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10620352 No.10620352 [Reply] [Original]

Lunch edition.
>Only one day left (after this one) until the weekend!

>> No.10621302
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did you cook that yourself?
how much did it cost?
what are the ingredients?
how much do you make a month after taxes (not expenses or bills)?
what's your job title?

>> No.10621361

I had eggs and coffee for lunch

>> No.10621380

just eggs? nothing else? were they scrambled, sunny side up, poached or boiled?

>> No.10621394

Scrambled with some pepper

>> No.10621410
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Annie Chuns?

>> No.10621411

Sup guys. Just finished my apple. Gonna chew some gum that's supposed to make your teeth whiter. Nothing like the mid workday gum

>> No.10621433

how did you make your coffee? any spices or flavorings? milk? creamer? skim or whole?

just a plate of scrambled eggs with some coffee? how many eggs? no salt?
nice anon, what did you have for breakfast?

>> No.10621449

Same thing every day: frozen burrito smothered in tobasco. I normally have orange juice with it, but I'm out, so I just put a vitamin C effervescent tablet in a cup of water

>> No.10621456

NEET here, eating pepes(best fast food ever) while checking out my stripper girlfriends ass, she just gave me 3000 bongpounds for a tattoo

True NEETs really are a chosen people

>> No.10621464

2 splenda packets

>> No.10621479
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My day's experience:

> Sit in office tapping out stuff all day, making a couple of hour's worth of work last 8 hours
> Not talk to anybody really because they're not doing anything interesting as such.
> Get up to see a leaving presentation of somebody. Don't know them much, just clap and walk back to the desk.
> On way back, a colleague is following me.
> We approach a door with its handle on my side. I try pulling. It doesn't move. I push the door and it opens.
> Colleague: "Ha, it's caught you out again, anon!"
> Me: "Heheheh, yeah, every time!"

Everything in life is just a script, isn't it.

>> No.10621493

chiken + rice

>> No.10621522

stop using that artificial crap anon, just stick with regular sugar if you have to

>> No.10621543
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>had a muffin and black coffee for breakfast
>checked my stocks and cryptos, JUSTed as usual
>havent done any work cuz my boss is gone until teusday, ive been here for over 3 hours
>just shitposting on /biz/
>just another day

>> No.10621545

Regular sugar in comparison to artificial sweetners is way worse in terms of glycemic spikes. Splenda is the worst sweetner, but the only one they have at work. At home, I use stevia for my coffee.

>> No.10621567
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>tfw you're basically a NEET but in an office

>> No.10621581

Me too lol. What do they call people like us? "Worthless girl job holders?"

>> No.10621602

>Same thing every day: frozen burrito smothered in tobasco. I normally have orange juice with it, but I'm out, so I just put a vitamin C effervescent tablet in a cup of water
god damn i love frozen burritos, what flavor is it? meat? chicken? seafood? veggie?

how big is it? what brand? do you have a pic? how much does each burrito / pack cost? do you get hungry? is that 1 burrito enough to make you satiated?
2 splenda packets
woah, i could never handle that amount of acidity because of my acid reflux, i can't drink caffeinated coffee because of my hypersensitivity to it RLS and anxiety disorder

do you like flavored coffee with creamer / milk and spices? i.e vanilla cinammon latte or my favorite pumpkin spice specially if you make the spice mix yourself

>> No.10621648

Since it doesn't matter what others think about you, I firmly believe that the NEET life is the best life.

>> No.10621657

I prefer black coffee, but without anything added it reks my stomach cause of the acidity, so I usually add some half and half

>> No.10621767


I love these. Moar script wagey.

>> No.10621774
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>> No.10621785

You are one curious fucker lol. It's beef and bean red chili, from El Montery. About $3-$4 for pack of 8. Yeah, it's enough for me in the morning. I take plenty of vitamins too, so I don't get hungry until lunch time when I eat an apple and some chips. Sometimes I pack a couple squares of dark chocolate to treat myself.

>> No.10621788

Eating some beef jerky and ruffles Right now also got some almonds

>> No.10621825

You should read 'The Mezzanine' by Nicholson Baker

>> No.10621830

Worked 12 hours monday, 13 on Tuesday, 11 yesterday, and 4 today. Most of it was on the road and spent counting bugs in basedbean fields. My weekend is here.

>> No.10621861

Human Resources

>> No.10621864

i spent 2 hours this morning developing a new model for work distribution over various time intervals, turning crappy data into something useable. then wrote a script for automated upload into a system. entire team of idiots couldn't figure out how to do it for the last week.. saved the day for my boss, so i decided to leave early and bought some steaks for dinner. now i'm home.

>> No.10621886

i hope you get one of those bugs in your fuckin ear.

>> No.10621905

I feel like HR actually does something though, like at least busywork or work that doesn't need to be done. I think out of the 6-8 hours I spend at work each day, I do a maximum of 5 minutes worth of work each week.

>> No.10622012
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>I prefer black coffee, but without anything added it reks my stomach cause of the acidity, so I usually add some half and half
indeed, i struggle with the same, unfortunately i also suffer from gad rls and i'm hypersensitive to caffeine so i can only drink decaf but it tastes really good with creamer spices and flavorings
>You are one curious fucker lol.
hahah yeah i have to know everything might be because i may have mild autism not sure never got myself checked kek
>It's beef and bean red chili, from El Montery. About $3-$4 for pack of 8.
what? $4? wtf interesting, that's a really good deal i have to get me some frozen burritos

just searched it up myself pic related and indeed they're $3.42 at walmart for the non-chili version (price and caloric index didn't show up for that version), where did you buy them btw? where do you do most of your shopping?/

too bad they're only 310 calories per burrito, still a cheap frozen food 0.42 per burrito most of the frozen food i see's expensive

do you have any other frozen foods? what are they? how much did they cost? i really wanna go on a frozen food based diet because of the convenience factor
>Yeah, it's enough for me in the morning. I take plenty of vitamins too, so I don't get hungry until lunch time when I eat an apple and some chips.
hmmm, are you skinny? i'm 6ft2 200lbs and i'd need like 3 of those small burritos witha heap of fries or tater tots or something
>Sometimes I pack a couple squares of dark chocolate to treat myself.
nice, i like dark chocolate too, what brand? how much is it? what percent coco?

>> No.10622044

Coffee boy?

>> No.10622055

Enjoy your paper cuts, cubicle fagboy

>> No.10622070

Sup fellow wagies. Comfy office job, this year is the year I've finally reached 6 figures.
Eating tuna, pretzels, cheese and grapes for lunch while shitposting on /biz/
Tomorrow is executive retreat at swanky hotel
I'd rather be trading cryptos for a living but this ain't bad at all for now

>> No.10622071
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wew are you on crystal meth or something mate or just autistic?

>> No.10622072

I get them at Kroger. I don't need very much food. I guess you could say I'm skinny, but I eat more when I get home. Dark chocolate is either Lindt or Ghirardelli. Sometimes Private Selection though, they're pretty good.

Data entry, but over the past year there has been a shortage of data to enter

>> No.10622077

Be careful so none of those bugs end up in your ear canal!

>> No.10622085


>one day left (after this one)

god fucking damn it get out of my wagey head FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

>> No.10622088
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whoops sorry never read your post that time, realized you explained you might be autistic, just saw the big wall of text.

my bad fren

>> No.10622101

>hahah yeah i have to know everything might be because i may have mild autism not sure never got myself checked kek
It's all good anon I love your questions lol

>> No.10622102

two bartender interviews next week. one pays handsomely but i hear staff turnover is high, the other is a new place so i'm unsure, but it would be cool to get in from day 1. being NEET is kinda fun and kinda crisis inducing at the same time

>> No.10622106

I've always wondered, as a bartender do you ever get guys who try to intimidate you?

>> No.10622136

how do you mean?

>> No.10622144

I've always thought being a bartender would be kind of fun because you get to make a ton of extremely complex and neat-looking cocktails. Which country/state is this in?

>> No.10622147

yes indeed. Also good taste in women fellow NEET

>> No.10622151

Just as I asked, do you ever get guys in there that try to intimidate you?

>> No.10622169

>he has to check in to mr. Rosenbergs before he can shitpost
Truly pathetic

>> No.10622204

Whats for lunch today fellas?

its barely 12pm here on the west coast

I didnt pack lunch today,
I can choose between bristol farms (super expensive market), baja fresh, mcdonalds, corner bakery, pickup stix, el pollo loco, or subway. What should I pick guys?

>> No.10622210

McDonald's. Get a Big Mac with a large fry. Wash it down with a McChicken.

>> No.10622216

>>Only one day left (after this one) until the weekend!
only if you can escape your boss before he finds you and makes you do work over the weekend anon, better be as sneaky as a ninja all day tomorrow.

Ah, wagies and the lives they live, I think tomorrow I'll take out my boat and go fishing for most of the day, just imagine all those wagies excited about two days of free time, it's so amusing.

>> No.10622224

physically? no not at all. actually scratch that, once, he was an ex con, extremely violent and racist. headbutted a guy right in front of me and knocked him clean out for no reason whatsoever. although bartenders are never more than 2 seconds away from having security back them up, and they're more intimidating motherfuckers than anybody else in the place
Manchester, England. I love doing that. I compete nationally in cocktail competitions. the biggest drawback though is hours. 70/80 hour weeks and not seeing your 9-5er friends for a long time.

>> No.10622233

baja fresh sounds good

>> No.10622246

shit tier meal enjoy your diarrhea

>> No.10622247

How much do bartenders get paid?

>> No.10622278
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it's ok..

why is it that anytime i feel really engaged i have to put myself down and depress myself so i don't look weird or like i'm high on crystal meth or on drugs or something

isn't this supposed to be a safe haven for people like...i was gonna say us but the way u made fun of me makes me think u don't understand what i'm even talking about

are u chad?
>I get them at Kroger.
why do you shop at kroger? why not walmart? is it because it's closer to you or? are the prices better?

what do you think about trader joes

i saw this one guy on a world of warcraft youtube channel i used to follow years ago when i was like 11 that he shopped at trader joes and only ate frozen food but now that i do the calculations it seems really expensive to live off of trader joes frozen food because each meal is like $5-6 and they look small and they don't have many calories but then again he was really skelly so maybe he only ate like once a day
>I don't need very much food. I guess you could say I'm skinny, but I eat more when I get home.
i wish i was like that, i binge eat a lot so i have to make home cooked meals in big batches but it's tiring because of all the prep work and physical activity that goes into cooking big, good meals from scratch
>Dark chocolate is either Lindt or Ghirardelli. Sometimes Private Selection though, they're pretty good.
woah! that's like fancy expensive chocolate! you eat lindt? lindt is really tasty and melts in your mouth it's really good, a 144gm box of lindt dark chocolate truffles is $11+ at walmart, a 3.5oz wrapper of midnight reverie from ghirardelli is $35!!

how often do you get chocolate? are you rich?

i love u anon ;-;

>> No.10622328

typically minimum wage (here it's almost 8.50 an hour), + cash tips (that can really vary, i know places where the guys can make 250 quid a night, although i'm told that 200 of that goes on cocaine), but typically 20-50 a night is reasonable + service charge/tronc: that's reserved for hotel and restaurant bars (which is why they're my favourite places to work) and can anywhere from 200-1000 a month on your paycheck.
last year I took roughly 23k plus cash (another couple thousand)

>> No.10622363
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are students welcome in this thread?

>> No.10622365
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>isn't this supposed to be a safe haven for people
It's kind of strange because from what I hear most of the time, reddit is supposed to be the safe space and 4chan is filled with racist trolls. From my experience that definitely isn't the case and it really depends on not only what 4chan boards you go to, but the threads as well. For example /comfy/ threads like these
I tried checking out reddit in the past but it's too cancerous where almost everyone is whoring themselves out for upvotes. It's a lot nicer here where people speak what's actually on their mind and are honest (as long as they aren't LARP'ing ofc)

>> No.10622368

I fucking hate walmart. I feel like I'm going to a third world country whenever I go there. It's awful. A bunch of niggers with food stamps, stealing shit and starting fights with each other, and a bunch of illegal Mexicans too.

It's weird, because I thought we didn't even have any of these people in my part of town. I literally NEVER see non-white people except at walmart. Ironically, walmart has the best selection of yugioh cards.

>> No.10622374

Yes, a (((student))) after all is nothing more than a wagie in training

>> No.10622375

what did the guy that headbutted look like? was he a baldcel? small? big? short? tall? angry demeanor? hair color?

>> No.10622389

Set my alarm for 4am but had my phone on silent now I’m sitting on shitter at home with the thought of getting fired on my shoulders, how am I supposed to make it bros?

>> No.10622428

yo should invest in an Instant Pot. can throw all the ingredients in and push a button and done. no intense work needed, can make one pot pastas and rice bowls all day.

>> No.10622429

Just tell the truth: Your phone was on silent. If they fire you, just know you went out with honesty. Fuck em.

>> No.10622438

>Did you cook that yourself
Bro it's instant noodles from Aldi it's like 75¢

>> No.10622445
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haha yeh ::::DDD ilove u anon
don't be racist anon, it's not their ethnicity that matters it's what culture they follow what mindset they have and who they are as a person

if you were them it would be hard not to do the same thing they were

>> No.10622447

stocky, wider than he was tall, all muscle. can't remember his haircut or colour. ordered rather aggressively like this:
>white russian
>absolutely sir
>white though yeah? definitely a white russian?
>erm, yes?
>good, because there are too many blacks around here
what a cunt

>> No.10622471

i hate blacks as well so I do know where he is coming from. But if the headbutt was completely random and the receiving end didn't do shit then the guy needs to take his life.

>> No.10622521

yeah was an odd night. i rarely have to deal with that shit, more used to dealing with footballers and they're much nicer to be around

>> No.10622538

>it's not their ethnicity that matters it's what culture they follow what mindset they have and who they are as a person
Yeah that's the point. I wouldn't give a shit about their skin color if they were decent people, the problem is that their skin color happens to coincide with what I don't like

>> No.10622556
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I'm like you as well, I'm sorry big guy, its just asking that many questions is pretty wew lad, I mean a few but look you are gonna make it, love you fren

>> No.10622562
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>finished all important work of the week, can relax just doing some data entry tomorrow
>when I get home I'll prepare a nice spare-rib dinner, with a rib from a local butcher who's renown far and wide for their meat quality
>afterwards I'll head to the nearby post office to pick up a package with some games I imported from Japan, one of which I've been wanting to play for months but the torrent for it has been stuck at 40% for weeks
>will spend the weekend playing games, laughing at idolfags and have a family get-together on sunday
Feels good man.

>> No.10622747
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>> No.10622761

>Never ending stream of work that never ends
>Not enough staff to handle it all
I want to die

>> No.10622810

Customer comes up to me to purchase some shit. I ask if he wants the cash receipt. He says that I can save it in my photo album. I laugh politely and die inside, as this is the 6th time a customer made this joke today.

>> No.10622879

Just ate a sandwich. Job isnt bad, im basically paid to ensure we don't get financially JUSTed

>> No.10622899
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>yo should invest in an Instant Pot. can throw all the ingredients in and push a button and done. no intense work needed, can make one pot pastas and rice bowls all day.
thank you fren, i'm going to do this

what recipes do you recommend? i have to get a really big one, but i need really big multi portion recipes that will last me days
>I'm like you as well, I'm sorry big guy, its just asking that many questions is pretty wew lad, I mean a few but look you are gonna make it, love you fren
yeah i know...i wanna live in a world where i can sit down with someone and ask them questions all day and have them ask me questions all day and we can answer eachothers questions

i...i love u 2 ;-;

>> No.10622984
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>Yeah that's the point. I wouldn't give a shit about their skin color if they were decent people, the problem is that their skin color happens to coincide with what I don't like
i know anon but we can't do that, we have to take it on a case by case basis, we'd be doing a disservice to all the ethnicanons and non-assholish ethnic people and from your perspective all the conservative ethnic people and whatnot

white people happen to coincide with hillbilly's trailer trash rednecks meth addicts hate crime murders and slavery but it's just not like that, everyone's different, we're all individuals

i luv u anon i'm sorry ur walmarts are filled with shitty people but fuck them just don't go there

or you could take the time out of your day to genuinely and sincerely befriend them and talk to them show genuine interest in them as a person and maybe if you show them how you feel about their behavior politely they'll understand you like you've understood them and stop it and the people at walmart won't be shitty anymore

>> No.10623061

>yeah i know...i wanna live in a world where i can sit down with someone and ask them questions all day and have them ask me questions all day and we can answer eachothers questions

That sounds very beautiful and Socratic

>> No.10623182
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>That sounds very beautiful and Socratic
indeed it does

>> No.10623250
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Literally didn't even work today. Work as a programmer and half my day was browsing and daytrading and the other half was "working". Tomorrow will be even more slack since it's Friday. Pretty sad that I made more money in my trade today than I did in hourly wages.

>> No.10623278

any pressure cooker cookbook will do. the pot will also come with a cookbook. i think the regular size is fine for a single person for 3-4 days. I made chili once and it lasted me a while

>> No.10623284

Whoa, that's a really cool picture.

>> No.10623296
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im back from my lunch. I got a mcdouble and a mcchicken and a medium fries. how'd I do?

>> No.10623403

>but we can't do that
Yeah we can, by not going to walmart. I'm not going there except for the rare time I want to browse muh cards. I don't have time for any of that other stuff you recommended when the solution is to just not go to walmart

Kroger has better produce anyways

>> No.10623416
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Time to go home

>> No.10623852

Had my staple of pretzel goldfish and a vitamin water. We’re on sale for 99 cents and 88 cents respectively. Not a good lunch at all but has at least helped in losing weight by only eating that.

>> No.10624261
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>After a hard day earning money I get to enjoy my earnings with the nice food I can buy

>> No.10624319

That dude sounds badass as fuck lmao too many blacks that’s hilarious.

>> No.10624418

Learn how to buy good food?
Learn how to cook?

I dunno what is so hard about this.

>> No.10625278

aus fag here.Heading off to work in an hour. Bout to buy my first house, pretty happy bout that.

Had oats for breakfast for the macros cause /fit/ and bulking

Theres a management role up for grabs at work and I've held off so far no applying because I dont want to come off as cocky (only been there 5 months) but desu I've been getting opportunities to get experience in other roles (for half an hour or so at a time) that most that do, dont get for generally 1 - 2 years.

Gonna discuss with my team leader today tho

>> No.10625318

Armyfag here. Love that fucking salted cabbage bro. Cant get enough of it

>> No.10625330

>eating microwaved food
enjoy the cancer later in life
doctors will say microwaved food is safe, but they can't explain why so many people end up with cancer later in life

instead they blame longer lifespans, even though people used to live as long as we do today, the only difference was more babies died before the age of 1, pulling the average lifespan down, if you made it past 1, you were mostly fine

>> No.10625334

I got my TL position by making it know I wanted to be a TL and meeting the standards. You should let them know in a non cocky way.

>> No.10625397

I'm not going to say that you're wrong, but I think there's more to it than that. If you look at the ingredients in pop for example, that beverage is practically poison.

>> No.10625418

Once I started hitting targets consistently I told my TL that I wanted to get into a management position, now that im exceeding targets, he's giving me lots of opportunities a lot earlier than normal, I'm just a bit concerned about pushing the issue.
What do you do, anon?

>> No.10625459

there is more to it than that, it's not just microwaved food, but it doesn't help

all of the weird diseases in the past 20-30 years have popped up since widespread adoption of microwave ovens, but they also went heavy on pesticides, started putting mobile phone towers everywhere, changed the vaccine schedules, cut corners on food and started feeding people untested GMOs in that same time period

someone fucked up bigly and something's gotta give

also all the fallout from atmospheric nuclear tests is still lingering, hot isotopes take a while to become inert

>> No.10625542

I work in public accounting. I work harder than ANYONE in this thread. I'm LMAOing at you morons. I don't have weekends off. I work every single day.

>> No.10625545

Asia anon here, it's around 8:30 and I am heading to work. Last working day of this week

>> No.10625647

higher quantity of work doesnt equal higher quality of work, my dude.
Judging by the fact that you feel you had something to prove by posting that shit, seems you already know it too. Must suck being you.

>> No.10625722

It's high quality work. Sorry that you work an easy job.

>> No.10625742

what's the going rate for high quality work in public accounting these days

>> No.10625766

about a buck over minimum wage i'd imagine

>> No.10625771

>boss yells at everyone but me
what does it mean

>> No.10625790

$85,000 plus bonus at 3 years' experience. $200,000+ at director level (10 years)

>> No.10625826

And $500,000+ at partner level.

>> No.10625832

nice, i hope it works out. company offered me a senior director position but i didn't feel like managing people. also i dont work hard and make a lot. stay smug.

>> No.10626403


>> No.10626867
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These wage cuck threads are /comfy/

>> No.10626969

Fellow wagies, what are your tricks for finding these sweet do-nothing jobs? I've been at this shit company too long, but I have no network and I'm afraid to jump because I could land in an even worse job were I have to actually work all the time. That is my greatest fear; no amount of money is worth that shit.