street, and asked him for his autograph, because my son is a huge fan. The fucking guy gave me the autograph and told me to burn in hell. Later, when I gave my son the autograph he started crying and said he hated me. Turns out the motherfucker didnt write his autograph, no, he wrote “you’re a piece of shit, and i fucked your mom". I’m now divorced, and planning a huge class-action lawsuit against the extra large devil that ruined my life. Your time is almost over, Sergey. All the people you’ve wronged will rise against you.

>> No.10623793

So today, for the first time, my little toddler finally counted to ten. Everyone was celebrating, saying how proud they are in my kid, and then Sergey Nazarov kicks open the door. "Oh you think it's impressive that they can count to ten? I can count to three hundred fifty million." and then proceeded, in my living room for the next two weeks, to count to three hundred fifty million. He then said "yep, another libtard destroyed" and then curbstomped my kid.

>> No.10623912

holy kek please make more

>> No.10623989

Ahh remember when we made these types of threads for Vechain at the height of the China hustle? This is a good key indicator, don't even have to look at charts. Yeah just market sold half my link.

>> No.10624339

I went to the same high school as Sergey Nazarov, I was two years below him and he was the same little faggot back then as he is now. There were a few incidents I remember. Once he hooked up with Fat Kylie during a school excursion at the museum, he licked her out in the bathroom AND she pissed all over him (lol).
He also paid $5 for a handjob on the school bus from a Jewish 7th grade girl (he was a sophomore at the time). She took pics of his dick then told everyone how he had a really small (tiny) limp cock. The girls in my year photocopied the pictures and stuck them up all around the school and changed the computer lab screensavers to pics of his dick. He got suspended for the bus thing for 2 weeks and when he came back everyone would wave their pinky finger at him in the cafeteria. One morning he even cried and ran off because of it and his group of bitches had to go and console him (poor babby). The guy is a total dickwad and fucking loser.
Oh, last two things were rumours but probably true knowing the type of fag he is. First, he got his family's dog to lick dog food off his dick and balls in front of his friends at a sleepover. He also jerked off in front of them out the front of his house under a lamppost (gay). Second was he hurt his dick when he stuck it down the vacuum cleaner hose to the point it was bleeding. His mom found him and had to take him to the ER.
It's good to see he hasn't changed at all and is still a dumb, tryhard little fag.

>> No.10624441

I met Sergey once (no larp) at a talk on emerging blockchain technology back in 2013. He sat at the back with his feet on the seats. The speaker was very polite, and there were a few people trying to listen but Sergey was talking loudly into a headset and microphone the whole time, he was shouting things like "Do you know who I am, I am going to have you fired, it's spelled N A Z A R O V, that's a VEE for Victory not a EN for END OF YOUR CAREER". Someone asked him to keep it down and he just sighed and said "I am rewriting the rules of financial markets, you wouldn't ask Michaelangelo to stop painting the Pristine Chapel roof?" (I know, but yes he said pristine). Then his phone started ringing while he was "talking" and he turned red and ran out of there really quick. I never saw him again until /biz/ picked up on LINK

>> No.10625264

I remember my first time meeting Sergey like it was yesterday. I was in New York at a toilet room pissing into a pisoar when Sergey entered the room. Even though there were at least 20 other pisoars that were empty, Sergey went and stood right next to me. I was a little bit scared but I knew who he was so I tolerated it, big mistake. He started staring at my penis without even whipping out his own, he just stood there watching me. It made me visibly uncomfortable so I stepped to the pisoar next to me but Sergey followed. Finally after I was done pissing and tried to walk out he shoved me really aggresively and told me "that's quite a stream you have there". I was in utter shock and couldn't talk or move. He was looking me in the eyes for the next 30 seconds or so while licking his lips really aggresively and breathing super heavily, I almost thought he will get a heart attack soon. He pushed me one last time and then just walked out. I never saw him after that. Interesting guy for sure.